Katie [kay-tee] = केटी
Kathryn [kath-rin] = कॅथरिन
Sanskrit Quotes for inspiration and motivation. Sanskrit translation is done by a human Sanskrit Translator and can be used as an online Sanskrit Dictionary. It is offered free of cost for up to 3 English words including numbers and initials for the first time only. For Translation Requests, please send an email to drkpp[at]hotmail[dot]com Donors get high resolution image of the translation done in calligraphic fonts which you can print and take to the tattoo artist.
31 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Bob Smith - Jason Tellinghuisen
The only rule to follow in life is to follow one's own will and desire
स्वेच्छायाः स्वकामनायाः अनुगमनमित्येव नियमः जीवने अनुगम्यः
स्वेच्छायाः स्वकामनायाः अनुगमनमित्येव नियमः जीवने अनुगम्यः
Sanskrit Translation for Danique Van Den Berg
Shine bright like a diamond = हीरकः इव प्रद्योतस्व
love = प्रेम
love = प्रेम
29 December 2012
28 December 2012
27 December 2012
26 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Komakha Vyacheslav - VOYTSEKHOVICH ALEXEY
My world always cares about me
मम जगत्सदा मामवेक्षते
My world gives me everything what I want
मम जगन्मह्यं तत्सर्वं यच्छति यदिच्छामि
मम जगत्सदा मामवेक्षते
My world gives me everything what I want
मम जगन्मह्यं तत्सर्वं यच्छति यदिच्छामि
25 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Arbely Rubalcava
Let your spirit ignite this world so that it is left better than was found
एतज्जगद्भद्रतरं कर्तुं तवात्मा तत्संदीपयतु
Let your spirit ignite the world
एतज्जगद्भद्रतरं कर्तुं तवात्मा तत्संदीपयतु
Let your spirit ignite the world
24 December 2012
23 December 2012
22 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Kristopher Koeller
Music has bigger influence than words and more beautiful than pictures
संगीतं शब्देभ्यः प्रभाववत्तरं चित्रेभ्यः सुंदरतरं चास्ति
संगीतं शब्देभ्यः प्रभाववत्तरं चित्रेभ्यः सुंदरतरं चास्ति
21 December 2012
Translation for Henrique Moreira
From delusion lead me to truth
From darkness lead me to light
From death lead me to immortality
असतो मा सद्गमय
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय
Let there be peace everywhere
सर्वत्र शांतिरस्तु
When the five senses and the mind are in harmony, and reason itself rests in silence, then begins the Path supreme
यदा पंचेंद्रियाः मनश्च सुसंवादे वर्तंते तर्कश्च शांत्यां विश्राम्यति तदारंभते परममार्गः
הנסיך שנשלח על ידי אלהים
The prince sent by God
From delusion lead me to truth
From darkness lead me to light
From death lead me to immortality
असतो मा सद्गमय
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय
Let there be peace everywhere
सर्वत्र शांतिरस्तु
When the five senses and the mind are in harmony, and reason itself rests in silence, then begins the Path supreme
यदा पंचेंद्रियाः मनश्च सुसंवादे वर्तंते तर्कश्च शांत्यां विश्राम्यति तदारंभते परममार्गः
הנסיך שנשלח על ידי אלהים
The prince sent by God
Translation for Sakshi Khurana
We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated
बहुपराजयान्संमुखीकरवाम न तु पराजिताः भवाम
You rose into my life like a promised sunrise, brightening my days with the light in your eyes. I've never been so strong. Now I'm where I belong
तव नेत्रप्रकाशेन मम दिनानि द्योतमानः सूर्योदयः इव मम जीवने सत्यमगच्छः। न कदाप्येतावद्बलमनुभूतं मया। अधुनास्मि मम योग्यस्थाने।
In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine
सर्वजगति मह्यं त्वदीयमिव हृदयं न विद्यते। सर्वजगति तुभ्यं मदीयमिव प्रेम न विद्यते।
The course of true love never did run smooth
सत्यप्रेम्णः मार्गः न कदाप्यासीदनंतरायः
We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated
ہمیں متعدد ہار کا سامنا ہوسکتا ہے لیکن ہمیں ہار نہیں ماننی چاہیے
You rose into my life like a promised sunrise, brightening my days with the light in your eyes. I’ve never been so strong. Now I’m where I belong
آپ میرے زندگی میں سورج کی پہلی کرن کی طرح آئی ہیں، اور اپنی روش آنکھوں سے میرے دن میں اجالا کردیا ہے۔ میں نے خود کو کبھی بھی اتنا مضبوط محسوس نہیں کیا۔ اور اب میں اپنے صحیح مقام پر ہوں۔
In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine
پوری دنیا میں، میرے لئے آپ جیسا کوئی نہیں۔ پوری دنیا میں آپ کو میری جیسی محبت نہیں ملے گی
The course of true love never did run smooth
حقیقی محبت کے راستے آسان نہیں ہوتے
We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated
बहुपराजयान्संमुखीकरवाम न तु पराजिताः भवाम
You rose into my life like a promised sunrise, brightening my days with the light in your eyes. I've never been so strong. Now I'm where I belong
तव नेत्रप्रकाशेन मम दिनानि द्योतमानः सूर्योदयः इव मम जीवने सत्यमगच्छः। न कदाप्येतावद्बलमनुभूतं मया। अधुनास्मि मम योग्यस्थाने।
In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine
सर्वजगति मह्यं त्वदीयमिव हृदयं न विद्यते। सर्वजगति तुभ्यं मदीयमिव प्रेम न विद्यते।
The course of true love never did run smooth
सत्यप्रेम्णः मार्गः न कदाप्यासीदनंतरायः
We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated
ہمیں متعدد ہار کا سامنا ہوسکتا ہے لیکن ہمیں ہار نہیں ماننی چاہیے
You rose into my life like a promised sunrise, brightening my days with the light in your eyes. I’ve never been so strong. Now I’m where I belong
آپ میرے زندگی میں سورج کی پہلی کرن کی طرح آئی ہیں، اور اپنی روش آنکھوں سے میرے دن میں اجالا کردیا ہے۔ میں نے خود کو کبھی بھی اتنا مضبوط محسوس نہیں کیا۔ اور اب میں اپنے صحیح مقام پر ہوں۔
In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine
پوری دنیا میں، میرے لئے آپ جیسا کوئی نہیں۔ پوری دنیا میں آپ کو میری جیسی محبت نہیں ملے گی
The course of true love never did run smooth
حقیقی محبت کے راستے آسان نہیں ہوتے
20 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Hannah Stocking
Love is the movement = प्रेम चलनमस्ति
Love is the revolution = प्रेम परिवर्तनमस्ति
Love is the revolution = प्रेम परिवर्तनमस्ति
19 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Danielle Napolitano
Never a failure, always a lesson = न कदाप्यसफलता सदैव पाठः
Sanskrit Translation for I Gede Wardita Mitchell
Poetri Andarini [poo-tree-un-daa-ree-nee] = पूट्री अंडारीनी
18 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Andrew Malcolmson
पिता पुत्रश्च अखंड्यबंधः
पिता पुत्रश्च अखंड्यबंधः
Sanskrit Translation for Melany Stevenson
Be the change you wish to see in the world
तत्परिवर्तनं भव यज्जगति द्रष्टुमिच्छसि
तत्परिवर्तनं भव यज्जगति द्रष्टुमिच्छसि
17 December 2012
16 December 2012
15 December 2012
14 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Jaymz Dorrian
All matter is purely energy condensed to a slow vibration
सर्वद्रव्यं मंदकंपनेन घनीभूता केवलमूर्जा
We are all of one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively
वयं सर्वे चैतन्यमेकमेव स्वात्मानमनुभवद्व्यक्तिनिष्ठतया
There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves
मृत्युर्नास्ति जीवनं केवलं स्वप्नः वयं चास्माकं स्वकल्पनैव
सर्वद्रव्यं मंदकंपनेन घनीभूता केवलमूर्जा
We are all of one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively
वयं सर्वे चैतन्यमेकमेव स्वात्मानमनुभवद्व्यक्तिनिष्ठतया
There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves
मृत्युर्नास्ति जीवनं केवलं स्वप्नः वयं चास्माकं स्वकल्पनैव
13 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Mélissa Mandruzzato
Henriette [en-ree-et] = एन्रीएट
eternity = अनंतता
eternal = अनंता
eternity = अनंतता
eternal = अनंता
12 December 2012
11 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Cédric DUVAL
Camille [come-mill] = कमिल
Kentin [kwen-ton] = क्वेंटन
Lily [lil-lee] = लिली
Kentin [kwen-ton] = क्वेंटन
Lily [lil-lee] = लिली
10 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Mayur Kalian
Follow your Heart = तव हृदयमनुगच्छ = ta-wa hri-da-ya-ma-nu-gach-chha
06 December 2012
05 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Karen McKendry
brother = भ्राता
I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine
मम प्रियस्यास्मि मम प्रियः मदीयोऽस्ति च
I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine
मम प्रियस्यास्मि मम प्रियः मदीयोऽस्ति च
04 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Geevashini Naidoo
Geevashini [G vash nee] = जीवशनी
Shahalya [Shah alyah] = शाहल्या
Prinesh [Pre nesh] = प्रिनेश
Shahalya [Shah alyah] = शाहल्या
Prinesh [Pre nesh] = प्रिनेश
03 December 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Sally Mike West
Michael [MY-kuhl] = मायाकल
Meredith [Mare-UH-deth] = मेरडेथ
Meredith [Mare-UH-deth] = मेरडेथ
02 December 2012
01 December 2012
30 November 2012
29 November 2012
Tibetan Translation for Annette Ridlington
Above all, do no harm = ????????????????????
Music saves my soul = ????????????????????????
Music saves my soul = ????????????????????????
Sanskrit Translation for Astrid Mumpuni
Gede [gee-day] = गीडे
Abriel [aa-bri-L] = आब्रिएल
Demosta [Day-Most-taa] = डेमोस्टा
Abriel [aa-bri-L] = आब्रिएल
Demosta [Day-Most-taa] = डेमोस्टा
28 November 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Mariano Martinez
Liliana [li-li-a-na] = लिलिआना
Kylie [kai-li] = कैलि
Leah [lee-a] = लीआ
Kylie [kai-li] = कैलि
Leah [lee-a] = लीआ
27 November 2012
26 November 2012
25 November 2012
24 November 2012
23 November 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Erin Snodgrass
Seeking Openness = विवृतत्वान्वेषण
SEEKING BALANCE = संतुलनान्वेषण
SEEKING BALANCE = संतुलनान्वेषण
22 November 2012
21 November 2012
20 November 2012
19 November 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Capretha Jones
Brianna[bree-aa-na] = ब्रीआना
Adrianna [Ay-Dree-aa-na] = एड्रीआना
LaKrystal [Lah-Kriss-tull] = लाक्रिस्टल
Adrianna [Ay-Dree-aa-na] = एड्रीआना
LaKrystal [Lah-Kriss-tull] = लाक्रिस्टल
18 November 2012
17 November 2012
16 November 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Manon Deloye
If you regret something, remember that at a precise moment this was what you wanted
यदि किमप्यनुशोचसि विशिष्टक्षणे तदेवैच्छः इति स्मर
यदि किमप्यनुशोचसि विशिष्टक्षणे तदेवैच्छः इति स्मर
15 November 2012
14 November 2012
Hindi Translation for Delphine Couesnon
Stay strong [female] = ताकतवर बनी रहो
Delphine [del-fin] = डेल्फिन
Delphine [del-fin] = डेल्फिन
13 November 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Ashley Ruback
My body is strong = मम शरीरं बलवदस्ति
My mind is at peace = मम मनः शांतिपूर्णमस्ति
My mind is at peace = मम मनः शांतिपूर्णमस्ति
12 November 2012
11 November 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Lara Platten - Brown
Give me strength, reserve control
Give me heart and give me soul
बलं देहि मे नियंत्रणं धारय
हृदयं देहि मे देहि मे चात्मा
Give me heart and give me soul
बलं देहि मे नियंत्रणं धारय
हृदयं देहि मे देहि मे चात्मा
10 November 2012
09 November 2012
07 November 2012
05 November 2012
04 November 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Celeste Manalili
Celeste [suh-lest] = सलेस्ट
Manalili [muh nuh LILI] = मनलिलि
Manalili [muh nuh LILI] = मनलिलि
03 November 2012
30 October 2012
29 October 2012
28 October 2012
Translation for Brandi Orel
Duhkha = दुःख
Samudaya = समुदय
Nirodha = निरोध
Marga = मार्ग
Pain exists suffering is optional
पीडा वर्तते दुःखं तु वैकल्पिकमस्ति
Dukkha = दुक्ख
Samudaya = समुदय
Nirodha = निरोध
Magga = मग्ग
Duhkha = दुःख
Samudaya = समुदय
Nirodha = निरोध
Marga = मार्ग
Pain exists suffering is optional
पीडा वर्तते दुःखं तु वैकल्पिकमस्ति
Dukkha = दुक्ख
Samudaya = समुदय
Nirodha = निरोध
Magga = मग्ग
26 October 2012
25 October 2012
24 October 2012
23 October 2012
22 October 2012
21 October 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Calvet Clemence
Traveling is a return to the essentials
यात्रावश्यकताः प्रति प्रत्यागमनमस्ति
यात्रावश्यकताः प्रति प्रत्यागमनमस्ति
19 October 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Gillian Pucci
Never lose yourself [Never forget one's own self]
मा कदापि स्वात्मानं विस्मर
मा कदापि स्वात्मानं विस्मर
17 October 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Diana Seepersad - Vaughan Chandler
Kyra [Kee-raa] = कीरा
Diana [Die-aa-naa] = डायाना
Nadira [Naa-dee-raa] = नादीरा
Diana [Die-aa-naa] = डायाना
Nadira [Naa-dee-raa] = नादीरा
16 October 2012
15 October 2012
14 October 2012
12 October 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Andrew Todd
anugacchati pravAha = अनुगच्छति प्रवाह
[Written as it is on visitor's request]
[Written as it is on visitor's request]
11 October 2012
Sanskrit Translations for Brad Phelps
ONE DAY AT A TIME = एकदिवसः एकैकशः
JUST FOR TODAY = केवलमद्यदिनाय
JUST FOR TODAY = केवलमद्यदिनाय
10 October 2012
08 October 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Lester Castillo Wilfredo Jr.
Lester Castillo [les-ter kas-til-yoo] = लेस्टर कॅस्टिल्यू
06 October 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Maureen Brunetti
David [day-vid] = डेव्हिड
Maureen [mor-reen] = मोरीन
Serendipity = सौभाग्यवशता
Maureen [mor-reen] = मोरीन
Serendipity = सौभाग्यवशता
Sanskrit Translation for Zachariah Caskey
Zachariah [za-chari-ah] = झॅकॅरिआ
Caskey [kas-kee] = कॅस्की
Caskey [kas-kee] = कॅस्की
05 October 2012
04 October 2012
03 October 2012
Sanskrit Translations for Danielle Sperry
Faith = श्रद्धा
Hope = आशा
Love = प्रेम
the greatest of these is love = महत्तममेतेषु प्रेमास्ति
Hope = आशा
Love = प्रेम
the greatest of these is love = महत्तममेतेषु प्रेमास्ति
02 October 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Alex Dale
A person needs three things in life to be truly happy:
Something to do, somebody to love and something to hope for
सत्यमानंदी भवितुं व्यक्तिः त्रीणि वस्तून्यपेक्षते कर्तुं किमप्यनुरंक्तुं किमप्याशसितुं किमपि
Something to do, somebody to love and something to hope for
सत्यमानंदी भवितुं व्यक्तिः त्रीणि वस्तून्यपेक्षते कर्तुं किमप्यनुरंक्तुं किमप्याशसितुं किमपि
Sanskrit Translation for Keisha Rodriguez
The ocean is my heart
महासागरः मम हृदयमस्ति
It brings imagination and joy to my soul
सः ममात्मानं प्रति कल्पनामानंदमानयति
Close your eyes and follow your heart
तव नेत्रे मील तव हृदयमनुगच्छ च
महासागरः मम हृदयमस्ति
It brings imagination and joy to my soul
सः ममात्मानं प्रति कल्पनामानंदमानयति
Close your eyes and follow your heart
तव नेत्रे मील तव हृदयमनुगच्छ च
30 September 2012
Translations for Louisa McGinn
Do or do not, there is no try
कुरु मा कुरु वा केवलं प्रयत्नान्मा कुरु
Do or do not, there is no try
करो या न करो सिर्फ कोशिश मत करो
Do or do not, there is no try
कुरु मा कुरु वा केवलं प्रयत्नान्मा कुरु
Do or do not, there is no try
करो या न करो सिर्फ कोशिश मत करो
29 September 2012
28 September 2012
Sanskrit Translations for Noelle Pekarick
Dakota [daa-ko-taa], you were my guardian angel and ultimate companion, surpassing any canine duties
डाकोटा मम रक्षकदेवदूतः उत्तमसखा चासीः शुनः कर्तव्यातीतः
Your protection, strength, and gentle nature infused my soul for 13 years
ममात्मानमपोषत्तव त्रयोदशवर्षीयं संरक्षणं बलं मृदुस्वभावश्च
I love and miss you in ways that cannot be expressed; without you, my world is incomplete
त्वां शब्दातीतमनुरजाम्युत्कंठामि मम जगदपूर्णमस्ति त्वया विना च
Your spirit lives on and will remain with me for eternity
तवात्माद्यापि जीवति मया सहानंतं वर्तिष्यते च
Dakota, you were my guardian angel and ultimate companion, surpassing any canine duties
डाकोटा मम रक्षकदेवदूतः उत्तमसखा चासीः शुनः कर्तव्यातीतः
Without you, my world is incomplete
मम जगदपूर्णमस्ति त्वया विना
Your spirit lives on and will remain with me for eternity
तवात्माद्यापि जीवति मया सहानंतं वर्तिष्यते च
डाकोटा मम रक्षकदेवदूतः उत्तमसखा चासीः शुनः कर्तव्यातीतः
Your protection, strength, and gentle nature infused my soul for 13 years
ममात्मानमपोषत्तव त्रयोदशवर्षीयं संरक्षणं बलं मृदुस्वभावश्च
I love and miss you in ways that cannot be expressed; without you, my world is incomplete
त्वां शब्दातीतमनुरजाम्युत्कंठामि मम जगदपूर्णमस्ति त्वया विना च
Your spirit lives on and will remain with me for eternity
तवात्माद्यापि जीवति मया सहानंतं वर्तिष्यते च
Dakota, you were my guardian angel and ultimate companion, surpassing any canine duties
डाकोटा मम रक्षकदेवदूतः उत्तमसखा चासीः शुनः कर्तव्यातीतः
Without you, my world is incomplete
मम जगदपूर्णमस्ति त्वया विना
Your spirit lives on and will remain with me for eternity
तवात्माद्यापि जीवति मया सहानंतं वर्तिष्यते च
27 September 2012
26 September 2012
25 September 2012
Sanskrit Translations for Johnathon Reardon
Johnny [jan-nee] = जॅनी
Hannah [han-na] = हॅना
Johnathon [jo-naa-thun] = जोनाथन
One Life One Love = एकजीवनमेकप्रेम
Hannah [han-na] = हॅना
Johnathon [jo-naa-thun] = जोनाथन
One Life One Love = एकजीवनमेकप्रेम
Sanskrit Translation for Jodie Clarke
Harry [Har-ee] = हॅरी
James [Jaym-z] = जेम्झ
Murphy [Mer-fee] = मर्फी
James [Jaym-z] = जेम्झ
Murphy [Mer-fee] = मर्फी
Sanskrit Translation for Gunner Johnson
Eric [Air-ik] = ऐरिक
Eddie [Ed-dee] = एडी
Teresa [Cher-ee-sa] = चेरीसा
Eddie [Ed-dee] = एडी
Teresa [Cher-ee-sa] = चेरीसा
Sanskrit Translation for Britt Mezher
A female warrior - she flies with her own wings
योधिनी सा तस्याः स्वपक्षाभ्यां डयते
योधिनी सा तस्याः स्वपक्षाभ्यां डयते
Sanskrit Translation for Laura Taylor - Byrne
You cannot save people, you can only love them
जनान्रक्षितुं न शक्नोसि केवलं ताननुरंक्तुं शक्नोसि
I know = जानामि
I see = पश्यामि
I speak = वदामि
I love = अनुरजामि
I can = शक्नोमि
I feel = अनुभवामि
I have = मदीयमस्ति
जनान्रक्षितुं न शक्नोसि केवलं ताननुरंक्तुं शक्नोसि
I know = जानामि
I see = पश्यामि
I speak = वदामि
I love = अनुरजामि
I can = शक्नोमि
I feel = अनुभवामि
I have = मदीयमस्ति
Sanskrit Translation for Krsnamurti Das
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण
कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम
राम राम हरे हरे
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण
कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम
राम राम हरे हरे
24 September 2012
23 September 2012
Sanskrit Translation for Lee Daniels
The final word in the final sentence I ever uttered to you was Love
प्रेमासीदंतिमशब्दः अंतिमवाक्ये यं त्वामवदम्
प्रेमासीदंतिमशब्दः अंतिमवाक्ये यं त्वामवदम्