Linnea (pronounced: La-Nay) = लॅने
Goetz (pronounced: Gets) = गेट्स
Sanskrit Quotes for inspiration and motivation. Sanskrit translation is done by a human Sanskrit Translator and can be used as an online Sanskrit Dictionary. It is offered free of cost for up to 3 English words including numbers and initials for the first time only. For Translation Requests, please send an email to drkpp[at]hotmail[dot]com Donors get high resolution image of the translation done in calligraphic fonts which you can print and take to the tattoo artist.
31 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Ariane Velazquez Maris
1._ Adriana [ Ah-dree-a-nna_ ] = आड्रीएना
2._ honesty = सरलता
3._ Leia [ Le-y-ah ] = लेया
2._ honesty = सरलता
3._ Leia [ Le-y-ah ] = लेया
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Sunayana Barat
1. weave = वय
2. needle = सूचि
3. texture = विरचना
2. needle = सूचि
3. texture = विरचना
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Robyn Francis
Enlightenment = प्रबोधन
Strength = बल
Nirvana = निर्वाण
Strength = बल
Nirvana = निर्वाण
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jane Dixon
1._Grandma = मातामही
2._Granda = मातामह
3._love = प्रेम
2._Granda = मातामह
3._love = प्रेम
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Danielle Warner
1) Female = स्त्री
2) Karma = कर्म
3) Sister = भगिनी
2) Karma = कर्म
3) Sister = भगिनी
30 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Victoria Schweizer
all you need is love = केवलं प्रेमास्ति तवापेक्षा
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Liv Devos
#1- Eric [er - ik] = एरिक
#2- love = प्रेम
#3- Forever = शाश्वत
#2- love = प्रेम
#3- Forever = शाश्वत
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Angie King
1.Brad [ Brad ] = ब्रॅड
2.Brendan [ Bren - dan ] = ब्रेंडॅन
2.Brendan [ Bren - dan ] = ब्रेंडॅन
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Tracey Booth
1.Regan [ ree - gan ] = रीगॅन
2.Layne [ lane ] = लेन
2.Layne [ lane ] = लेन
29 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Leanne Bruce
1. Alexandra [ al-ex-an-dra] = अलेक्सँड्रा
2. No regrets = न पश्चात्तापः
2. No regrets = न पश्चात्तापः
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Joy Gary Aviet
Joy [joy] = जॉय
Gary [ga-ry] = गॅरी
Aviet [a-vi-et] = एव्हिएट
Gary [ga-ry] = गॅरी
Aviet [a-vi-et] = एव्हिएट
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Pankaj Pagare
1.pankaj = पंकज
2.vrushali = वृषाली = प्रेम
2.vrushali = वृषाली = प्रेम
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Christina Ferrara
NOTHING IS PERMANENT = न किमपि शाश्वतमस्ति
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Katherine Hukom
1.Kisyalaya pronunciation [ ki-sya-la-ya ] = किस्यलय
2.Devata pronunciation [ De-va-ta ] = देवता
3.Katherine pronunciation [ kath-rin ] = कॅथरिन
2.Devata pronunciation [ De-va-ta ] = देवता
3.Katherine pronunciation [ kath-rin ] = कॅथरिन
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Hiba M.
Faithful = श्रद्धावान्
Kamal [ka-maal] = कमाल
Strength = बल
Kamal [ka-maal] = कमाल
Strength = बल
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Amelia Southam Soujhurn
1. Xavier [ ZAY-vee-ur ] = झेव्हीअर
2. Joel [ Jo-uhl ] = जोअल
2. Joel [ Jo-uhl ] = जोअल
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Emily Horrigan
1 Joel (j-ol) = जोल
2 Emily (em-ah-lee) = एमाली
3 forever = शाश्वत
2 Emily (em-ah-lee) = एमाली
3 forever = शाश्वत
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Elye Schenk
1. Light = प्रकाश
2. Reborn = पुनर्जाता
3. Elye [el-lee] = एली
2. Reborn = पुनर्जाता
3. Elye [el-lee] = एली
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Yasmin Gill
1. Jaspal = जसपाल
2. Allison pronunciation [ Alice-un ] = एलिसन
3. Sunil = सुनिल
2. Allison pronunciation [ Alice-un ] = एलिसन
3. Sunil = सुनिल
28 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Traslation for Claire Terris
Bruce = Broose = ब्रूस
Alec = Al-ick = एलिक
Daniel = Dan-yil = डॅनयिल
Alec = Al-ick = एलिक
Daniel = Dan-yil = डॅनयिल
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Shweta Pai
1. Shweta pronunciation [Shway-ta] = श्वेता
2. Simar pronunciation [Si-murr] = सिमर
3. Saraswati pronunciation [Sara-swa-thi] = सरस्वथि
2. Simar pronunciation [Si-murr] = सिमर
3. Saraswati pronunciation [Sara-swa-thi] = सरस्वथि
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Stephanie Witherspoon
gratitude = कृतज्ञता
service [seva] = सेवा
service [seva] = सेवा
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Bibudhendu Mohapatra
1. Serenity = प्रसाद
2. Harmony = समरसता
3. Grateful = कृतज्ञा
2. Harmony = समरसता
3. Grateful = कृतज्ञा
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Sharanya Pathmanaban
1.commitment [ doing ] = करण
2.commit [ do ] = कुरु
2.commit [ do ] = कुरु
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Jimmy Bryant - Moore
Continuous-Motion-Soul [a soul with continuos motion]
27 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Johnny O Keeffe
VICTORIA pronunciation [VIC - TOR - IA ] = व्हिक्टोरिआ
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Julie Ann Mitchell
Name 1.Lila pronunciation [ LEE Lah ] = लीला
Name 2.Mae pronunciation [ May ] = मे
Name 2.Mae pronunciation [ May ] = मे
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Sophie - Alexandra Neault
1.Sophie pronunciation [So-phi] = सोफि
2.Alexandra pronunciation [A-lex-an-dra] = एलेक्सँड्रा
3.Neault pronunciation [No] = नो
2.Alexandra pronunciation [A-lex-an-dra] = एलेक्सँड्रा
3.Neault pronunciation [No] = नो
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Diptraya Pramandana
1. Diptraya pronunciation Deep Try Ah = डीपट्राया
2. Pramandana pronunciation Pra Man Day Nah = प्रमँडेना
3. Ratulangi pronunciation Rut Two Lung E = रटूलंगी
2. Pramandana pronunciation Pra Man Day Nah = प्रमँडेना
3. Ratulangi pronunciation Rut Two Lung E = रटूलंगी
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Sylvia Zita
1. zita sylvia [zi-ta, syl-vi-a ] = झिटा सिल्व्हिआ
2. hope = आशा
2. hope = आशा
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Jayand Girjasing
Whit-ney (Whitney) = व्हिटनी
Ma-nis-cha (ma-ni-shaa) = मनिषा
Ma-nis-cha (ma-ni-shaa) = मनिषा
26 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Shawn Linton
Loved Child = प्रियशिशु
Collier = Call - yer = कॉलयर
Collier = Call - yer = कॉलयर
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for José Crestejo
1. José pronunciation [ jo - seh ] = जोसे
2.Carlos pronunciation [ car - los ] = कार्लोस
3.Crestejo pronunciation [ crest-eh-jo ] = क्रेस्टेजो
2.Carlos pronunciation [ car - los ] = कार्लोस
3.Crestejo pronunciation [ crest-eh-jo ] = क्रेस्टेजो
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Brian Jean - Marie
Shalimar pronunciation [ Sha-li-mar ] = शालिमार
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Elke Temmerman
1. Jill pronunciation [ jill ] = जिल
2. Tenzin pronunciation [ ten-zin ] = तेनझिन
2. Tenzin pronunciation [ ten-zin ] = तेनझिन
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Gonda Doyen
Name 1.Jocelyn pronunciation [Josselin] = जोसेलिन
Name 2.Gonda = गोंडा
Name 3.Tompoes pronunciation [Tompoos ] = टाँपूस
Name 2.Gonda = गोंडा
Name 3.Tompoes pronunciation [Tompoos ] = टाँपूस
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Stefan Burnett
1.Ethan pronunciation [ e-th-an ] = एथन
2.Cellan pronunciation [ kel-lan ] = केलॅन
3.Burnett pronunciation [ Burn-net ] = बर्नेट
2.Cellan pronunciation [ kel-lan ] = केलॅन
3.Burnett pronunciation [ Burn-net ] = बर्नेट
25 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Tim Miller
1. Laura [Lau - ra ] = लौरा
2. Love = प्रेम
3. Tyler [Ty - ler] = टायलर
2. Love = प्रेम
3. Tyler [Ty - ler] = टायलर
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Paul Nash
1.Alfie pronunciation [ al - fee ] = एल्फी
2.Gracie pronunciation [ gray - cee ] = ग्रेसी
3.Brothers = भ्रातरः
2.Gracie pronunciation [ gray - cee ] = ग्रेसी
3.Brothers = भ्रातरः
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Svetlana SAGE
1. Brittany = bri-tah-nee = ब्रिटानी
2. Eternally = शाश्वतम्
3. Svetlana = svet-lah-nah = स्वेतलाना
2. Eternally = शाश्वतम्
3. Svetlana = svet-lah-nah = स्वेतलाना
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Padmavathy Sarangapany
padma [pad-ma = p-adma ] = पद्मा
padmey [pad-mey ] = पद्मे
padmey [pad-mey ] = पद्मे
24 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for James Childs
Name 1.EMMA pronunciation [ EM - A ] = एमा
Name 2.LOUISE pronunciation [ LOO - EASE ] = लूईस
Name 3.WILLIAMS pronunciation [ WILL - E - UMS ] =विलीअम्स
Name 2.LOUISE pronunciation [ LOO - EASE ] = लूईस
Name 3.WILLIAMS pronunciation [ WILL - E - UMS ] =विलीअम्स
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for SRI DAMODARAN NAIR
Name 1.SRI [ SRI ] = श्री
Name 2.DAMODARAN [ DA-MO-DA-RAN ] = दामोदरन
Name 3.NAIR [ NA-YER ] = नायर
Name 2.DAMODARAN [ DA-MO-DA-RAN ] = दामोदरन
Name 3.NAIR [ NA-YER ] = नायर
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Shar K.
Everything sounds more profound in Latin
लॅटिनभाषायां सर्वं गहनतरमस्ति
लॅटिनभाषायां सर्वं गहनतरमस्ति
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Nina Dergunova
Name 1.Nina pronunciation [ n-i-n-a ] = निना
Name 2.Darya pronunciation [ Da-r`ya] = दर्या
Name 2.Darya pronunciation [ Da-r`ya] = दर्या
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Ivan Fernandez
1.Light = प्रकाश
2.Courage = धैर्य
3.Life = जीवन
2.Courage = धैर्य
3.Life = जीवन
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Ramani Dorai Raj
Name 1._Raajeev = राजीव
Name 2. Rishi = ऋषि
Name 3.Ramani = रामाणि
Name 2. Rishi = ऋषि
Name 3.Ramani = रामाणि
Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for KellY Nijp
1. Kelly [pronunciation] ke-lly = केली
2. Gustavo [pronunciation]Gu-sta-vo = गुस्टॅव्हो
3.loves = प्यार करती है
2. Gustavo [pronunciation]Gu-sta-vo = गुस्टॅव्हो
3.loves = प्यार करती है
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Izabella Sargsyan
Love, believe, achieve = अनुरज, विश्वसिहि, प्राप्नुहि
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Pankaj Chandwani - Sonu
First word: Maya = माया
Second word: Moti = मोती
Third word: Power = ताकत
Second word: Moti = मोती
Third word: Power = ताकत
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jennifer Leigh Anderson
1.breathe = श्वसिहि
2.gratitude = कृतज्ञता
3.evolve [increase/develop] = क्रमस्व
2.gratitude = कृतज्ञता
3.evolve [increase/develop] = क्रमस्व
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Scott Evans Wheadon
live without regrets = जीव पश्चात्तापेन विना
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Prakas M Nathan
1.Lavanya Lav-anya = लावण्या
2.Prakas Pra-kash = प्रकाश
2.Prakas Pra-kash = प्रकाश
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for LEANDRA NAICKER
Name 1.LEANDRA [pronunciation] LEE-AN-DRA = लीएँड्रा
Name 2.KUBENDREN [pronunciation]_KU-BEN-DREN = कुबेंड्रेन
Name 2.KUBENDREN [pronunciation]_KU-BEN-DREN = कुबेंड्रेन
23 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for David Gutherz
1.Aimee [pronunciation] AY-mee = एमी
Name 2.Penelope [pronunciation] peh-NEH-lo-pee = पेनेलोपी
Name 2.Penelope [pronunciation] peh-NEH-lo-pee = पेनेलोपी
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Lauren Strate
Do all things with love = सर्वं प्रेम्णा कुरु
Cooper [pronunciation]coo-per = कूपर
Sheldon [pronunciation]shel-dun = शेल्डन
Love = प्रेम
Do all things with love- I will follow you into the dark
सर्वं प्रेम्णा कुरु - अंधःकारे त्वामनुगमिष्यामि
[ I ] Love you forever
शाश्वतं त्वामनुरजामि
Sheldon [SHEL-DIN] = शेल्डिन
Cooper [pronunciation]coo-per = कूपर
Sheldon [pronunciation]shel-dun = शेल्डन
Love = प्रेम
Do all things with love- I will follow you into the dark
सर्वं प्रेम्णा कुरु - अंधःकारे त्वामनुगमिष्यामि
[ I ] Love you forever
शाश्वतं त्वामनुरजामि
Sheldon [SHEL-DIN] = शेल्डिन
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Adinutza Michelle
1. Rowan (pronunciation = Ro-wan) = रोवॅन
2. Serendipity = भाग्यवशता
3. Brian (pronunciation = bra-ian) = ब्रायन
2. Serendipity = भाग्यवशता
3. Brian (pronunciation = bra-ian) = ब्रायन
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Lee Fernandes
God take my will and my life
ईश्वर ममेच्छां मम जीवनं चादत्स्व
ईश्वर ममेच्छां मम जीवनं चादत्स्व
22 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Alexandra Laing - Sandy
love conquers all = प्रेम सर्वान् जयति
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Obrejan, Marius, VF-RO
1.LUCA____ [pronunciation] LU-CA = लुका
2.DOMINIC____ [pronunciation]DO-MI-NIC = डॉमिनिक
2.DOMINIC____ [pronunciation]DO-MI-NIC = डॉमिनिक
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Iulian Nenciu
1.Simona [Si-Mo-Na] = सिमोना
2.Constantin [Con-Stan-Tin] = कॉन्स्टँटिन
3.1988 = १९८८
2.Constantin [Con-Stan-Tin] = कॉन्स्टँटिन
3.1988 = १९८८
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Bryan Sario
1.Bryan [pronunciation] bra - yan = ब्रॅयॅन
2.Love = प्रेम
3.Kimberley[pronunciation] Kim-ber-li = किंबर्लि
2.Love = प्रेम
3.Kimberley[pronunciation] Kim-ber-li = किंबर्लि
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Caitlyn M. Spina
Caitlyn (cait lyn) = कैटलिन
Thankful = कृतज्ञा
strength = बल
Thankful = कृतज्ञा
strength = बल
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Jiahui Cui
eyes closed = मीलितनेत्रे
close your [two]eyes = तव नेत्रे मील
close your [two]eyes = तव नेत्रे मील
21 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Vimal Gangadharan
universal constant change = वैश्विकं शाश्वतं परिवर्तनम्
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Paty Villarruel
1- ABRE [abrae] = एब्रै
2- LOS = लॉस
3- OJOS = O-HOS = ओहोस
2- LOS = लॉस
3- OJOS = O-HOS = ओहोस
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Christian Bergstrom
Rasmus[Ras-mus] = रॅस्मस
my son = मम पुत्रः
my son = मम पुत्रः
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Jimmie Colon
Jimi[jee- me] loves Cheryl[sha- ryl]
जीमिकुमारः शॅरिलकुमारीमनुरजति
जीमिकुमारः शॅरिलकुमारीमनुरजति
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Lucila Pinto
souls joined forever = आत्मानः शाश्वतं युक्ताः
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Kristin Richardson - Rojas
Love Conquers All = प्रेम सर्वान् जयति
20 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Mark Jonker
1.Olivia (ol - iv - ia) = ऑलिव्हिआ
2. Emily (Em - ill - ee) = एमिली
2. Emily (Em - ill - ee) = एमिली
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Deepak Arvind Janardhanan
Word 1:Deepak = दीपक
Word 2:Charanyaa = चरण्या
Word 3:Arvind = अरविंद
Word 2:Charanyaa = चरण्या
Word 3:Arvind = अरविंद
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Leisl Bonval - Jennifer
Leisl (pronunciation: Lee-Sul) = लीसल
Daniela (pronunciation: Dani-ella) = डॅनिएला
Daniela (pronunciation: Dani-ella) = डॅनिएला
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Shawn Shetty
Anything is Possible = सर्वं शक्यमस्ति
Libra = तुला
Libra = तुला
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Bert Knopjes
1.believe = विश्वसिहि = अनुरज
3.learn = शिक्षस्व = अनुरज
3.learn = शिक्षस्व
19 October 2009
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Sarah Michelle
1.sarah = say-ra = सेरा
2.michelle = me-shell = मिशेल
2.michelle = me-shell = मिशेल
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Lingyi Jiang
1. bright = उज्ज्वल
2. fame = कीर्ति
3. Robert = रॉबर्ट
I only belong to whom I love
तस्यास्मि यमनुरजामि
2. fame = कीर्ति
3. Robert = रॉबर्ट
I only belong to whom I love
तस्यास्मि यमनुरजामि
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Vineet Chand
1.vineet = विनीत
2.vishal = विशाल
3.chand = चांद
2.vishal = विशाल
3.chand = चांद
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Rachel Boyd
Complete = संपूर्ण
Discipline = अनुशासन
Wisdom = प्रज्ञा
Discipline = अनुशासन
Wisdom = प्रज्ञा
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Krishan Dassaur
Word No. 1: Krishan = Krish-an = क्रिशन
Word No. 2: Dassaur = Duh-sore = दसोर
Word No. 3: Brendar = Brin-the-r = ब्रिन्दर
Word No. 2: Dassaur = Duh-sore = दसोर
Word No. 3: Brendar = Brin-the-r = ब्रिन्दर
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Robert Sparling III
1. Justice = न्याय
2. Grace = कृपा
3. Liberation [moksha] = मोक्ष
2. Grace = कृपा
3. Liberation [moksha] = मोक्ष
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Abby Singh
Word no.1: Pratibha = प्रतिभा
Word no.2: Abhijeet = अभिजीत
Word no.3: Rambir = रमबिर
Word no.2: Abhijeet = अभिजीत
Word no.3: Rambir = रमबिर
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Shivbhadra Sinh Chudasama
love you forever = शाश्वतं त्वामनुरजामि
18 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Corinne Craig
Word No. 1: courage = धैर्य
Word No. 2: peace = शांति
Word No. 2: peace = शांति
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Lexy Monroe - Alex Gallien
1. Trust = विश्वास
2. Faith = श्रद्धा
2. Faith = श्रद्धा
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Paul Connery
paul = pa - ul = पौल
laura = law - ra = लॉरा
kailyn = kay - lyn = केलिन
laura = law - ra = लॉरा
kailyn = kay - lyn = केलिन
17 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for David Pettypool
David = day - vid = डेव्हिड
Anthony = ann the knee = एन्थेनी
Anthony = ann the knee = एन्थेनी
Tattoos : Phrase Translation for Kathryn S. Klein - Murphy
Angel = फरिश्ता
Soulmates [a male & female pair, friends for life]
रूह के दोस्त [literal]
जिंदगी भर के लिए दोस्त [meaning wise]
Never Forgotten
कभी भी न भूला हुआ [addressed to male]
कभी भी न भूली हुई [addressed to female]
Angel = देवदूत
Soulmates [a male & female pair, friends for life]
आत्ममित्रे [literal]
जीवनाय मित्रे [meaning wise]
Never Forgotten
न कदापि विस्मृतः [addressed to male]
न कदापि विस्मृता [addressed to female]
Angel = फरिश्ता
Soulmates [a male & female pair, friends for life]
रूह के दोस्त [literal]
जिंदगी भर के लिए दोस्त [meaning wise]
Never Forgotten
कभी भी न भूला हुआ [addressed to male]
कभी भी न भूली हुई [addressed to female]
Angel = देवदूत
Soulmates [a male & female pair, friends for life]
आत्ममित्रे [literal]
जीवनाय मित्रे [meaning wise]
Never Forgotten
न कदापि विस्मृतः [addressed to male]
न कदापि विस्मृता [addressed to female]
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Berglind Rúnarsdóttir
1. Samadhi = समाधि
2. Serenity = प्रसाद
3. Merkúr [Mer-coor] = मेर्कूर
2. Serenity = प्रसाद
3. Merkúr [Mer-coor] = मेर्कूर
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Daniel Capri
daniel [DAN-yuhl] = डॅनयल
split apart = विभक्तौ
split apart = विभक्तौ
16 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Laura Ebert
Connor = con-nor = कोनोर
Guardian Angel = रक्षकदेवदूत
Guardian Angel = रक्षकदेवदूत
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Violet McKeon - Divine
Cultivate Awareness = प्रबोधनं संवर्धस्व
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Leah Heilani Webb
love = अनुरज
breathe = श्वसिहि
believe = विश्वसिहि
breathe = श्वसिहि
believe = विश्वसिहि
Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Amy Porter - Caitlin
1.Unity = एकता
2.Respect = आदर
3.Family = परिवार
2.Respect = आदर
3.Family = परिवार
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Nofar Angie Gispan
1. Di - ma = डिमा
2. Ta - li - an - ski = टालिएनस्कि
2. Ta - li - an - ski = टालिएनस्कि
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Dr. Parisha Valjee
3. 1. Natasha (Na-tash-sha) = नताशा
2. Parisha (Pa-ree-sha) = परीशा
2. Parisha (Pa-ree-sha) = परीशा
15 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Nathaniel Keith
The journey to enlightenment is everlasting
प्रबोधनयात्रास्ति शाश्वती
As the dreamer, always be true to yourself
and never be afraid to live your life,
pursue your dreams and goals
स्वप्नदर्शीव, आत्मानं प्रति सत्येन वर्तस्व च
तव जीवनं जीवितुं कदापि मा भैषीः,
तव स्वप्नान्ध्येयानि चानुगच्छ च
प्रबोधनयात्रास्ति शाश्वती
As the dreamer, always be true to yourself
and never be afraid to live your life,
pursue your dreams and goals
स्वप्नदर्शीव, आत्मानं प्रति सत्येन वर्तस्व च
तव जीवनं जीवितुं कदापि मा भैषीः,
तव स्वप्नान्ध्येयानि चानुगच्छ च
Sanskrit Quote : Category :: Aims of life
सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः ।
विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम् ॥
English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:
Contentment is the highest gain,
Good Company the highest course,
Enquiry the highest wisdom,
and Peace the highest enjoyment.
विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम् ॥
English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:
Contentment is the highest gain,
Good Company the highest course,
Enquiry the highest wisdom,
and Peace the highest enjoyment.
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Sudesh Gopalan
1.soo - desh = सूदेश
2. go - pa - learn = गोपालर्न
2. go - pa - learn = गोपालर्न
14 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Matt Conflitti
If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing right
कर्म कार्यं यदि, यथायोग्यं कार्यं तर्हि
कर्म कार्यं यदि, यथायोग्यं कार्यं तर्हि
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Denise Stefecius
David Caruso = Day-wid Ka-ru-so = डेव्हिड कॅरुसो
Christopher = Kris-tof-fer = क्रिस्टोफर
Christopher = Kris-tof-fer = क्रिस्टोफर
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Tory Jacobs
1. Tory (name pronunciation: Tore - ee) = टोरी
2. Love = प्रेम
3. Create = सृज
2. Love = प्रेम
3. Create = सृज
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Hadassah Sonnenschein
Jahaziel {pronunciation: Ja- ha- zi- el} = जाहाझिएल
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrases Translation for Tashi Wangchuk
NEVER AGAIN = न कदापि पुनः
I will be faithful strong and brave
श्रद्धावान् बलवान् धैर्यवान् च भविष्यामि [male]
shrad-dhaa-waan ba-la-waan dhair-ya-waan cha bha-wish-yaa-mi
श्रद्धावती बलवती धैर्यवती च भविष्यामि [female]
shrad-dhaa-wa-tee ba-la-wa-tee dhair-ya-wa-tee cha bha-wish-yaa-mi
I will be faithful strong and brave
श्रद्धावान् बलवान् धैर्यवान् च भविष्यामि [male]
shrad-dhaa-waan ba-la-waan dhair-ya-waan cha bha-wish-yaa-mi
श्रद्धावती बलवती धैर्यवती च भविष्यामि [female]
shrad-dhaa-wa-tee ba-la-wa-tee dhair-ya-wa-tee cha bha-wish-yaa-mi
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Jennifer Robbins
Jordyn [Jor-den] = जॉर्डेन
2. my Angel = मम देवदूतः
2. my Angel = मम देवदूतः
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jayantika Minhas - Zoya
1._Radhe = राधे
2._Krishna = कृष्ण
3._peacock = मयूर
2._Krishna = कृष्ण
3._peacock = मयूर
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Holmes, Donna
1.freedom = मुक्ति
2.liberty = independence = स्वातंत्र्य
2.liberty = independence = स्वातंत्र्य
13 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Kate Buchholtz
1. strength = बल
2. faith = श्रद्धा
3. guidance = मार्गदर्शन
2. faith = श्रद्धा
3. guidance = मार्गदर्शन
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Michelle McManus
1. Butterfly = चित्रपतंगिका
2. Snowflake = हिमकण
3. Nothing = न कापि
2. Snowflake = हिमकण
3. Nothing = न कापि
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Ziv Avraham - Danielle
1. boundless = असीमा
2.wild horses = वन्याश्वाः
2.wild horses = वन्याश्वाः
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Aaron Plawke
1. Aaron (Air on) = एरोन
2. Plawke (Plaw Key) = प्लॉकी
3. Life = जीवन
2. Plawke (Plaw Key) = प्लॉकी
3. Life = जीवन
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Christopher Stubelt
3) 1. Christopher (KRIS-tə-fər) = क्रिस्टोफर
3) 2. Stephen (STEEV-ən) = स्टीव्हेन
3) 3. Stubelt (STOO-belt) = स्टूबेल्ट
3) 2. Stephen (STEEV-ən) = स्टीव्हेन
3) 3. Stubelt (STOO-belt) = स्टूबेल्ट
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for SARA K. JORDAN
OPEN HEARTED [generous hearted]= उदारहृदया
OPEN HEARTED [generous hearted]= उदारहृदया
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Katherine Flint
Kate [kayt] = केट
Eternal Princess = शाश्वतराजकुमारी
Eternal Princess = शाश्वतराजकुमारी
Hindi Tattoos Sentence Translation for Candice M. Yursin - Kimsha
You are what you eat = तुम वह हो जो तुम खाते हो
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Tara Grabel
Bazaar = बाजार
Welcome = सुस्वागत
Games = खेल
Food = खाना
Mango Lassies = आम की लस्सी
Welcome = सुस्वागत
Games = खेल
Food = खाना
Mango Lassies = आम की लस्सी
12 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Katie Munt
1. Martin (Mar tin) = मार्टिन
2. Katie (Kay tee) = केटी
2. Katie (Kay tee) = केटी
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jeannette Pigulla
1.Strength = बल
2.Trust = विश्वास
3.Love = प्रेम
2.Trust = विश्वास
3.Love = प्रेम
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Hanie Jane Elizabeth Olsen
1. LOVE = प्रेम
2. FREEDOM = मुक्ति
3. RESPECT = आदर
2. FREEDOM = मुक्ति
3. RESPECT = आदर
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Amalan Mathyalakan
1.Asha = आशा
2.Anjali = अंजलि
3.Jayalakshmee = जयलक्ष्मी
2.Anjali = अंजलि
3.Jayalakshmee = जयलक्ष्मी
11 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Tamara Courtney
To find meaning is to create it
अर्थमन्वेष्टुं तं सृज
अर्थमन्वेष्टुं तं सृज
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Teresa Underwood
1.Believe = विश्वसिहि
2.Truth = सत्य
3.Insight = आंतरिकदृष्टि
2.Truth = सत्य
3.Insight = आंतरिकदृष्टि
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Riley Miller
1.: Frederick (fred-rick) = फ्रेडरिक
2.: Joseph (jo-sef) = जोसेफ
3.: Cacace (cuh-case) = ककेस
2.: Joseph (jo-sef) = जोसेफ
3.: Cacace (cuh-case) = ककेस
10 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Brenda Rebollar
1.Xiomara Ciomara = सिओमारा
2.Alexis = a-lexis = अलेक्सिस
3 Amante = ah-man-te = आमँटे
2.Alexis = a-lexis = अलेक्सिस
3 Amante = ah-man-te = आमँटे
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Mamaswa Sekete
1. Fire = अग्नि
2. Water = जल
3. Passion = तीव्रासक्ति
2. Water = जल
3. Passion = तीव्रासक्ति
Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Robert Prince - Ghetto
Robert [Ro-bert] = रॉबर्ट
Prince [Prins] = प्रिन्स
Octagon = षटकोन
Prince [Prins] = प्रिन्स
Octagon = षटकोन
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Amy Sharma
1)Carefree = चिंतामुक्ता
2)No Regrets = न पश्चात्तापः
2)No Regrets = न पश्चात्तापः
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Dru Wallon
3-1. Chandra = shan - dra = शँड्रा
3-2. light = प्रकाश
3-3. freedom = मुक्ति
3-2. light = प्रकाश
3-3. freedom = मुक्ति
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Sampath Narasimhan = कुटुंब = जीवन = प्रेम = जीवन = प्रेम
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Mandar Deo
A literal translation is:
पुनर्यौवनीकरण [making young again] or
पुनर्नवीकरण [making new again]
A meaning wise translation is:
बलवृद्धि or शक्तिसंवर्धन [increase in power]
A literal translation is:
शक्तिसंकलन [adding energy]
A meaning wise translation is:
उत्साहवर्धन/ उत्साहपोषण [ augmenting / nurturing energy]
A literal translation is:
पुनर्यौवनीकरण [making young again] or
पुनर्नवीकरण [making new again]
A meaning wise translation is:
बलवृद्धि or शक्तिसंवर्धन [increase in power]
A literal translation is:
शक्तिसंकलन [adding energy]
A meaning wise translation is:
उत्साहवर्धन/ उत्साहपोषण [ augmenting / nurturing energy]
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Hailey Wood
1. Hope = आशा
2. Breathe = श्वसिहि
3. Dream = स्वप्न
4. Hailey (hay - lee) = हेली
2. Breathe = श्वसिहि
3. Dream = स्वप्न
4. Hailey (hay - lee) = हेली
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Natavia Berry
1. Beauty = सौंदर्य
2. gentle = कोमल
3. lover = प्रेयसी
2. gentle = कोमल
3. lover = प्रेयसी
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Eva Aznar - Misery Director's Cat
1.Adela (ah-dell-ah) = आडेल
2.Manel (Man-l) = मॅनेल
3.Dawn = प्रभात
2.Manel (Man-l) = मॅनेल
3.Dawn = प्रभात
09 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Crispin Alapag
1. family = कुटुंब
2. love = प्रेम
3. life = जीवन
2. love = प्रेम
3. life = जीवन
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Marta Eckert - Mills
1. Dan = डॅन
2. Marta = मार्ता
3.bound[two male & female ] = बद्धौ
2. Marta = मार्ता
3.bound[two male & female ] = बद्धौ
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for FRANCISCO GREGORIO
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding
तव सर्वहृदयेन विश्वसिहीश्वरे
स्वमतिं मावलंबस्व च
and lean not on your own understanding
तव सर्वहृदयेन विश्वसिहीश्वरे
स्वमतिं मावलंबस्व च
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Nicola Turner - Allcott
1 Matthew = Math - you = मॅथ्यू
2. Danielle = Dany - ell - डॅनीएल
3. Nicky = Nic = key = निकी
2. Danielle = Dany - ell - डॅनीएल
3. Nicky = Nic = key = निकी
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Roberta Delia
1. Chaya = छाया
2. hands = हस्ताः
3. strength = बल
2. hands = हस्ताः
3. strength = बल
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Padmashree RamMaghenthar
Word No. 1. SHRI = श्री
Word No. 2. RAAMA = राम
Word No. 3. JAYAM = जयम्
Word No. 2. RAAMA = राम
Word No. 3. JAYAM = जयम्
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Deepak Pankhania
Pankhania (pan-kahr-nee-ya) = पंखानीया
kanji dhokia (can-G-dho-kya) = कांजी ढोकिया
kanji dhokia (can-G-dho-kya) = कांजी ढोकिया
08 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Lee Atkinson
1.Skye = Sky = स्काय
2.Angel An-gel = अँजेल
3.Blue Bl-oo = ब्लू
2.Angel An-gel = अँजेल
3.Blue Bl-oo = ब्लू
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Bradley Hills
1.Brad = B- rad = ब्रॅड
2.kirstie= kir-stie = किर्स्टी
3.Hills = हिल्स
Scorpio = वृश्चिक
2.kirstie= kir-stie = किर्स्टी
3.Hills = हिल्स
Scorpio = वृश्चिक
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Denise Henderson
Live Without Regrets = जीव पश्चात्तापेन विना
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Felicity Medhurst
1. Peace = शांति
2. Love = प्रेम
3. Empathy = सहवेदना
2. Love = प्रेम
3. Empathy = सहवेदना
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for WERNICH DAMIAN Callum
WERNICH = WER-NIG = वेर्निग
DAMIAN = DAY-MIAN = डेमिएन
CALLUM = CAL-LIM = कॅलिम
DAMIAN = DAY-MIAN = डेमिएन
CALLUM = CAL-LIM = कॅलिम
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Joanna Mungal
1. Growth = व्रृद्धि
2. Courage = धैर्य
3. Strength = बल
2. Courage = धैर्य
3. Strength = बल
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Amenala Neahru
play of consciousness [chid-shakti-vilasa] = चिद्शक्तिविलास
07 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Parfeni Lucian - Zei Maister
Cornelia (prononunced as written) = कॉर्नेलिआ
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Elles Blom
1.Elles = EL-Les = एलेस
2. self-discipline = स्वानुशासन
3. persistance = प्रयत्न
2. self-discipline = स्वानुशासन
3. persistance = प्रयत्न
Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Nyncke Berga
1. friends forever = शाश्वतं मित्राणि
2. jaden = djeeden = जीडेन
2. jaden = djeeden = जीडेन
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Andrea Caruso
1. Krasha . pronunciation crush-ah = क्रशा
2. Believe = विश्वसिहि
3. courage = धैर्य
2. Believe = विश्वसिहि
3. courage = धैर्य
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Christian Lechner
1. Christian = chris-tian = ख्रिस्टिएन
2. Lechner = Lech-ner = लेकनर
3. Tahnee = Tah-nee = टानी
2. Lechner = Lech-ner = लेकनर
3. Tahnee = Tah-nee = टानी
06 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Nishi Kamdar
Word no.1: Family = कुटुंब
Word no.2: Nishi (nee shee) = नीशी
Word no.2: Nishi (nee shee) = नीशी
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Pedro Kuapouch
1. immortality = अमरत्व
2. happiness = आनंद
3. knowledge = ज्ञान
2. happiness = आनंद
3. knowledge = ज्ञान
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Charlotte Louise Bartholomew
Kai = K - eye = काय
Joseph = Jo - sef = जोसेफ
Joseph = Jo - sef = जोसेफ
Sanskrit Tattoos Mantra Translation for Jay Prakash Yadav
TAMSO MA JYOTIRGAMAYA = तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
Sanskrit Tattoos Date Translation for Ian Humphries
26 April 2009 = २६ एप्रिल २००९
Twenty sixth April two thousand and three
एप्रिलमासे षड्विंशतितम: दिवस:
Twenty sixth April two thousand and three
एप्रिलमासे षड्विंशतितम: दिवस:
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Kim Høiberg
1.Rest = विश्रांति
2.Lust = लालसा
3.Peace = शांति
2.Lust = लालसा
3.Peace = शांति
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Biren Moodly
1._MOODLY = MOOD-LEE = मूडली
2._BIREN = BE-REN = बिरेन
3._BEEVER = BEE-VER = बीव्हर
2._BIREN = BE-REN = बिरेन
3._BEEVER = BEE-VER = बीव्हर
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Michelle Renee
1.faithful = श्रद्धालु
2.committed = प्रतिज्ञाबद्धा
3.forever = शाश्वत
2.committed = प्रतिज्ञाबद्धा
3.forever = शाश्वत
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Tanya Mula
Moisari = moy-sa-ri = मॉयसरि
Live = जीव
Forever = शाश्वत
Live = जीव
Forever = शाश्वत
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Sakshi Khanna
1.Aaryan = आर्यन
2.Arihaan = अरिहान
3.Eishaan = ऐशान
2.Arihaan = अरिहान
3.Eishaan = ऐशान
05 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Veronique Peffer
1.Zoë( zowé) = झोवी
2.mine = मदीया
3.Princess = राजकन्या
2.mine = मदीया
3.Princess = राजकन्या
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for SUMEET KAUR
1.MAN-WIND-A = मनविंदा
2.TAR-AN-DEEP = तरणदीप
3. NIM-REE-TA = निमरीता
2.TAR-AN-DEEP = तरणदीप
3. NIM-REE-TA = निमरीता
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Rita RAJA
1. Veerinder = वीरिंदर
2. Renu = रेणु
3. brother = भ्राता
2. Renu = रेणु
3. brother = भ्राता
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Vigneswari Veerasamy
Vignesh = विग्नेश
Peace = शांति
Strength = बल
Peace = शांति
Strength = बल
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Angela van Ballegoie
1.wolf = वृक
2.destiny = नियति
3.sons = पुत्राः
2.destiny = नियति
3.sons = पुत्राः
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Mary Klover - Srees Gadam Setty
mother = माता
father = पिता
son = पुत्र
father = पिता
son = पुत्र
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Mairym Rodriguez
1. Alanis = Ah-lah-nees = आलानीस
2. Mairym = Mah-e-reem = माईरीम
3. Josue = Ho-sue-eh = होस्यूए
2. Mairym = Mah-e-reem = माईरीम
3. Josue = Ho-sue-eh = होस्यूए
Marathi Tattoos Words Translation for SAEE HARIDAS
1.RUBY = माणिक
2.EMERALD = पाचू
3.AMETHYST = जांबुवंत
2.EMERALD = पाचू
3.AMETHYST = जांबुवंत
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Elysia Popeey
Strength = बल
Elysia (Uh Lee See Yuh) = अलीसीया
Love = प्रेम
Elysia (Uh Lee See Yuh) = अलीसीया
Love = प्रेम
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Anoop K. T.
SREELAKSHMI = स्रीलक्ष्मि
SHREELAXMEE = श्रीलक्ष्मी
SHREELAXMEE = श्रीलक्ष्मी
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for David Gardener
1. Emily= m - e - lee = एमीली
2. Jade= jay - d = जेड
2. Jade= jay - d = जेड
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Benjamin Kline
Resist nothing = मा किमपि विनिवारय
Presence = उपस्थिति
Presence = उपस्थिति
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Christian Pierantoni
Virginia = Vir-gi- nia = व्हिर्जिनिआ
Christian = Chris-tian = ख्रिस्टिएन
Christian = Chris-tian = ख्रिस्टिएन
04 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Matt Bellingham
1.Mahatma = महात्मा
2.Live = जीव
3.Life = जीवन
2.Live = जीव
3.Life = जीवन
Marathi Tattoos Phrase Translation for Nilesh Suryavanshi
Data Communication Network
माहिती आदानप्रदान आंतरजाल
माहिती आदानप्रदान आंतरजाल
Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Marta Iglesias
1.Marta (mar-ta) = मार्ता
2.Iglesias (ig-le-si-as) = इग्लेसिएस
2.Iglesias (ig-le-si-as) = इग्लेसिएस
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Satish Andy Manani
Dylan=dill lan = डिलॅन
Karina=kar ree na = करीना
Jasmine=jas meen = जसमीन
Karina=kar ree na = करीना
Jasmine=jas meen = जसमीन
03 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Desiree Alia
Desiree Daniel [dez a ray dan yule] = डेझरे डॅनयल
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Lorelai Marcu = सौंदर्य
2.confidence = आत्मविश्वास
3.inside = अंतर्भाग
2.confidence = आत्मविश्वास
3.inside = अंतर्भाग
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Jacque Carbonara
1.Addison = (AD ih sun) = एडिसन
2.Bradley = (BRAD lee) = ब्रॅडली
2.Bradley = (BRAD lee) = ब्रॅडली
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Kristen Zucchetto - Monark
1. Faith = श्रद्धा
2. God = देव
3. Love = प्रेम
2. God = देव
3. Love = प्रेम
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Sarine Donoyan - Kajol Ghopal
1. love = प्रेम
2. peace = शांति
3. unity = एकता
2. peace = शांति
3. unity = एकता
02 October 2009
Sanskrit Tattoos Dates Translation for Jonny Seger
Sixty seven ten thirty one
सप्तषष्टि: दशैकत्रिंशतिः
Eighty five ten thirty one
पंचाशीतिः दशैकत्रिंशतिः
two thousand nine ten thirty one
नवाधिकं द्विसहस्रं दशैकत्रिंशतिः
two thousand eight ten thirty one
अष्टाधिकं द्विसहस्रं दशैकत्रिंशतिः
सप्तषष्टि: दशैकत्रिंशतिः
Eighty five ten thirty one
पंचाशीतिः दशैकत्रिंशतिः
two thousand nine ten thirty one
नवाधिकं द्विसहस्रं दशैकत्रिंशतिः
two thousand eight ten thirty one
अष्टाधिकं द्विसहस्रं दशैकत्रिंशतिः
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Céline ROSSIGNOL
1.Chloé (pronunciation : klo - é) = क्लोई
2.Olivier (pronunciation : O - LI- VIé) = ओलिव्हिए
3. Céline (pronunciation : sé - leen) = सेलीन
2.Olivier (pronunciation : O - LI- VIé) = ओलिव्हिए
3. Céline (pronunciation : sé - leen) = सेलीन
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jason Beckett
1.LOVING = प्रेममय
2.CREATIVE = सर्जनशील
3.DIVINE = दिव्य
2.CREATIVE = सर्जनशील
3.DIVINE = दिव्य
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Lee Rowe
1. Payton - pay - tin = पेटिन
2. Holy Ho-l-ee = होली
3. Hunter Hun - ter = हंटर
2. Holy Ho-l-ee = होली
3. Hunter Hun - ter = हंटर
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Gina Collier
1.Ryan = Ry - an = रायेन
2.James = Jay - m - s = जेम्स
2.James = Jay - m - s = जेम्स
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Santhan Moodley
1.SANTHAN = संथन
2.PEACE = शांति
3. KAJAL = काजल
2.PEACE = शांति
3. KAJAL = काजल
Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Hanouf Aziz
1.Hanouf = Ha-noo-f = हनूफ
2. Abdullah = abdo-lah = अब्दोला
3. Ganoofa = Ga-noo-fa = गनूफा
2. Abdullah = abdo-lah = अब्दोला
3. Ganoofa = Ga-noo-fa = गनूफा
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Salise Osborn
1.) Salise = Sa- lis = सॅलिस
2.) Beauty = सौंदर्य
3.) Eternity = अनंतता
2.) Beauty = सौंदर्य
3.) Eternity = अनंतता
Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Marine Labrandine
1.Marine [Mae-ri-n] = मैरिन
2.Strength = बल
3.Dance = नृत्य
2.Strength = बल
3.Dance = नृत्य
Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Darren LoRusso
Darren ( dare in) = डेरिन
Lorusso (low roo so) = लॉरूसो
Lorusso (low roo so) = लॉरूसो
01 October 2009
Hindi Tattoos Initials Translation for Aileen Secord
1. Ai (pronounced like the letter 'i') = आय
2. D.B. = डी.बी.
2. D.B. = डी.बी.
Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Protocol Six Consulting - Sarah
How does one teach that which can only be learned,
show that which can only found
कथं शिक्षितुं शक्यं यत्केवलं पाठ्यमस्ति,
दर्शयितुं शक्यं यत्केवलं लभ्यमस्ति
show that which can only found
कथं शिक्षितुं शक्यं यत्केवलं पाठ्यमस्ति,
दर्शयितुं शक्यं यत्केवलं लभ्यमस्ति
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