31 May 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Otto Martinez



DISCIPLINE = अनुशासन

24 May 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Indra Paternotte

inhale = श्वसिहि

exhale = उच्छ्वसिहि

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Candice Bacabac

attitude of gratitude = कृतज्ञताभाव

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Lotte Janssen - Roger Janssen

The most beautiful thing you can become is yourself
तत्त्वमसि यत्सुंदरतमवस्तु भवितुं शक्नोसि

Sanskrit Translation of Name for Tattoo of Joanne Bray

Joanne Bray [Jo-ann Br-ay] = जोएन ब्रे

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Hannah Nicdao

endure and survive = सहस्वातिजीव च

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of AMBER JOHNSEY

watergarden = जलोद्यान

joyous place = आनंदस्थल

21 May 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Wendy Byerly - Creasey

She flies with her own wings = सा तस्याः स्वपक्षाभ्यां डयते

Nothing is heavy to those who have wings = पक्षवद्भ्यः न किमपि गुरु

Wendy [WEN-DEE] = वेंडी

Robert [RAA-BERT] = राबर्ट

WENDY MY LOVE = वेंडी मम प्रेम

ROBERT MY LOVE = राबर्ट मम प्रेम

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Frances Greene

free one = मुक्ता

Sanskrit Translation of Word for Tattoo of Ritvika Malik

Persevere = प्रयतस्व