Sanskrit Quote:
रात्रिर्गमिष्यति भविष्यति सुप्रभातम्
भास्वानुदेष्यति हसिष्यति पंकजश्रीः।
इति विचारयति कोषगते द्विरेफे
हा हंत हंत नलिनीं गज उज्जहार॥
English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:
Night will be over, there will be morning,
The sun will rise, lotus flower will open.
While the bee inside the lotus flower was thinking thus,
The lotus plant was uprooted by an elephant.
Sanskrit Quotes for inspiration and motivation. Sanskrit translation is done by a human Sanskrit Translator and can be used as an online Sanskrit Dictionary. It is offered free of cost for up to 3 English words including numbers and initials for the first time only. For Translation Requests, please send an email to drkpp[at]hotmail[dot]com Donors get high resolution image of the translation done in calligraphic fonts which you can print and take to the tattoo artist.
29 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Carly Jansen
Saviël [Sa- fi- L] = सॅफिएल
Jacy [jay-see] = जेसी
Jacy [jay-see] = जेसी
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Katrina Campos
Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength
करुणा सहनशीलता च दुर्बलतायाश्चिह्नं न स्तश्चिह्नं तु बलस्य
Live your life as you wish to live
तव जीवनं जीव यथा जीवितुमिच्छसि
करुणा सहनशीलता च दुर्बलतायाश्चिह्नं न स्तश्चिह्नं तु बलस्य
Live your life as you wish to live
तव जीवनं जीव यथा जीवितुमिच्छसि
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Matthew Gaboury
You will not be punished for your anger,
you will be punished by your anger
तव क्रोधाय न दंडितः भविष्यसि
तव क्रोधेन दंडितः भविष्यसि
you will be punished by your anger
तव क्रोधाय न दंडितः भविष्यसि
तव क्रोधेन दंडितः भविष्यसि
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Jean Scott
The breath is the intelligence of the body
श्वासः शरीरस्य बुद्धिरस्ति
श्वासः शरीरस्य बुद्धिरस्ति
28 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Joaco Pantoja Šćepanović Joaquín
Wisdom and passion = विवेकस्तीव्रासक्तिश्च
26 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Steve Oliver Patricia
Brittany [brit-tan-nee] = ब्रिटॅनी
Stephanie [ste-fa-nee] = स्टेफॅनी
Zachary [za-ka-ree] = झॅकॅरी
Stephanie [ste-fa-nee] = स्टेफॅनी
Zachary [za-ka-ree] = झॅकॅरी
25 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Natalea Youker
Nathaniel [nuh-THAN-yull] = नथॅनयल
Kathryn [KATH-ruhn] = कॅथरिन
Kathryn [KATH-ruhn] = कॅथरिन
24 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Theodoridis Tomas
Theodoridis = थेओडोरिडिस
god's gift = देवोपहार
god's gift = देवोपहार
22 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Ruma Dubey - Vinay Krishnaswamy - Bartosz Gulik Barty
Nothing is weaker than water,
yet for overcoming what is hard and strong
nothing surpasses it
न किमपि जलाद्दुर्बलतरमस्ति
तथापि कठिनस्य बलवतश्चाभिभवने
न किमपि तदतिभवति
Water is the soul of the earth
जलं पृथिव्याः आत्मास्ति
Water is the blood in our veins
जलमस्माकं शिरासु रक्तमस्ति
The sound of water says what I think
यच्चिंतयामि तज्जलनादः वदति
yet for overcoming what is hard and strong
nothing surpasses it
न किमपि जलाद्दुर्बलतरमस्ति
तथापि कठिनस्य बलवतश्चाभिभवने
न किमपि तदतिभवति
Water is the soul of the earth
जलं पृथिव्याः आत्मास्ति
Water is the blood in our veins
जलमस्माकं शिरासु रक्तमस्ति
The sound of water says what I think
यच्चिंतयामि तज्जलनादः वदति
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Crystal Wilson - Kidd
Rachel [RAY-chull] = रेचल
Jared [JAIR-ruhd] = जैरड
Hannah [HAN-naa] = हॅना
Jared [JAIR-ruhd] = जैरड
Hannah [HAN-naa] = हॅना
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Stefanie Kopf
Stefanie [stef-fun-nee] = स्टेफनी
Marc [Maar-k] = मार्क
Marc [Maar-k] = मार्क
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Jasmine Kaur Santianes
Raphy [ra-fee] = रॅफी
Santianes [san-ti-aa-nes] = सँटिआनेस
Santianes [san-ti-aa-nes] = सँटिआनेस
21 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Sébastien Lopes
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life
तव समयः समर्यादः तस्मात्तमन्यस्य जीवनं जीवन्मा व्यर्थीकुरु
Stay hungry, stay foolish
क्षुधितः वर्तस्व मूढः वर्तस्व
तव समयः समर्यादः तस्मात्तमन्यस्य जीवनं जीवन्मा व्यर्थीकुरु
Stay hungry, stay foolish
क्षुधितः वर्तस्व मूढः वर्तस्व
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Alexandra Mattison
Emaciated = कृशीकृता
Anorexic = क्षुधानाश
Self-Deprivation = स्ववंचना
Anorexic = क्षुधानाश
Self-Deprivation = स्ववंचना
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Chandra Rae Lueth
Chandra = चंद्रा
Eleanor [el-lay-nor] = एलेनॉर
Margaret [maar-gaa-ret] = मार्गारेट
Eleanor [el-lay-nor] = एलेनॉर
Margaret [maar-gaa-ret] = मार्गारेट
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Mantra Translation for Brea Baines
Om Shatodaryai Namaha = ॐ शतोदर्यै नमः
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Andrea Stump
World = जगत्
Lilleigh [lil-lee] = लिली
Jane [jay-ne] = जेन
Lilleigh [lil-lee] = लिली
Jane [jay-ne] = जेन
20 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Lisa El Morshedy
Know thyself = स्वात्मानं जानीहि
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Niki Michael
Marilia [ma-ri-li-aa] = मॅरिलिआ
Petros = पेट्रोस
Petros = पेट्रोस
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Glenn Scott
I change = परिवर्ते [pa-ri-war-te]
I am = अस्मि [as-mi]
I am = अस्मि [as-mi]
19 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Audrey Venumie
Dream = स्वप्न
Courage = धैर्य
Serenity = प्रसाद
Courage = धैर्य
Serenity = प्रसाद
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Bradley Holten
We don't own the universal truth,
we can offer only the results of a very long reflection, which is ours
[We are not owners of universal truth,
we can only offer the result of our long thoughts]
वैश्विकसत्यस्य स्वामिनः न स्मः
केवलमस्माकं दीर्घविचाराणां परिपाकमर्पयितुं शक्नुमः
we can offer only the results of a very long reflection, which is ours
[We are not owners of universal truth,
we can only offer the result of our long thoughts]
वैश्विकसत्यस्य स्वामिनः न स्मः
केवलमस्माकं दीर्घविचाराणां परिपाकमर्पयितुं शक्नुमः
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Mary Beth Shear
Choose Love = प्रेम वर
Bloom = फुल्ल
Bloom = फुल्ल
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Nancy Herrera
Love is a gift = प्रेमोपहारः अस्ति
Life is a privilege = जीवनं विशेषाधिकारः अस्ति
love is living = प्रेम जीवनमस्ति
Life is a privilege = जीवनं विशेषाधिकारः अस्ति
love is living = प्रेम जीवनमस्ति
18 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Mantra Translation for Bella Perry
Na-ra-sinha ta-wa daa-sya-ham = नरसिंह तव दास्यहम्
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Numbers Translation for Angela Higgins
Moon 32 17 39 N / 64 47 02 W
चंद्र ३२ १७ ३९ एन / ६४ ४७ ०२ डब्ल्यू
Moon 18 30 15 S / 177 36 50 E
चंद्र १८ ३० १५ एस / १७७ ३६ ५० ई
चंद्र ३२ १७ ३९ एन / ६४ ४७ ०२ डब्ल्यू
Moon 18 30 15 S / 177 36 50 E
चंद्र १८ ३० १५ एस / १७७ ३६ ५० ई
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Helen Grace S. Magno
master = स्वामिनी
captain = नायिका
captain = नायिका
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Susanne Elendt
Zack [zak] = झॅक
dear = प्रिया
accept = स्वीकुरु
dear = प्रिया
accept = स्वीकुरु
English to Hindi Tattoos Sentence Translation for Amy Dobbis
enthusiasm in intention = उद्देश में उत्साह
17 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Deborah Monahan
Brendan [Bren then] = ब्रेंथेन
Monahan [Mona Han] = मोनाहॅन
Monahan [Mona Han] = मोनाहॅन
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Catherine Mendoza - Lazatin
Inner balance = आंतरिकसंतुलन
grateful = कृतज्ञा
grateful = कृतज्ञा
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Ramón Ayala Ramírez
Dream alive = स्वप्नं पश्य यावज्जीवसि
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Alexis Burroughs
Hoglet [hog-let] = हॉगलेट
Life is an adventure = जीवनं साहसमस्ति
Life is an adventure = जीवनं साहसमस्ति
16 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Deborah Sebastianelli
STRENGTH IS VICTORY = बलं जयः अस्ति
15 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Benjamin Rose
Luca [lu-ka] = लुका
Benjamin [ben-ja-min] = बेंजामिन
Benjamin [ben-ja-min] = बेंजामिन
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Wayne Robbins
Alfie [elf-ee] = एल्फी
Archie [ar-chee] = आर्ची
Archie [ar-chee] = आर्ची
13 February 2012
12 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Rajesh Balkaran
LILAWATTI [Lee-laa-wa-tee] = लीलावती
BALKARAN [Bal-car-ran] = बलकरन
BALKARAN [Bal-car-ran] = बलकरन
11 February 2012
Tattoos Words Translation for Maurice Ojeda
Selfish = स्वार्थी
Selfless = निस्स्वार्थी
Selfish = ?????????
Selfless = ???????????????
Selfish = स्वार्थी
Selfless = निस्स्वार्थी
Selfish = ?????????
Selfless = ???????????????
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Chelsea Logan
As Within So Without = यथांततस्तथा बहिः
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Jeff Vandervort - Whitney Saunders
Whitney [wit-nee] = विटनी
Jeffrey [Je-free] = जेफ्री
Tyler [Tie-ler] = टायलर
Vandervort [Van-der-vort] = व्हॅनडरव्होर्ट
6-3-09 = ६-३-०९
Jeffrey [Je-free] = जेफ्री
Tyler [Tie-ler] = टायलर
Vandervort [Van-der-vort] = व्हॅनडरव्होर्ट
6-3-09 = ६-३-०९
10 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Leticia Williams
Chasing Freedom = मुक्तिं मृगयमाणा
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Lee Brazier
The Truth is hard to conceal = सत्यं गुहितुं कष्टमस्ति
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Sara Karsh
Shine until tomorrow = यावन्न श्वस्तनदिनं तावद्राज
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Cutberto Sandoval
In cycle of life, suffering follows happiness
जीवनचक्रे दुःखमानंदमनुगच्छति
जीवनचक्रे दुःखमानंदमनुगच्छति
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Michelle LynRay
Unbound Soul = अनिबद्धात्मा
Free Your Unbound Soul = तवानिबद्धात्मानं मोचय
Free Your Unbound Soul = तवानिबद्धात्मानं मोचय
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Meadow James
response = उत्तर
gratitude = कृतज्ञता
wonderment = अद्भुतता
gratitude = कृतज्ञता
wonderment = अद्भुतता
08 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Colin Brown Trisha
Chelsey [chel see] = चेल्सी
Colson [kol son] = कोल्सन
Sunshine = सूर्यप्रकाश
Colson [kol son] = कोल्सन
Sunshine = सूर्यप्रकाश
English to Hindi Tattoos Sentence Translation for Nicole Duvall
Create yourself = खुद का निर्माण करो
07 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Ayca Yüce
Remember your mortality = तव मर्त्यतां स्मर
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Lokesh Rawat
Control your karma = तव कर्म नियमय
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Jasmin Dias Godoy Maia
Believe in yourself = स्वात्मनि विश्वसिहि
06 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Emma Heikkinen
Courage is to tell your story with your whole heart
तव संपूर्णहृदयेन सह तव कथायाः कथनं धैर्यमस्ति
To understand everything one needs to forgive everything
सर्वं प्रज्ञातुं सर्वं क्षंतुमपेक्षते
Peace comes from within = शांतिरंतरतः आगच्छति
So hum = सोऽहम्
तव संपूर्णहृदयेन सह तव कथायाः कथनं धैर्यमस्ति
To understand everything one needs to forgive everything
सर्वं प्रज्ञातुं सर्वं क्षंतुमपेक्षते
Peace comes from within = शांतिरंतरतः आगच्छति
So hum = सोऽहम्
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jesica Paolino - Jesso Paol
Serenity = प्रसाद
Courage = धैर्य
Wisdom = विवेक
Courage = धैर्य
Wisdom = विवेक
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Sausha Knott
Mind = मनः
Body = शरीर
Spirit = आत्मा
Body = शरीर
Spirit = आत्मा
03 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Stefanie Griffith
Love is indestructible = प्रेमास्त्यविनाशि
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Alexis Robles
Protect Your Heart = तव हृदयं संरक्ष
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Janice Garcia Cabotaje
Drake Kennedy [d-ray-k ke-na-dee] = ड्रेक केनॅडी
02 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Neha Krupal
willpower = इच्छाशक्ति
inner strength = आंतरिकशक्ति
inner strength = आंतरिकशक्ति
Sanskrit Quote for Marc Wasielewski
उपदेशोऽहि मूर्खाणां प्रकोपाय न शांतये।
पयःपानं भुजंगानां केवलं विषवर्धनम्॥
English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:
Advice given to fools, makes them angry and not calm them down.
Just like feeding a snake with milk, increases its venom.
पयःपानं भुजंगानां केवलं विषवर्धनम्॥
English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:
Advice given to fools, makes them angry and not calm them down.
Just like feeding a snake with milk, increases its venom.
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Terri Martin
The love of a family is life's greatest blessing
कुटुंबस्य प्रेम जीवनस्य परमाशीर्वादोऽस्ति
Paul [paw-l] = पॉल
Karryn [ka-ren] = कॅरेन
Ryan [r-eye-en] = रायेन
कुटुंबस्य प्रेम जीवनस्य परमाशीर्वादोऽस्ति
Paul [paw-l] = पॉल
Karryn [ka-ren] = कॅरेन
Ryan [r-eye-en] = रायेन
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Kristina Jensen
JENSEN [JEN-SEN] = जेनसेन
English to Tamil Tattoos Name Translation for Vikram Harichandran Nishan
Harichandran = ஹரிச்சந்திரன்
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Numbers Translation for Carsten Gutbier
N 52° 34.268' = एन ५२° ३४.२६८'
E 013° 24.872' = ई ०१३° २४.८७२'
E 013° 24.872' = ई ०१३° २४.८७२'
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Lalin Akhan
Şule [shoo-lay] = शूले
Lalin [lal-in] = लॅलिन
Lalin [lal-in] = लॅलिन
01 February 2012
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Kiki Pedersen
Kristina [Kree-stee-na] = क्रीस्टीना
Kiki [kee-kee] = कीकी
Kiki [kee-kee] = कीकी
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Neetu Ramnarain
SAZI [Saa see] = सासी
Mooradi [moo ra dee] = मूरॅडी
Mooradi [moo ra dee] = मूरॅडी
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Shurenn Jeya
Shinthuja [Sin-tho-ya] = सिंथोया
Jeyanandam [Yey-aa-nan-tam] = येयानंतम
Vijayayanayaky [vi-ja-ya-naa-ya-kee] = विजयनायकी
Jeyanandam [Yey-aa-nan-tam] = येयानंतम
Vijayayanayaky [vi-ja-ya-naa-ya-kee] = विजयनायकी
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Ally Régina
Freedom = मुक्ति
Fate = नियति
Hope = आशा
Fate = नियति
Hope = आशा
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Aerin Yuktadatta
Nantapol [nun-taa-pol] = नंटापोल
Kajornboon [kaa-jorn-boon] = काजोर्नबून
Aerin [air-rin] = ऐरिन
Kajornboon [kaa-jorn-boon] = काजोर्नबून
Aerin [air-rin] = ऐरिन
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Dorien Ridley Grey
Become like water = जलमिव भव
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Linda Wong
beautiful resurrection = सुंदरपुनरुत्थान
English to Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for GERALD BARING LINGGI
Peace lies within = शांतिरंतरतः विद्यते
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