31 August 2015

30 August 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Luke Foster

I suffered, I learned, I let go = = अक्लिश्ये अशिक्षे अत्यजम्

Infinite Consciousness = अनंतचैतन्य

Satyam Shivam Sundram = सत्यं शिवं सुंदरम्

aham Brahmasmi = अहं ब्रह्मास्मि

27 August 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Felicity Tang - Lynnette

Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones
प्रकाशाः त्वां गृहं प्रति मार्गदर्शनं करिष्यंति तवास्थीन् ज्वलंति च

If you never try you'll never know just what you're worth
यदि न प्रयतसे न कदापि खलु स्वार्हतां ज्ञास्यसि

It will be alright in the end = सर्वमंते सुष्ठु भवति

if you don't try, you won't know your self worth
यदि न प्रयतसे स्वार्हतां न कदापि ज्ञास्यसि

Let it be = तथास्तु

Sanskrit Translation of Name for Tattoo of Philip Prince

Krystyna [kris-tina] = क्रिस्टिना

23 August 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Names for Tattoo of Rudiger Zachmann

RUEDIGER [roo-dee-gur] = रूडीगर

MARGARITA [maar-gaa-rEE-taa] = मार्गारीटा

16 August 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Susan Conchar

With Joy = सहानंदेन

I let go [I am detached] = निरासक्तास्मि

Hold the vision, trust the process = दृष्टिं गृहाण प्रक्रियायां विश्वसिहि

There is no way to peace, peace is the way
नास्ति मार्गः शांतिं प्रति शांतिरेव मार्गः

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Jérome Simons

Authenticity = सप्रमाणता

Lena [Lay-Na] = लेना

13 August 2015

08 August 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Kathleen Casey

I dance = नृत्यामि

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Morgan Mead

This too shall pass = गच्छेदेतदपि

Above all else, to thine own self be true
स्वात्मानं प्रति सत्येन वर्तस्वेत्येतत्सर्वोच्चम्‌