Sanskrit Quotes for inspiration and motivation. Sanskrit translation is done by a human Sanskrit Translator and can be used as an online Sanskrit Dictionary. It is offered free of cost for up to 3 English words including numbers and initials for the first time only. For Translation Requests, please send an email to drkpp[at]hotmail[dot]com Donors get high resolution image of the translation done in calligraphic fonts which you can print and take to the tattoo artist.
24 December 2008
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Raejie Juance
Raejie (Red-gee) = रेजी
Jing (jhing) = झिंग
Bop and Jing = बॉप झिंग च
Jing (jhing) = झिंग
Bop and Jing = बॉप झिंग च
Gujarati Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Priyam Patel
Thank You For Teaching Me = ધન્યવાદ મને શિખવાડ્યા માટે
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Eric Beecroft
nomad = अस्थिरवासः
traveler = यात्रिकः
renunciation = सर्वसंगपरित्याग
traveler = यात्रिकः
renunciation = सर्वसंगपरित्याग
Japanese Tattoos : Names Translation for Pemma Ellis
Curtis : カーティス [kà:tisu]
Pemma : ペッマ [pè'ma] or ペンマ [pè'ma]
Pemma : ペッマ [pè'ma] or ペンマ [pè'ma]
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Tiego Nxumalo
Supreme Energy Of The Divine = दिव्यपरमोर्जा
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentences Translation for Myesha Pruette
1. Never Forget = मा कदापि विस्मर = maa ka-daa-pi wi-sma-ra
2. Never Forgotten = न कदापि विस्मृतः = na ka-daa-pi wis-mri-tah
2. Never Forgotten = न कदापि विस्मृतः = na ka-daa-pi wis-mri-tah
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Luke Upfold
1.Peace = शांति
2.Family = कुटुंब
3.Nobility = कुलीनता
2.Family = कुटुंब
3.Nobility = कुलीनता
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Alisa Kouznetsova
When I'm weak, I am strong
यदाबलास्मि, शक्तिमती अस्मि
यदाबलास्मि, शक्तिमती अस्मि
23 December 2008
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Clare Robinson
Word No. 1 Clare = clair = क्लैर
Word No. 2 Trust = विश्वास
Word No. 3 Forever = चिरंतन
Word No. 4 Love = प्रेम
Word No. 5 Believe = विश्वसिहि
Word No. 2 Trust = विश्वास
Word No. 3 Forever = चिरंतन
Word No. 4 Love = प्रेम
Word No. 5 Believe = विश्वसिहि
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Marleen
several ways in harmony
समरसतायां बहवः मार्गाः
sa-ma-ra-sa-taa-yaam ba-ha-wah maar-gaah
समरसतायां बहवः मार्गाः
sa-ma-ra-sa-taa-yaam ba-ha-wah maar-gaah
Sanskrit Tattoos : Mantra Translation for Alex Petridis
Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu = लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवंतु
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Helen Triplett
Alan (ah lan) = आलन
Derek (deh rick) = डेरिक
Triplett (trip lit) = ट्रिपलिट
Derek (deh rick) = डेरिक
Triplett (trip lit) = ट्रिपलिट
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Candice Gil
1. candice (KAN-diss) = कँडिस
2. resi (Pronunciation:\ˈre-zə) = रिझि
3. amazing = विस्मयजनक
4. 3 = ३
5. unique = एकमेव
2. resi (Pronunciation:\ˈre-zə) = रिझि
3. amazing = विस्मयजनक
4. 3 = ३
5. unique = एकमेव
Arabic Tattoos : Words Translation for Alleria McQuen
Serenity = صفاء
Understanding= فهم
Harmony = انسجام
Joyful = سعيد
Understanding= فهم
Harmony = انسجام
Joyful = سعيد
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Amari Raj
Spiritual = आध्यात्मिक
Strength = शक्ति
Mind = मनः
Body = शरीर
Soul = आत्मा
Strength = शक्ति
Mind = मनः
Body = शरीर
Soul = आत्मा
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for bribrihearts
Pray Until Something Happens
प्रार्थयस्व यावन्न किमपि घटते
प्रार्थयस्व यावन्न किमपि घटते
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Melissa Leong
Word 1: Melissa (pronounced as "mer - li - sir") = मेलिसा
Word 2: Freedom = मुक्ति
Word 3: Seize the day = दिनं गृहाण
Word 2: Freedom = मुक्ति
Word 3: Seize the day = दिनं गृहाण
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Samantha Prytz
Word 1: Samantha = समंथा
Word 2: Dave = डेव्ह
Word 3: Sam = सम
Word 4: David = डेव्हिड
Word 2: Dave = डेव्ह
Word 3: Sam = सम
Word 4: David = डेव्हिड
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Maik Grünefeld - Jahn Lindern
destiny forms character = नियतिः चारित्र्यं घटयति
Hindi Tattoos : Name Translation for Endrasen Naidoo
Ishara Vidya(Eesh-aa-raa Vid-ee-ya) = ईशारा विदीया
Gujarati Tattoos : Sentences Translation for Trisha Patel
Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies
મિત્રતા એ બે શરીરમાં રેહનારો એકજ આત્મા છે
મિત્રતા એ બે શરીરમાં રેહનારો એકજ આત્મા છે
22 December 2008
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Paul Jackson
marie(mrie) = म्रि
paul(porl) = पोल
thomas(tomis) = टोमिस
paul(porl) = पोल
thomas(tomis) = टोमिस
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Kyle Douglas Cardenas
as it is in heaven = यथास्ति स्वर्गे
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Juli Wilson
sister = भगिनी
sisterhood =भगिनीभाव
family =कुटुंब
reduce anxiety = चिंतामल्पीकुरु
Immerse your soul in love = तवात्मानं प्रेम्णि निमज्ज
sisterhood =भगिनीभाव
family =कुटुंब
reduce anxiety = चिंतामल्पीकुरु
Immerse your soul in love = तवात्मानं प्रेम्णि निमज्ज
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Tegan Kosters
1) Faith = श्रद्धा
2) Hope = आशा
3) Love = प्रेम
2) Hope = आशा
3) Love = प्रेम
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Heena Parmar
faith = श्रद्धा
strength = शक्ति
love = प्रेम
hope = आशा
courage = धैर्य
strength = शक्ति
love = प्रेम
hope = आशा
courage = धैर्य
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Dave Nadkarni
Charity = धर्मदान
Self-Control = स्वनियंत्रण
Sacrifice = त्याग
Self-Control = स्वनियंत्रण
Sacrifice = त्याग
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Silvija Vadeikyte
> > 1. ego = अहंकार
> > 2. benevelont = सुकार्मिक
> > 3. reverence = आदर
> > 2. benevelont = सुकार्मिक
> > 3. reverence = आदर
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentences Translation for Cuana M Newson
Know thyself = आत्मानं जानीहि
love thyself = आत्मानमनुरज
Cuana (koo ah nah) = कूआना
love thyself = आत्मानमनुरज
Cuana (koo ah nah) = कूआना
Hindi Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Lisa Lowry
Jayme (J ME ) = जेमी
mommys little angel = माँ का छोटा देवदूत
mommys little angel = माँ का छोटा देवदूत
Thai Tattoos : Words Translation for Ryan Bater
1. Tatiya = ตติยะ
2. Mother = แม่
3. Serenity = สันติสุข
4. Courage = ความกล้าหาญ
5. Wisdom = เชาวน์ปัญญา
2. Mother = แม่
3. Serenity = สันติสุข
4. Courage = ความกล้าหาญ
5. Wisdom = เชาวน์ปัญญา
Thai Tattoos : Phrases Translation for Inga Russell - Admin
Word no.1: Spiritual growth = การเจริญเติบโตทางจิตใจ
Word no.2: Spiritual strength = พลังทางจิตใจ
Word no.2: Spiritual strength = พลังทางจิตใจ
Thai Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Audrey Lau
AUDREY = ออดรี
Love & Hatred = ความรักและความเกลียดชัง
Love & Hatred = ความรักและความเกลียดชัง
21 December 2008
Arabic Tattoos : Names Translation for Amanda Hofman
Amanda = اماندا
Maria = ماريا
Hofman = هوفمان
Jimmy = جيمي
Maria = ماريا
Hofman = هوفمان
Jimmy = جيمي
Hebrew Tattoos : Words Translation for Matheus Paixao
1.RESPECT = כבוד
2.HONESTY = כנות
3.UNITY = אחדות
4.KNOWLeDGE = ידע
5.LOVE = אהבה
2.HONESTY = כנות
3.UNITY = אחדות
4.KNOWLeDGE = ידע
5.LOVE = אהבה
Hebrew Tattoos : Words Translation for Joy Floyd Yvonne
1. beverly = בוורלי
> 2. victor = ויקטור
3. elson = אלסון
4. alanna = אלנה
> = ג'וי
> 2. victor = ויקטור
3. elson = אלסון
4. alanna = אלנה
> = ג'וי
Hebrew Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Scott Barrett
one life one chance = תקופת חיים אחת, הזדמנות אחת
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Kelly Sullivan
Shaped by whom I love = घटितस्तैः याननुरजामि
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Desiree Evancio
Tadaa drashtuh svaroope 'vasthanam
तदा द्रष्टु: स्वरूपेऽवस्थानम्
Shivo'ham= शिवोऽहम्
तदा द्रष्टु: स्वरूपेऽवस्थानम्
Shivo'ham= शिवोऽहम्
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Melanie Murphy
1. Melanie - (Mel-an-ie) = मेलानी
2. Lotus Flower = पद्मपुष्प
4. Hope = आशा
5. Dreams = स्वप्नाः
2. Lotus Flower = पद्मपुष्प
4. Hope = आशा
5. Dreams = स्वप्नाः
Japanese Tattoos : Names Translation for Jim Schorn
Lionel : ライオネル [ràioneru]
Victor : ビクター [bìkuta:]
Voges : ヴォジェズ [vòdjezu]
Mary-Ann : メアリー・アン [mèari: an]
Connor : コナー [kòna:]
Victor : ビクター [bìkuta:]
Voges : ヴォジェズ [vòdjezu]
Mary-Ann : メアリー・アン [mèari: an]
Connor : コナー [kòna:]
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Shafid Morgan
Shafid (SHA-FEED) = शफीद
Morgan (MOR-GEN) = मॉर्गेन
Carmelo (CAR-ME-LO) = कार्मेलो
Roman (ROE-MAN) = रोमन
Neena (NEE-NA) = नीना
Morgan (MOR-GEN) = मॉर्गेन
Carmelo (CAR-ME-LO) = कार्मेलो
Roman (ROE-MAN) = रोमन
Neena (NEE-NA) = नीना
Gujarati Tattoos : Names Translation for VIMAL BHAGWANJI
1) Jayanti = જયંતી
2) Anjana = અંજના
3) Bhagwanji = ભગવાનજી
2) Anjana = અંજના
3) Bhagwanji = ભગવાનજી
Hindi Tattoos : Names Translation for Ayania Drashana
Word No. 1 Ayania (I ya na) = आयाना
Word No. 2 Drashana (Dra Sha na) = द्रशना
Word No. 2 Drashana (Dra Sha na) = द्रशना
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Jason Thompson
loving you forever
DUKE [dook] = डूक
loving you forever
DUKE [dook] = डूक
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Lakyn A Snyder
Word 1: Grandmother (mother's mother) = मातामही
Word 2: With me Always = मया सह सदैव
Word 2: With me Always = मया सह सदैव
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Dawn Granjard
1. Love = प्रेम
2. Peace = शांति
3. Joy = आनंद
4. Angels = देवदूताः
5. Abundance = समृद्धि
2. Peace = शांति
3. Joy = आनंद
4. Angels = देवदूताः
5. Abundance = समृद्धि
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Rebecca Riley
Word 1 - Georgia - (jor-jah) = जॉर्जा
Word 2 - Dylan - (dill-un) = डिलन
Word 2 - Dylan - (dill-un) = डिलन
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Maya Porrino
Dr. = डॉ.
illusion = Maya = माया
Doctor = डॉक्टर
illusion = Maya = माया
Doctor = डॉक्टर
Hindi Tattoos : Sentences Translation for Ralph Angela Robinson
You know my mind
तुम मेरा मन जानती हो
tum me-raa man jaa-na-tee ho
You know my heart
तुम मेरा दिल जानती हो
tum me-raa dil jaa-na-tee ho
तुम मेरा मन जानती हो
tum me-raa man jaa-na-tee ho
You know my heart
तुम मेरा दिल जानती हो
tum me-raa dil jaa-na-tee ho
20 December 2008
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Rene Sleppy
With Love We Are Bound = प्रेम्णा वयं बद्धाः
Hindi tattoos : Sentence Translation for Traci Watts
हमेशा खुद से सच्चाई से बरतो
हमेशा खुद से सच्चाई से बरतो
Sanskrit Tattoos : Name Translation for Danendran Selvarajah
Danendran Selvarajah = दनेंद्रन सेल्वाराजा
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Praven Naidoo
Word No. 1: Zara (ZA-rah) = झारा
Word No. 2: Esther (ESS-ter) = एस्टर
Word No. 3: Naidoo (NI-doo) = नायडू
Word No. 2: Esther (ESS-ter) = एस्टर
Word No. 3: Naidoo (NI-doo) = नायडू
19 December 2008
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Yasmine Saarela
The heart knows no distances = हृदयं दूरतां न जानाति
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Isahrai Azaria
in the course of living and dying = जीवनमरणक्रमे
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Dechagas, April
Word #1 - tranquility = मानसिकशांति
word #2 - peace = शांति
word #2 - peace = शांति
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Queen Brandi
Choose Happiness Everyday = प्रतिदिनमानंदं वर
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Beca Manzon
Rebeca (reh-beh-kah) = रेबेका
Beca (beh-kah) = बेका
Eventually (finally) = अंते
Beca (beh-kah) = बेका
Eventually (finally) = अंते
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Andrada Fluturas
Live every day of life = जीवनस्य प्रत्येकदिनं जीव
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Ashley Swedbergh
until we meet again = यावन्न पुनः मिलावः
Father = पिता
Father = पिता
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Whitney Buehler
1 Self Exploration = आत्मशोधन
2 Forgiveness = क्षमाशीलता
3 Perserverance = सातत्य
4 Confidence = आत्मविश्वास
2 Forgiveness = क्षमाशीलता
3 Perserverance = सातत्य
4 Confidence = आत्मविश्वास
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Antonia Miguel
> Michael(mykel) = मायकेल
> Miguel(megel) = मेगेल
> Antonia = अँटोनिआ
> Miguel(megel) = मेगेल
> Antonia = अँटोनिआ
Sanskrit Tattoos : Word Translation for Colin Robins
Thomas (Tom-ass) = टॉमॅस
Eternity = अनंतता
Enlightenment = प्रबोधन
Nirvana = निर्वाण
Love = प्रेम
Eternity = अनंतता
Enlightenment = प्रबोधन
Nirvana = निर्वाण
Love = प्रेम
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Brandt Holbrook - Tricky
1. Josie - Joe-see = जोसी
2. Hannah - Han-na = हॅना
3. My Daughters = मम पुत्र्यौ
2. Hannah - Han-na = हॅना
3. My Daughters = मम पुत्र्यौ
Arabic Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Whitney Pointer
1. Whitney = ويتني
2. Never Accept Ordinary = لن تقبل العادي
3.DeShay = دي شاي
2. Never Accept Ordinary = لن تقبل العادي
3.DeShay = دي شاي
Arabic Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Sandra Yousef
Our love will blossom forever = سيتزهر حبنا إلى الأبد
18 December 2008
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Thomas Duffner
Light = प्रकाश
Love = प्रेम
Peace = शांति
Joy = आनंद
Love = प्रेम
Peace = शांति
Joy = आनंद
Sanskrit Tattoos : Word Translation for Crystal Deoraj
1. dream = स्वप्न
2. peace = शांति
3. strength = शक्ति
4. love = प्रेम
5. Crystal = क्रिस्टल
2. peace = शांति
3. strength = शक्ति
4. love = प्रेम
5. Crystal = क्रिस्टल
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Carlo Santino Ebuña Falk
Our love will blossom for ever = प्रेमास्माकं शाश्वतं वर्धिष्यते
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Wells, Christina
Give Love Speak Truth = यच्छ अनुरज वद सत्यम्
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrases Translation for John Fraele - FRAESE MEX
1). fearless (male) John (ponunciation: tshon) = अभयः शॉन
2). fearless (femal) Monica (ponunciation: monika) = अभया मोनिका
2). fearless (femal) Monica (ponunciation: monika) = अभया मोनिका
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Damien Cotton
1. Natasha = नताशा
2. Lee = ली
3. Rocha (pronounced Row-ka) = रॉका
2. Lee = ली
3. Rocha (pronounced Row-ka) = रॉका
Sanskrit Tattoos : Initials Translation for Igz Brezr
1. HS = एच एस
2. LL = एल एल
3. Igor (pronouced e-gor) = इगोर
2. LL = एल एल
3. Igor (pronouced e-gor) = इगोर
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Martha Zirger Lee
1. Kevin (pronounced Keh-vin) = केव्हिन
2. Alexandria (pronounced Al-ex-and-reeah) = अलेक्सँड्रीआ
3. eternity = अनंतता
2. Alexandria (pronounced Al-ex-and-reeah) = अलेक्सँड्रीआ
3. eternity = अनंतता
Hindi tattoos : Words Translation for Friné Velilla
Word No 1: Frine (pronounced Free-NEH) = फ्रीने
Word No 2: Free = मुक्त (male)/ मुक्ता (female)
Word No 3: Freedom = मुक्ति
Word No 2: Free = मुक्त (male)/ मुक्ता (female)
Word No 3: Freedom = मुक्ति
Hindi Tattoos : Words Translation for Christoph Pfaller
> 1) Satisfaction = समाधान
> 2) Self-confidence = आत्मविश्वास
> 3) vitality = सजीवता
> 4) Sandra = सँड्रा
> 5) Christoph = क्रिस्टोफ
> 2) Self-confidence = आत्मविश्वास
> 3) vitality = सजीवता
> 4) Sandra = सँड्रा
> 5) Christoph = क्रिस्टोफ
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Denise & Paul Philleywood
patience pays = सहनशीलता लाभप्रदा
Jarvis (pronounced: JAR-viss) = जार्व्हिस
Linus (pronounced: LIE-nuss) = लीनस
Jarvis (pronounced: JAR-viss) = जार्व्हिस
Linus (pronounced: LIE-nuss) = लीनस
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrases Translation for Lindsey W
love dream = स्वप्नमनुरज
sisters love = भगिनीप्रेम
sisters love = भगिनीप्रेम
Hindi Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Tracey Yard - Matt Yard
Patience = सहनशीलता
Guidance = मार्गदर्शन
Unconditional Love = विशुद्ध प्रेम
Guidance = मार्गदर्शन
Unconditional Love = विशुद्ध प्रेम
Sanskrit Quote Translation for Sachin Advait - Prasaad
अमंत्रमक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम्।
अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः॥
English Translation of Sanskrit Quote :
There is no letter which doesn't have charm (curative property).
There is no root which doesn't have medicinal property.
There is no man who is not able.
Rare is a person who knows its proper application.
अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः॥
English Translation of Sanskrit Quote :
There is no letter which doesn't have charm (curative property).
There is no root which doesn't have medicinal property.
There is no man who is not able.
Rare is a person who knows its proper application.
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Nicholas Lawrence
Sebastian (Se-bas-tchin) = सेबॅस्चिन
Caleb (Kay-lib) = केलिब
Felix (Fee-liks) = फीलिक्स
Nick (Nik) = निक
Lee = ली
Caleb (Kay-lib) = केलिब
Felix (Fee-liks) = फीलिक्स
Nick (Nik) = निक
Lee = ली
Hindi Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Ulpa Patel
dreams = सपने
New Zealand = न्यूझीलंड
drums = ढोलक
New Zealand = न्यूझीलंड
drums = ढोलक
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Karma Martell
1. Karma = कर्म
2. KarmaCom kar-ma-com = कर्मकॉम
3. good karma = सुकर्म
4. star = तारा
2. KarmaCom kar-ma-com = कर्मकॉम
3. good karma = सुकर्म
4. star = तारा
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrases Translation for Cassie Hall
1. New Beginning = नवारंभ
2. Beautiful Mistake = सुंदरप्रमाद
3. Serenity = मानसिकशांति
2. Beautiful Mistake = सुंदरप्रमाद
3. Serenity = मानसिकशांति
17 December 2008
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Rebecca Martinez
Maayaa (illusion) : माया
Revelation : आविष्कार
Mooji (Moo-gee) : मूगी
Infinate awareness: अनंतप्रबोधन
Revelation : आविष्कार
Mooji (Moo-gee) : मूगी
Infinate awareness: अनंतप्रबोधन
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Pietro Muzio
freedom = मुक्ति
brother = भ्राता
sister = भगिनी
brother = भ्राता
sister = भगिनी
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Claudio Araya Caroca
UNIVERSAL SPIRIT LIVES IN ME = विश्वात्मा मयि जीवति
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Marvin Stobberingh
The world is yours = जगत्त्वदीयमस्ति
Marvin (pronounced: MAR-ven ) = मार्व्हेन
Marvin (pronounced: MAR-ven ) = मार्व्हेन
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Mel Kerr
Word 1 - mo (pronunciation - mow) = मॉ
Word 2 - jeze (pronunciation - jezee) = जेझी
word 3 - jase (pronunciation - jase) = जेस
Word 2 - jeze (pronunciation - jezee) = जेझी
word 3 - jase (pronunciation - jase) = जेस
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Sognia
Sognia (son ya) = सोनया
Chloe (klo ee) = क्लोई
Anthony (Anthon ee) = अँथोनी
Chayse (chase) = चेस
Georja (jor Ja) = जोर्जा
Chloe (klo ee) = क्लोई
Anthony (Anthon ee) = अँथोनी
Chayse (chase) = चेस
Georja (jor Ja) = जोर्जा
Sanskrit Tattoos : Name Translation for Stephanie Singh
Stephanie Singh = [pronounced Stef-Ah-Nee] = स्टेफानी सिंग
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrases Translation for Nona Howard
stephanie stef ah nee = स्टेफनी
nona violet howard(No - Nah Vy-Let How -erd) = नोना व्हायलेट होवर्ड
have courage fear nothing = धैर्यं धारय किमपि मा भैषीः
nona violet howard(No - Nah Vy-Let How -erd) = नोना व्हायलेट होवर्ड
have courage fear nothing = धैर्यं धारय किमपि मा भैषीः
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Tiffany Pegues
blessed = धन्या
rebirth = पुनर्जन्म
remember = स्मर
beloved = प्रिया
rebirth = पुनर्जन्म
remember = स्मर
beloved = प्रिया
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for John Forde
strength = शक्ति
Attack = आक्रमण
Forde(ford) = फोर्ड
333 = ३३३
Attack = आक्रमण
Forde(ford) = फोर्ड
333 = ३३३
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Ken Kneath
1) HAZEL (hay-zel) = हेझेल
2) PETER (pee-ta) = पीट
3) SARAH (seh-ra) = सेरा
4) DANNY (dan-ee) = डेना
5) ANNA (an-na) = एना
2) PETER (pee-ta) = पीट
3) SARAH (seh-ra) = सेरा
4) DANNY (dan-ee) = डेना
5) ANNA (an-na) = एना
16 December 2008
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Karla J. Coffelt
Christmas = क्रिसमस
Love = प्रेम
Please = कृपया
Thanks = धन्यवादाः
Congratulations = अभिनंदन
Love = प्रेम
Please = कृपया
Thanks = धन्यवादाः
Congratulations = अभिनंदन
Sanskrit Tattoos : Name Translation for Manasi C. Shah
1. मीनाक्षी = Mee-naakshee = having (long & lustrus ) eyes like a fish
2. मृगनयनी = Mri-ga-na-ya-nee = having (long & wide) eyes like a deer
3. मृणालिनी = Mri-na-li-nee = (The one who is as delicate as ) the stalk of lotus plant
4. मेनका = Me-na-kaa = Name of the beautiful heavenly dancer.
2. मृगनयनी = Mri-ga-na-ya-nee = having (long & wide) eyes like a deer
3. मृणालिनी = Mri-na-li-nee = (The one who is as delicate as ) the stalk of lotus plant
4. मेनका = Me-na-kaa = Name of the beautiful heavenly dancer.
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Graham Hayhoe
Love Honour and Respect Forever
प्रेम सन्मानः आदरश्च
प्रेम सन्मानः आदरश्च
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Kendra Ferguson
1. Happiness = आनंद
2. Love = प्रेम
3. Peace = शांति
2. Love = प्रेम
3. Peace = शांति
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Janine Roberts
Live life to the full = पूर्णत्वेन जीवनं जीव
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Nicole Strickland - Osborne
Strength = शक्ति
Love = प्रेम
Happiness = आनंद
Freedom = मुक्ति
Love = प्रेम
Happiness = आनंद
Freedom = मुक्ति
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Alex Brummitt
firm ground (stability) within = दृढांतर्गतस्थिरता
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Marquita L. Jones
whatever will be, will be = यत्किमपि भविष्यति, भविष्यति
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Sandra Wallace
Joshua(Pronounced - Josh u a) = जोशुआ
Scott(Pronounced - Scot) = स्कॉट
Cole(Pronounced - Coal) = कोल
Rayne(Pronounced - Rain) = रेन
Scott(Pronounced - Scot) = स्कॉट
Cole(Pronounced - Coal) = कोल
Rayne(Pronounced - Rain) = रेन
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Ajeetha Duthie
i will never forget you = त्वां न कदापि विस्मरिष्यामि
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Angelina Malmros
She flies with own wings = सा स्वपक्षाभ्यां डयते
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Jessica Capewell
I will love you forever = त्वां शाश्वतमनुरक्ष्यामि
Hindi tattoos : Sentence Translation for Jillian Fisher
I will have life eternally = मुझे अमर जिंदगी मिलेगी
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Alexandra Manasseh
Our spirit lives forever = अस्माकमात्मा शाश्वतं जीवति
Sanskrit Tattoos : Words Translation for Andrew Christie
1: Harmony = समरसता
2: Understanding = संज्ञान
3: Compassion = करुणा
2: Understanding = संज्ञान
3: Compassion = करुणा
Sanskrit Tattoos : Sentence Translation for Kelly Purchase
Everything happens for a reason = सर्वं कारणोद्भवमस्ति
Sanskrit Tattoos : Names Translation for Sharmila dhupar
name 1) NIKHIL = निखिल
name 2) NITIN = नितिन
name 2) NITIN = नितिन
Sanskrit Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Hanna Olsson Friberg
Spiritual Growth = आध्यात्मिकवृद्धि
Faith = श्रद्धा
Patience = सहनशीलता
Calm = शांतता
Faith = श्रद्धा
Patience = सहनशीलता
Calm = शांतता
Posted by
Kiran Paranjape