Sanskrit Quotes for inspiration and motivation. Sanskrit translation is done by a human Sanskrit Translator and can be used as an online Sanskrit Dictionary. It is offered free of cost for up to 3 English words including numbers and initials for the first time only. For Translation Requests, please send an email to drkpp[at]hotmail[dot]com Donors get high resolution image of the translation done in calligraphic fonts which you can print and take to the tattoo artist.
30 April 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Pim Veenboer
Pim - pee-m = पीम
Femke - Fhe-m-khe = फेमखे
Lisa - Lee-sa = लीसा
Femke - Fhe-m-khe = फेमखे
Lisa - Lee-sa = लीसा
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Angelica Lopez - Ashera H.
1. prajna = प्रज्ञा
2. fearlessness = अभयता
3. Universe = विश्व
2. fearlessness = अभयता
3. Universe = विश्व
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Valentina Sani
Ganesha = गणेश
Lorenzo = लोरेंझो
valentina = व्हॅलेंटिना
Lorenzo = लोरेंझो
valentina = व्हॅलेंटिना
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Kevin Simon Thorne
Kevin Simon Thorne Kev-in Sim-on Thorne = केव्हिन सिमॉन थॉर्न
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Lynne Gabriel
Travis (pronounced Tra' vis) = ट्रॅव्हिस
chosen son = वृतपुत्र
chosen son = वृतपुत्र
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Aaron Michael Tiemann
Soccer[sock-er] Is Life = सॉकरक्रीडा जीवनमस्ति
Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Alexis Terraza
Word No. 1 - Christian (pronounced kris-TEE-ahn ) = क्रिस्टीना
Word No. 2 - Zoe (pronounced zo-ee) = झोई
Word No. 3 - Onnalee (pronounced oH-nah-lee) = ओनाली
Word No. 2 - Zoe (pronounced zo-ee) = झोई
Word No. 3 - Onnalee (pronounced oH-nah-lee) = ओनाली
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Priya Brahmbhatt
Word number 1: Priya = प्रिया
Word number 2: Alka = अलका
Word number 2: Alka = अलका
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Alyshia Stiffle
Peace = शांति
Love = प्रेम
Freedom = मुक्ति
Family = कुटुंब
Anthony [an-thon-ee] = अँथोनी
Stiffle [stiff-el] = स्टिफेल
Love = प्रेम
Freedom = मुक्ति
Family = कुटुंब
Anthony [an-thon-ee] = अँथोनी
Stiffle [stiff-el] = स्टिफेल
Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Milagros Acosta
No.1 Family = परिवार
No.2 Strength = ताकत
No.3 My = मेरा[male]/मेरी[female]
No.2 Strength = ताकत
No.3 My = मेरा[male]/मेरी[female]
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Ashley Gillette
Together = एकत्र
Forever = शाश्वत
Never = न कदापि
Forever = शाश्वत
Never = न कदापि
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Laurie Wilson -Wright
Take my Breath = मम श्वासमायच्छ
She bounces back ready to start again
सोत्प्लवते पृष्ठतः पुनरारंभसज्जा
She bounces back ready to start again
सोत्प्लवते पृष्ठतः पुनरारंभसज्जा
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Inge Carlier
faith = श्रद्धा
trust = विश्वास
believe = विश्वसिहि
trust = विश्वास
believe = विश्वसिहि
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Emily Reeves
1. serenity = मानसिकशांति
2. clarity = स्पष्टता
3. truth = सत्य
2. clarity = स्पष्टता
3. truth = सत्य
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for TRAVONT WHITE - Keily
return to center = केंद्रं प्रत्यागच्छ
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Sarah Hale - Dolma
Luminous = तेजोमयी
Healing = विरोपण
Vibration = कंपन
Healing = विरोपण
Vibration = कंपन
29 April 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for James Upton
1) Daughters = पुत्र्यः
2) Amorelle a more el = अमोरेल
3) Claire kl air = क्लैर
2) Amorelle a more el = अमोरेल
3) Claire kl air = क्लैर
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Lorenzo Bag
Ganesha = गणेश
Lorenzo = लोरेंझो
Valentina = व्हॅलेंटिना
Lorenzo = लोरेंझो
Valentina = व्हॅलेंटिना
Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Ana Laura Gutierrez
Ana = A - nuh = एना
Laura = law - rruh = लॉरा
Laura = law - rruh = लॉरा
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Ritesh Verma
WORD 1 : Ritesh = रितेश
WORD 2 : OM = ॐ
WORD3 : LIFE = जीवन
WORD 2 : OM = ॐ
WORD3 : LIFE = जीवन
Hindi Tattoos Sentence Translation for Scalici, Vincent
Ambition Makes Winner = आकांक्षा विजेता बनाती है
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Robert Michael
devotion = भक्ति
mastery = कौशल्य
Non-dualism = अद्वैत
mastery = कौशल्य
Non-dualism = अद्वैत
28 April 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for MICHAEL VINCIGUERRA, BLOOMBERG / NEWSROOM
Alessandra (ah lehs SAHN drah) = आलेसांड्रा
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Marco Moia
NERO NI - Ro = निरो
MONICA MO-NI - CA = मोनिका
FRANCESCA FRAN - CES - CA = फ्रॅन्सेका
MONICA MO-NI - CA = मोनिका
FRANCESCA FRAN - CES - CA = फ्रॅन्सेका
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Nathalie Claessens
WORD N°1: FAMILY = कुटुंब
WORD N°2: CLAESSENS ( Cla-sens) = क्लॅसेन्स
WORD N°3: GATETE (Ga-t-t) = गॅटीटी
WORD N°2: CLAESSENS ( Cla-sens) = क्लॅसेन्स
WORD N°3: GATETE (Ga-t-t) = गॅटीटी
Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Randy Singh
Melissa Chatoorang- Pronunciation: Mel-liss-ah Cha-tu-rahng
मेलिसा चतुरांग
मेलिसा चतुरांग
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Alana Milligan
family = कुटुंब
friends = मित्राणि
life = जीवन
friends = मित्राणि
life = जीवन
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Cat Bowan
1. Kiersten (sounds like tier with a K - sten) = किअर्स्टेन
2. Lucas (Loo-cus) = लूकस
2. Lucas (Loo-cus) = लूकस
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Anneloes vd Mortel
Eternal love = अनंतप्रेम
Üzeyir (pronounced as U-zè-yer) = उझेयेर
Üzeyir (pronounced as U-zè-yer) = उझेयेर
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Alisha Teariki
Alisha = A lee shar = एलीशा
Devonte = Dee Von Tay = डीव्हाँटे
Tipe = Tea pe = टीपे
Devonte = Dee Von Tay = डीव्हाँटे
Tipe = Tea pe = टीपे
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Farah Annut
1. Charity = दानशीलता
2. Self-control = स्वनियंत्रण
3. Sacrifice = बलिदान
2. Self-control = स्वनियंत्रण
3. Sacrifice = बलिदान
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Leena Dharmadhikari
1. Anil = अनिल
2. Dharmadhikari = धर्माधिकारी
2. Dharmadhikari = धर्माधिकारी
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Ayalia Muhindra
1. Master = गुरु
2.slave = दास
3. mirror = दर्पण
2.slave = दास
3. mirror = दर्पण
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Sheryl-Lyn Ramallosa
DOMINIQUE: do-mi-nik = डोमिनिक
CHATTERLY: cha-ter-lee = चटर्ली
SHERYL-LYN: she-ree-lin = शेरीलिन
CHATTERLY: cha-ter-lee = चटर्ली
SHERYL-LYN: she-ree-lin = शेरीलिन
Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Carvon - onebrightcrayon
Carvon; pronounced " Car " - von = कारव्हॉन
Tattoos Sentence Translation for Ali Ermete
Sanskrit :
all that we are is the result of what we have thought
तथा वयं यथा चिंतितमस्माभिः
Pali :
manopubbangama dhamma manosettha manomaya
मनोपुब्बंगमा धम्मा मनोसेट्ठा मनोमया
all that we are is the result of what we have thought
तथा वयं यथा चिंतितमस्माभिः
Pali :
manopubbangama dhamma manosettha manomaya
मनोपुब्बंगमा धम्मा मनोसेट्ठा मनोमया
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Tiffany Good
Jacob: jey-kuhb = जेकब
Allen: al-uhn = एलन
Powell: pou-uhl = पौअल
Allen: al-uhn = एलन
Powell: pou-uhl = पौअल
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Claire Sinclair
Sinclair Phonetic Pronunciation: sin-KLAIR = सिनक्लैर
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Dan Culnane
Julian (Jool-e-in) = जूलिइन
Jeremy (jer-a-me) = जेरमि
Jeremy (jer-a-me) = जेरमि
27 April 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Himberly Hartman
Lewis= Loo issss = लूइस
Jonathan = Jon a thaan = जॉनथान
MacKenna = Ma Kenna = मॅकेना
Jonathan = Jon a thaan = जॉनथान
MacKenna = Ma Kenna = मॅकेना
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Gregory Sertin
Word No. 1 : Nicolas (Ni-ko-la) = निकोला
Word no. 2 : Ilona (I-lo-na) = आयलोना
Word no. 3 : Gregory (Gre-go-ri) = ग्रेगोरी
Word no. 2 : Ilona (I-lo-na) = आयलोना
Word no. 3 : Gregory (Gre-go-ri) = ग्रेगोरी
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Liz Lidsey
Josh J - osh = जोश
Daisy Day -zee - डेझी
Chloe Clo - ee = क्लोई
Daisy Day -zee - डेझी
Chloe Clo - ee = क्लोई
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Stacey Boydell
Word no. 1 Dale (day-ul) = डेयल
Word no. 2 Corey (co-ree) = कोरी
Word no. 3 Charlie (char_lee) = चार्ली
Word no. 2 Corey (co-ree) = कोरी
Word no. 3 Charlie (char_lee) = चार्ली
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Denish Tjhie
1) Denish (De-nish) = डेनिश
2) DumDum (Dum-Dum) = डमडम
3) Commitment = अनुष्ठान
2) DumDum (Dum-Dum) = डमडम
3) Commitment = अनुष्ठान
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Elizabeth O'Neill
Arcadia (Ar-ca-dee-ah) = अर्काडीया
Max (max) = मॅक्स
Juan [huan] = हुआन
lahirii [Lah h'ree] = लाहरी
Om = ॐ
Max (max) = मॅक्स
Juan [huan] = हुआन
lahirii [Lah h'ree] = लाहरी
Om = ॐ
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Hannah - Eva Early
word no.1 VICTORIA (pronounced vic-tore-eeaa) = व्हिक्टोरिआ
word no..2 HANNAH (pronounced han-aa) = हॅना
word no.3 VICKZYBELLE (pronounced trick-zeee-bell) = ट्रिकझीबेल
word no..2 HANNAH (pronounced han-aa) = हॅना
word no.3 VICKZYBELLE (pronounced trick-zeee-bell) = ट्रिकझीबेल
Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Stéphane Lévesque
Suneta = सुनेता
love = प्यार
forever = हमेशा के लिए
love = प्यार
forever = हमेशा के लिए
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Paula Smith
keighleigh = kay - lee = केली
jamie = jay-mee = जेमी
jamie = jay-mee = जेमी
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Mara Kraaikamp
1. power = बल
2. faith = श्रद्धा
3. believe = विश्वसिहि
2. faith = श्रद्धा
3. believe = विश्वसिहि
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Lena Rajkovic
Lena Rajkovic Le na raj ko vich = लेना रजकोव्हिच
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Shelley Knapton-Gilligan
Shelley = Shell ee = शेली
Shawn = Shawn = शॉन
Shawn = Shawn = शॉन
26 April 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Christine Colmenares
Never Look Back = मा कदापि पश्य पृष्ठतः
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Mandy Pearman
First word: Max (pronounced as its written) = मॅक्स
Second word: Aidan (A-dun) = एडन
Second word: Aidan (A-dun) = एडन
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Christie Lee Chadwick
christie lee chadwick (kristee lee chadwik) = क्रिस्टी ली चॅडविक
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Victoria Henry
Word 1: Goddess = देवी
Word 2: Angel = देवदूत
Word 3: Devil = वेताल
Word 2: Angel = देवदूत
Word 3: Devil = वेताल
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Rajesh Rajagopalan
Word 1. Comfort = सुख
Word 2. Tranquility = मानसिकशांति
Word 3 Peaceful = शांततापूर्ण
Word 2. Tranquility = मानसिकशांति
Word 3 Peaceful = शांततापूर्ण
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Anastacia Rasmussen
Word 1 - Kent = केंट
Word 2 - Tim = टिम
Word 3 - Stacie (stay-cee) = स्टेसी
To cherish husband and child and to live simply; this is the good luck
पतिमपत्यं चानुरक्तुं सरलतया जीवितुं च;
Word 2 - Tim = टिम
Word 3 - Stacie (stay-cee) = स्टेसी
To cherish husband and child and to live simply; this is the good luck
पतिमपत्यं चानुरक्तुं सरलतया जीवितुं च;
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Pricilla Frutos Dominguez - Locsz
Trust nobody = कस्मिनपि मा विश्वसिहि
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Scott Dansby
1. Cayenne (like the pepper) (kiann) = किएन
2. Molly (mall-lee) = माली
3. Mia (me-uh) = मिआ
2. Molly (mall-lee) = माली
3. Mia (me-uh) = मिआ
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Katelyn Moore
word #1-'Justin' (jus-tin) = जस्टिन
Word#2- 'Katelyn' (Kate-lyn) = केटलिन
Word#3- love = प्रेम
Word#2- 'Katelyn' (Kate-lyn) = केटलिन
Word#3- love = प्रेम
Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Amy Elizabeth Horsley
Word No. 1 - empathy = सहवेदना
Word No. 2 - independence = आजादी
Word No. 3 - faith = श्रद्धा
Word No. 2 - independence = आजादी
Word No. 3 - faith = श्रद्धा
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Tina Love - Art Plus Anthro
Word 1. Riley (Ry lee) = रायली
Word 2. Lucky = भाग्यशाली
Word 3. Unlucky = दुर्भाग्यशाली
Word 2. Lucky = भाग्यशाली
Word 3. Unlucky = दुर्भाग्यशाली
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Ryan Suarez
Never tired = न कदापि श्रांता
Never Sad = न कदापि खिन्ना
Never Guilty = न कदापि पापिनी
Set My Spirit Free = ममात्मानं मुंच
Never Sad = न कदापि खिन्ना
Never Guilty = न कदापि पापिनी
Set My Spirit Free = ममात्मानं मुंच
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Malavika Gadiyar
Word 1 - Mother = माता
Word 2 - Malavika = मालविका
Word 3 - Manomay = मनोमय
Word 2 - Malavika = मालविका
Word 3 - Manomay = मनोमय
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Lisa Lang
Lisa Ann Lang
lee-sah = लीसा
ăn (short "a" as in "apple") = एन
lāng (long "a" as in "sang", "rang", "hang") = लँग
lee-sah = लीसा
ăn (short "a" as in "apple") = एन
lāng (long "a" as in "sang", "rang", "hang") = लँग
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Ariana Montemarano - Sandra K. M.
Bianca. =Bee-un-ka = बीअंका
Ariana =Ar--ee-ann-a = अरीएना
Passion = तीव्रासक्ति
Ariana =Ar--ee-ann-a = अरीएना
Passion = तीव्रासक्ति
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Daisy Chavez
Beauty = सौंदर्य
faith = श्रद्धा
respect = सन्मान
faith = श्रद्धा
respect = सन्मान
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Kristin Hagen - Fjermestad
PATIENCE = सहनशीलता
FORGIVENESS = क्षमाशीलता
BALANCE = संतुलन
FORGIVENESS = क्षमाशीलता
BALANCE = संतुलन
Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Jimbo Botaitis
> SABRINA sounds like sa - BREE - nah = सब्रीना
> VANESSA sounds like va - NES - ah = व्हनेसा
> NATALIE sounds like NA - tah - lee = नटाली
> VANESSA sounds like va - NES - ah = व्हनेसा
> NATALIE sounds like NA - tah - lee = नटाली
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jason Namaste Montreal
Word 1 = Jason jey-suhn = जेसन
Word 2 = Gemini = मिथुन
Word 3 = Namaste = नमस्ते
Word 2 = Gemini = मिथुन
Word 3 = Namaste = नमस्ते
25 April 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Shelley Gribbin
Peter (Pete-her) = पिटर
Maree(Ma-ree) = मरी
Shelley(Shell-lee) = शेली
Maree(Ma-ree) = मरी
Shelley(Shell-lee) = शेली
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Abby Reedy
Prosperity = समृद्धि
Happiness = आनंद
Love = प्रेम
Happiness = आनंद
Love = प्रेम
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Christina Huch
Word 1. Shainy (shay nee) = शेनी
Word 2. Kylee (ky lee) = कायली
Word 3. Mandi (man dee) = मँडी
Word 2. Kylee (ky lee) = कायली
Word 3. Mandi (man dee) = मँडी
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Laura Turn
Gladwell = Glad - well = ग्लॅडवेल
Harley = Har - lee = हर्ली
morgan= Moor - gan = मूर्गन
Harley = Har - lee = हर्ली
morgan= Moor - gan = मूर्गन
24 April 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Laura Hofmann
chittavilasa = चित्तविलास
chitshakti vilas = चित्-शक्ति-विलास
chitshakti vilas = चित्-शक्ति-विलास
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Kate LK
Word 1: Friendship = मैत्री
Word 2: Dream = स्वप्न
Word 3: Sister = भगिनी
Word 2: Dream = स्वप्न
Word 3: Sister = भगिनी
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Maria Falck
happiness = आनंद
music = संगीत
Maria (mari-a) = मारिआ
music = संगीत
Maria (mari-a) = मारिआ
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Janlyn Varnas
1. James (Jay-ms) = जेम्स
2. Luca (Loo-ka) = लूका
2. Luca (Loo-ka) = लूका
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Monique Chantal Fredericks
Live for today = जीवाद्यतनदिनाय
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Chelsey Sobotta Marie
Bruised never broken = अपकृता न कदापि भग्ना
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Emma Michelle Nuttall
emma michelle em-ma mish-ell = एमा मिशेल
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Amy McCartney
simon archibald si-mon arch-i-bald = सिमोन आर्चिबाल्ड
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for John Bhambra
Success = यशः
Happiness = आनंद
Prosperity = समृद्धि
Happiness = आनंद
Prosperity = समृद्धि
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Ormondo Leombruno
Word No. 1 - Dion (pronounced "dee-aan") = डीआन
word 2. Zoe (pronounced "zo-ee") = झोई
word 3. Bastiaan (pronounced "baa-stee-aan) = बास्टीआन
word 2. Zoe (pronounced "zo-ee") = झोई
word 3. Bastiaan (pronounced "baa-stee-aan) = बास्टीआन
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Britney Moore
1. Compassion = करुणा
2. Respect = आदर
3. Loyalty = निष्ठा
2. Respect = आदर
3. Loyalty = निष्ठा
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Frank Goodman
1. Eckveldt (Pronunciation: eck - veld) = एकव्हेल्ड
2. Madhat (Pronunciation: mad - hat) = मॅडहॅट
3. Frank = फ्रँक
2. Madhat (Pronunciation: mad - hat) = मॅडहॅट
3. Frank = फ्रँक
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Stephanie Managreve
Stephanie Managreve Ste-fa-nee Day-leah Man-agree-eve
स्टेफनी डेली मॅनग्रीव्ह
स्टेफनी डेली मॅनग्रीव्ह
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Messina Byers
Messina (mess-EE-nuh) = मेसीना
God = ईश्वर
beloved = प्रिय
God = ईश्वर
beloved = प्रिय
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Josh Cutz
abby daisy cutts ah-bee day-zee cutts = आबी डेसी कट्स
23 April 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Rose John O'Brien
word 1 - lotus = पद्म
word 2 - awake = प्रबुद्ध
word 3 - life = जीवन
word 2 - awake = प्रबुद्ध
word 3 - life = जीवन
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Becky Jones
Word #1: Compassion = करुणा
Word #2: Destiny = नियति
Word #3: Perseverance = प्रयत्न
Word #2: Destiny = नियति
Word #3: Perseverance = प्रयत्न
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Uday Shanker
Pranita - pra-ni-ta = प्रणिता
Reddy - reddy = रेड्डी
kankanala - kanka-nala = कनकनला
Reddy - reddy = रेड्डी
kankanala - kanka-nala = कनकनला
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Patrick Barry
1. Patrick (pa-trick) = पॅट्रिक
2. Paddy (pa-dee) = पॅडी
3. Pa = प
2. Paddy (pa-dee) = पॅडी
3. Pa = प
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Bianca Krawczyńska
1 Nathaniel - i say Natanjel = नतनजेल
2 Bianca - i say bjanka = बिजंका
2 Bianca - i say bjanka = बिजंका
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Mojca Zupančič
Mojca = moj - tsa = मोजसा
Alesh = a - lesh = एलेश
Alesh = a - lesh = एलेश
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Phillippa Esteves
Love = प्रेम
Honour = सन्मान
Obey = आज्ञापालनं कुरु
Honour = सन्मान
Obey = आज्ञापालनं कुरु
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Rebecca Scrivens - Smith
adam- ad-am = एडम
becky- bek-key = बेकी
becky- bek-key = बेकी
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Raoul Gilardoni
Name No. 1: Laila Lai la = लैला
Name No. 2: Salome Sa lo me = सलोमि
Name No. 3: Mailin Mai lin = मैलिन
Name No. 2: Salome Sa lo me = सलोमि
Name No. 3: Mailin Mai lin = मैलिन
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Kevin Makepeace
1)Kevin Kev-in = केव्हिन
2)Hope = आशा
3)Strength = बल
2)Hope = आशा
3)Strength = बल
Hindi Tattoos Initials Translation for Sophie Delaumenie - Oriane
1- Sophie (sofi) = सोफि
2- S D = एस डी
2- S D = एस डी
Posted by
Kiran Paranjape