19 March 2020

14 March 2020

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Bharath Gopinadhan

Light comes after darkness = तमसः पश्चात्प्रकाशः आगच्छति

10 March 2020

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Rebecca White

I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious
न मे विशेषप्रज्ञा विद्यते अहं केवलं तीव्रतया कुतूहलिनी

passionately curious = तीव्रतया कुतूहलिनी

01 March 2020

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Trevor Singh

Strong = बली

Infinite = अनंत

Two Souls, One Heart = द्वावात्मानौ एकहृदयम्

Never Alone = न कदापि एकाकी

Stay Alive = जीव

Begin Again = पुनरारभस्व

From Darkness To Light = तमसः प्रकाशं प्रति

Go Forth With Love = प्रेम्णा प्रवर्तस्व

Love Fiercely = तीव्रमनुरज

The hardest part isn’t finding what we need to be, it’s being content with who we are
स्वस्थितिसमाधानप्राप्तिः ध्येयप्राप्तेः कष्टतरा

Sanskrit Translation of Names for Tattoo of Thorsten Makowski

Nicole Ni (like "nibble") co (like "cooperate") l (like "lot") = निकोल

Fabienne [Fa bi en] = फॅबिएन

Thorsten [tor-sten] = टॉर्स्टेन

Sanskrit Translation of Word for Tattoo of Kathleen Williams

Warrior = योद्धा