31 December 2014

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Diane Thomas

Never Alone = न कदाप्येकाकिनी

24 December 2014

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Sophie Brown

We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking up at the stars
वयं सर्वे परिवाहे स्मः केऽपि त्वस्मासु ताराः प्रति पश्यंति

Alabama ["A"-laa-baa-maa] = एलाबामा

song = गीत

12 December 2014

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Charlotte A Stockdale

flowing natural thoughts = प्रवहंतः स्वाभाविकविचाराः

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Richard Hammond

patient acceptance = सहनशीलस्वीकृतिः

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Sarah Redpath

Precious son = महार्हपुत्रः

Beloved son = प्रियपुत्रः

Happiness lies within = आनंदः अंतस्थः अस्ति

10 December 2014

09 December 2014

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Katja Kos

today tomorrow forever = अद्यं श्वः शाश्वतम्

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Natalie Solheim Bernales

All good things are wild and free
सर्वाणि सुवस्तूनि वन्यानि मुक्तानि च

A prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages
पंजरस्थारण्यकाय हृदि प्रार्थना

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good [I promise that I am up to mischief]
कुचेष्टाप्रियास्मीति प्रतिजानामि

Not all those who wander are lost
न सर्वे चरंतः नष्टाः भवंति

04 December 2014

30 November 2014

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Jordan Kate Bakani - Jordan Aliling - Jose Karlo Aliling

apunyam prati upekshanam = अपुण्यं प्रति उपेक्षणम्

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Mona Kettleson - Penner

May we live like the lotus, at home in muddy water
कमलमिव जीवाम गृहे पंकिलजले

When feeling lost or weak, return to yourself. To who you are.
And when you get there, you will discover yourself,
like a lotus flower in full bloom,
even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.
यदा नष्टतां दुर्बलतां वानुभवसि स्वात्मानं प्रत्यागच्छ यामसि
यदा तत्र प्राप्नोषि स्वात्मानमाविष्करिष्यसि च
अपि पंकिलतडागे सुंदरं बलवच्च

29 November 2014

Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Chris McAtomney

Love is always stronger than fear =

in Sanskrit: प्रेम भयात्सदैव बलवत्तरमस्ति

in Khmer: ជានិច្ចកាលសេចក្ដីស្រឡាញ់ គឺខ្លាំងជាងសេចក្តីខ្លាច

Always choose on the basis of love =

in Sanskrit: सदैव प्रेममूलकं वर

in Arabic: يجب أن يكون الحب هو أساسا أختيارك دائما.

21 November 2014

Sanskrit Translation of Names for Tattoo of Tami McGreer - Tabatabai

Cheyenne (Shy-Ann) = शायेन

Codi (Ko-dee) = कोडी

Brittni (Britt-nee) = ब्रिटनी

16 November 2014

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Alejandro Romo

Trust yourself = स्वात्मनि विश्वसिहि

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Anna Schmidt

You whispered into my heart not my ears
मम हृदये जप्तं त्वया मम कर्णयोस्तु न

You kissed my soul not my lips
ममात्मा चुंबितस्त्वया ममौष्ठौ तु न

11 November 2014

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Jeffrey Feinstein

family forever = शाश्वतं कुटुम्बम्

If the words need to be separated : = शाश्वतम् कुटुम्बम्

09 November 2014

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Isadora Maria Mendes de Souza

Be here now = भवात्राधुना

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Josh Cotton

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
शांतिरंतरतः आगच्छति। तां बहिर्मान्विष्य।

02 November 2014

Sanskrit Translation of Phrases for Tattoo of Ryan Robinson

respect for life = जीवनायादरः

respect for finite life = अंतजीवनायादरः

26 October 2014

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Easwwaran Chadalavada

adwayam = अद्वयम्

adwaitam = अद्वैतम्

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Enora Ferrec

Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved
जीवनं जीवितुं रहस्यमस्ति प्रश्नः तु निराकर्तुं न

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Rahul Vyas

WITTINESS AND TRUTH = चातुर्यं सत्यं च

05 October 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Mona Singh

Spiritual Revolution Awaken to your true nature
आध्यात्मिकक्रांतिः तव सत्यस्वभावं प्रबोध

Good Thoughts Good Words Good Deeds
सुविचाराः सुशब्दाः सुकर्माणि

Sanskrit Translation of English Names for Tattoo of Dulce Palma‏

Edson [edd-son] = एडसन

Dulce [dool-say] = डूल्से

02 October 2014

Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Roweena Singh


phir milenege = फिर मिलेंगे


Ruby [ru-bee] = रुबी 

Waggies [Wag ees] = वॅगीस

Timmy [Tim-mee] = टिमी 

Kiki [kee kee]= कीकी

Roweena [Rohweenah] = रोवीना 

Ishaan [Eshaan] = एशान 

23 September 2014

Translations for Stewart J. Thomas

mom and dad are with me 

माता पिता च मया सह स्तः 

mom and dad are a part of me 

माता पिता च ममांशः स्तः


Live and die without regret [and] always see the beautiful 

जीव म्रियस्व च पश्चात्तापेन विना सदैव सुंदरतां पश्य 

Love when you can, for tomorrow cannot be trusted 

अनुरज यदा शक्नोसि, श्वस्तनदिनः न विश्वस्तः 

And know that Love is God's greatest gift 

प्रेम ईश्वरस्य महत्तमपारितोषिकमस्तीति जानीहि च 

[addressed to a male] 

when you are lost = यदा त्वं नष्टः 

love will guide you home = प्रेम त्वां गृहं नेष्यति 



Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. 
दुष्कर्म और सत्कर्म की कल्पनाओं से परे एक क्षेत्र है। मैं तुम्हें वहाँ मिलुंगा।


I will keep fighting = सततं संग्रामं करिष्यामि 

Keep fighting = सततं संग्रामं कुरु 

To love and be loved is the essence of life 


अनुरक्तुं भवितुमनुरक्ता चेति सारं जीवनस्य 


Protection from Evil Eye = दुष्टनेत्राद्रक्षणम्

 I WAS BORN TO RUN = धावितुमासं जाता 

 I DON'T BELONG TO ANYONE = न कस्याप्यस्मि


Khanti = खांति 


May you be happy = सुखी भव 


May you be free from suffering = दुःखमुक्तः भव 


May you find peace in this life = जीवने शांतिमाप्नुहि 


May all your hopes for this life be realized = एतज्जीवने तवाशाः सिद्धाः भवंतु


My body is bound but my soul is free = 

बद्धं मम शरीरं मुक्तस्तु ममात्मा


Kalachakra Mantra = ?????????

LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE – LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE = ??????????????????????????


Adhiṭṭhāna = अधिट्ठान

hetu = हेतु

paccaya = पच्चय

hetu-paccaya = हेतुपच्चय


I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees
अपने घुटनों पर जीने से अच्छा है के मैं अपने पैर पर खडे होकर कर मरूं

All one in music = सर्वमेकं संगीते

sakhA saptapadA bhava = सखा सप्तपदा भव

sakhAyau saptapadA babhUva = सखायौ सप्तपदा बभूव

sakhyante gameyam = सख्यं ते गमेयम्

sakhyAtte maa yosham = सख्यात्ते मा योषम्

sakhyAnme maa yoshthAH = सख्यान्मे मा योष्ठाः

Persevere through the blood = रक्तेन प्रयतस्व

Think Less, Live More = चिंतयाल्पतरं जीवाधिकम्‌

उद्योगिनं पुरुषसिंहमुपैति लक्ष्मीः
दैवं प्रधानमिति कापुरुषाः वदंति।
दैवं विहाय कुरु पौरुषमात्मशक्त्या
यत्ने कृते यदि न सिद्ध्यति कोऽ त्र दोषः॥
Fortune comes to a man who is industrious like a lion.
Fate is important say coward men.
Leaving fate, achieve by own inner strength.
If there is no success, even after efforts, what's the fault?


devamanussehi aham pi paramāya anukampāya samekkhitabbo
देवमनुस्सेहि अहमपि परमाय अनुकम्पाय समेक्खितब्बो


No Guru = न गुरुः

No Method = न रितिः

No teacher = न शिक्षकः

Just you and I and nature = केवलं त्वमहं सृष्टिश्च

True happiness lies within = सत्यानंदः अंतरतः विद्यते

Just as I wish well for those around me, may I too be held in great compassion
यथा मम परिजनेभ्यः स्वस्तीच्छामि भवतु मय्यापि महानुकंपा

Find your fire = तवाग्निं प्राप्नुहि


Jai Gurudev = ਜਯ ਗੁਰੁਦੇਵ

Do not look back in anger = गतकालं क्रोधेन मा पश्य


dhamma = धम्म

sammā-saṅkappa = सम्मासंकप्प

sati = सति

vipassana = विपस्सना

samma samadhi = सम्मासमाधि

upekkha = equanimity = उपेक्खा


Ulises (oo-lee-ses) = ऊलीसेस

Nallely (na-lay-lee) = नॅलेली

With my feet upon the ground I lose myself between the sounds and open wide to suck it in
मम पादौ भूमौ स्थापयित्वा स्वात्मानं शब्देषु निमज्जामि हार्दिकत्वेन तानंतरे चायच्छामि

I feel it move across my skin
तं मम त्वचायामनुभवामि

I'm reaching up and reaching out
प्राप्नोम्युच्चं बहिश्च प्राप्नोमि

I'm reaching for the random or whatever will be granted to me
प्राप्नोम्यक्रमेण वा यन्मां दत्तं भविष्यति वा

whatever will be granted to me
यन्मां दत्तं भविष्यति

And following our will and wind we may just go where no one's been
इच्छामस्माकं वायुं चानुगमिष्यामस्तत्र गच्छेम यत्र कदाचिन्न कोऽपि गतः

We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been
आवर्तिनमंतपर्यंतमनुगमिष्यामस्तत्र गच्छेम यत्र कदाचिन्न कोऽपि गतः


Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi
पाणातिपाता वेरमणी सिक्खापदं समादियामि

Adinnādānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi
अदिन्नादाना वेरमणी सिक्खापदं समादियामि

Kāmesumicchācāra veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi
कामेसुमिच्छाचारा वेरमणी सिक्खापदं समादियामि

Musāvādā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi
मुसावादा वेरमणी सिक्खापदं समादियामि

Surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi
सुरामेरयमज्जपमादट्ठाना वेरमणी सिक्खापदं समादियामि


I have found the one whom my soul loves = सः मया लब्धः यं ममात्मानुरजति

Brian [Braa-ee-yun] Charles = ब्राईन चार्ल्स

Listiani [lee-stee-aan-ee] = लिस्टीआनी

Don't be weak = मा दुर्बला भव

Your love gives me roots, your love gives me wings
तव प्रेम मे मूलानि यच्छति तव प्रेम मे पक्षौ यच्छति

Your love keeps me grounded, your love gives me wings
तव प्रेम मां स्थिरा करोति तव प्रेम मे पक्षौ यच्छति

Your love keeps me grounded, your love gives me wings
तव प्रेम्णा स्थिरा वर्ते तव प्रेम मे पक्षौ यच्छति

Darkness cannot exist in the presence of light
तमोऽस्तुं न शक्यति प्रकाशोपस्थितौ
ta-mos-tum na shak-ya-ti pra-kaa-sho-pas-thi-tau

here and now = अत्राधुना च

If ever two were one, then surely we.

The first part "If ever two were one" translated into Urdu = اگر ہم دونوں ایک ہوتے

The second part "then surely we" translated into Arabic = فمن المؤكد أننا

in Hindi:
MISHKA = मिष्का

in Sanskrit:
Such is the rule of honor = एवमस्ति सन्मानस्य नियमः

Kay aalam dobara neest = के आलॅम दोबारे नीस्त

Pavan guru paanee pitaa
Maataa dharat mahat
Divas raat du-i daa-ee daayaa
Khaylai sagal jagat
[in Devanagari]
पवन गुरु पानी पिता
माता धरत महत
दिवस रात दुइ दाई दाया
खयलै सगल जगत

[in Gurumukhi]
ਪਵਨ ਗੁਰੁ ਪਾਨੀ ਪਿਤਾ
ਮਾਤਾ ਧਰਤ ਮਹਤ
ਦਿਵਸ ਰਾਤ ਦੁਇ ਦਾਈ ਦਾਯਾ
ਖਯਲੈ ਸਗਲ ਜਗਤ

Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me if you understand
कुत्रासीः यदा मया पृथिवी प्रस्थापिता। मां कथय यदि प्रजानासि।


Rafik = રફિક

Amina = અમિના
Know your sword = तवासिं जानीहि

mayi saccum atthi in Pali = मयि सच्चम् अत्थि

कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारं
संसारसारं भुजगेंद्रहारम् ।
सदा वसन्तं हृदयारविन्दे
भवं भवानीसहितं नमामि ॥
કર્પૂરગૌરં કરુણાવતારં
સંસારસારં ભુજગેંદ્રહારમ્।
સદા વસન્તં હૃદયારવિન્દે
ભવં ભવાનીસહિતં નમામિ॥

That which I love, destroys me = यदनुरजामि मां हंति

Lionel Andres Messi [lee-o-nel and-res mess-see] in Sanskrit = लीओनेल अँड्रेस मेसी

Lionel Andrés Leo Messi Cuccittini [Arabic] = لِيونِل أَنْدِرِس لِيُو مِسِّي كُكْثيتيني

Nabhan's Ashram [Hindi] = नभन का आश्रम

Gloria [glow-ree-aa] = ग्लोरीआ

Martin [mar-tin] = मार्टिन

The American Dream = अमेरिकादेशीयस्वप्न

There is more to life than increasing its speed
उस की गति बढाने से अधिक जिंदगी में कुछ है

Commit to success = यशः कुरु

Peace be with me = शांतिरस्तु मया सह

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able
to remake the world, as in being able to remake ourselves
मनुष्य की दृष्टी से दुनिया का पुनर्निर्माण करने में
उतना बडप्पन नही है जितना खुद के पुनर्निर्माण में है


Every second of the search is an encounter with God
كل ثانية من البحث هي لقاء مع الله

A prayer without words or pleas
صلاة دون كلمات أو مناشدات


Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls
the most massive characters are seared with scars
बलवत्तमात्मानः दुःखाज्जाताः
महात्मानः व्रणांकिताः

Fall down seven times,
Stand up eight
सप्तवारं पताधः

आकाशस्य स्थितिर्यावद्यावच्च जगतः स्थितिः।
तावन्मम स्थितिर्भूयाज्जगद्दुःखानि निघ्नतः॥

Isabella [is-aa-bell-a] = इसाबेला

Skoog [skug] = स्कुग

forest = वन


Louis [loo-ees] = लूईस

Michael [my-kel] = मायकेल

Rousseau [roo-so] = रूसो


All because two people fell in love
सर्वमेतद्यतः द्वे जने परस्परमनुरक्तौ


Ishaan = ഇഷാൻ

Roshan = റോഷൻ

Gabriel = ഗബിരിയൽ


I have purified myself = मयात्मशुद्धिः कृता

Treading fearlessly in the footsteps of a Yogini
योगिन्याः पदचिह्नानामनुगमनं भयेन विना

Belatedly Successful = विलंबेन सफलीभूतः


Robert [raw-burt]Sr. the void = रॉबर्ट ज्येष्ठ रिक्त

Robert [raw-burt]Jr. the fallen = रॉबर्ट कनिष्ठ गिरा हुवा

Anthony [en-tho-nee]the imp = एंथोनी शरारती

Saint Mary [sent may-ree]who endures = सेंट मेरी जो सहती है

Arthur [R-thur]strong as a lion, like coal = आर्थर शेर जैसा ताकतवर जैसे कोयला

Lucas [loo-kas]the arrow that flies straight = लूकॅस तीर जो सीधा चलता है

For Sylvia[sil-vee-aa],Karen,Kim -- this is the last line I will write
सिल्व्हीआ, कॅरेन, किम -- यह आखरी पंक्ति है जो मैं लिखूंगा

Ellen [L-len] a priceless treasure of happiness = एलेन खुशी का अमूल्य खजाना


The stars are right = النجوم على صواب

That is not dead which can eternal lie
ذلك الشيء لايموت الذي يمكن أن يظل للأبد في انتظار

and with strange aeons, even death may die
و بعد مدة طويلة من الزمن، حتى الموت قد يتعرض للموت


Always in my heart = सदैव मम हृदये

Live for today = जीवाद्यदिनाय

One life, one chance = एकजीवनमेकावसरः

My love is my Strength = मम प्रेम मम बलमस्ति

Higher being, a power much stronger than I, protect me and guide me to make the right choice
मत्सुबलवत्तरः परमात्मा मां रक्षतु सम्यग्विकल्पवरणे मामुपदिशतु च

I forgive, I hope, I smile = क्षमे, आशंसे, स्मये
Annagabriela [A-naa-gab-ree-ela] = एनागॅब्रीएला

In Sanskrit: बलीयसी

In Arabic : أقوى

In Tibetan: ???????


Alula Lily my heart, my life, my eternal sunshine
آلولا ليلي قلبي وحياتي وشمسي المشرقة دائمًا

If the family is together, the soul is in the right place
إذا كانت العائلة مصاحبة، فالقلب في حالة مناسبة

The light within me guides me and protects me
النور في داخلي يهديني و يحفظني

To thine own self be true
لأجل نفسك كن صادق
لِأجَلِ نَفْسِكَ كُنْ صَادِقاً
[with the fateh, dameh and kasra]


By giving, we receive = दानेनायच्छामहे

How to Love [Way/Method of Love] = प्रेम्णः रितिः

without you = त्वया विना

Graziella [gra-zee-ella] = ग्रॅझीएला

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet,
and the wind desires to play with your hair
पृथिवी तवानावृतपादावनुभूयानंदतीति मा विस्मर च

वायुः सह केशैस्तव क्रीडितुमिच्छति च

Ksenija [kse-nee-yaa] = क्सेनीया

Toni [toe-nee] = टोनी

Kristian [kree-stee-aan] = क्रीस्टीआन

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing
would suffice to solve most of the world's problems
यत्कुर्मश्च यत्कर्तुं शक्नुमश्चैतयोः भेदः

जगतः अधिकतमप्रश्नानां निराकरणायालम्

I am a woman phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that's me
अहमस्मि स्त्री निसर्गतः, साहमद्भुतस्त्री

Digvijaya = दिग्विजय

Patanjali Yogasootra : I.14

Roman Transliteration:
sa tu deergha-kaala-nairantarya-satkaaraasevito dridha-bhoomih

Sanskrit Verse:

स तु दीर्घकालनैरंतर्यसत्कारासेवितो दृढभूमिः

English Translation:
And this practice becomes firmly rooted when it is
cultivated skillfully and continuously for a long time.

Jaswant Balgobind = जसवंत बालगोबिंद

Adho Mukha Svanasana = अधोमुखश्वानासन

Adho Mukha Vrksasana = अधोमुखवृकासन

Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana = अर्धबद्धपद्मपश्चिमोत्तानासन

Ardha Chandrasana = अर्धचंद्रासन

Ardha Matsyendrasana = अर्धमत्स्येंद्रासन

Astavakrasana = अष्टावक्रासन

Baddha Konasana = बद्धकोणासन

Bakasana = बकासन

Balasana = बालासन

Bhujapidasana = भुजपीडासन

Chataranga Dandasana = चतरंगदंडासन

Dandasana = दंडासन

Danurasana = धनुरासन

Eka Pada Bakasana I = एकपादबकासन १

Eka Pada Bakasana II = एकपादबकासन २

Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana = एकपादराजकपोतासन

Eka Pada Sarvangasana = एकपादसर्वांगासन

Eka Pada Sirsasana = एकपादशीर्षासन

Eka Pada Viparitta Dandasana = एकपादविपरीतदंडासन

Garudasana = गरुडासन

Halasana = हलासन

Hanumanasana = हनुमानासन

Hasta Padangusthasana = हस्तपादांगुष्ठासन

Janu Sirsasana = जानुशीर्षासन

Krounchasana = क्रौंचासन

Kurmasana = कूर्मासन

Marichyasana I = मरीच्यासन १

Marichyasana III = मरीच्यासन २

Natarajasana = नटराजासन

Navasana = नावासन

Padmasana = पद्मासन

Parighasana = परीघासन

Parighasana IV = परीघासन ४

Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana = परिवृत्तार्धचंद्रासन

Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana = परिवृत्तजानुशीर्षासन

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana = परिवृत्तापार्श्वकोणासन

Parivrtta Trikonasana = परिवृत्तात्रिकोणासन

Parsva Bakasana = पार्श्वबकासन

Parsva Halasana = पार्श्वहलासन

Parsva Sirsasana = पार्श्वशीर्षासन

Parsva Sukhasana = पार्श्वसुखासन

Parsvottanasana = पार्श्वोत्तानासन

Pasasana = पाशासन

Paschimottanasana = पश्चिमोत्तानासन

Pincha Mayurasana = पिच्छमयूरासन

Prasarita Padottanasana = प्रसारितपादोत्तानासन

Purvottonasana = पूर्वोत्तानासन

Salabhasana = शलभासन

Sarvangasana = सर्वांगासन

Savasana = शवासन

Sirsasana = शीर्षासन

Supta Padangusthasana = सुप्तपादांगुष्ठासन

Supta Padangusthasana A = सुप्तपादांगुष्ठासन अ

Supta Padangusthasana B = सुप्तपादांगुष्ठासन ब

Tadasana = ताडासन

Titibasana = टिटिभासन

Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana = त्र्यंगमुखैकपादपश्चिमोत्तानासन

Ubhaya Padangusthasana = उभयपादांगुष्ठासन

Upavistha Konasana = उपविष्टकोणासन

Urdhva Danurasana = ऊर्ध्वधनुरासन

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana = ऊर्ध्वमुखश्वानासन

Ustrasana = उष्ट्रासन

Utkatasana = उत्कटासन

Uttanasana = उत्तानासन

Utthita Parsvakonasana = उत्थितपार्श्वकोणासन

Utthita Trikonasana = उत्थितत्रिकोणासन

Vasisthasana = वशिष्ठासन

Viparita Karani = विपरीतकरणी

Virabhadrasana I = वीरभद्रासन १

Virabhadrasana II = वीरभद्रासन २

Virabhadrasana III = वीरभद्रासन ३

Vrksasana = वृकासन

Vrschikasana = वृश्चिकासन


Sabbe satta sukhi hontu = सब्बे सत्ता सुखी होन्तु

sabbe hontu ca khemino = सब्बे होन्तु च खेमिनो

sabbe bhadrani passantu = सब्बे भद्राणि पस्सन्तु

ma kinci dukkhamagama = मा किञ्चि दुक्खमागमा

21 September 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Wendy Toland - Andrew Toland

The seeds of the sweetest fruit are planted in famine
दुष्काले वप्तान्यस्ति

hope = आशा

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Niti Yadav

It is written = तल्लिखितमस्ति

15 September 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Words for Tattoo of Rachel Howells

bodhicitta = बोधिचित्त

acceptance = स्वीकार

forgive = क्षमस्व

13 September 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Names for Tattoo of Darren Wright

Harrison John Wright [Ha-ri-son Jawn Wright] = हॅरिसन जॉन राईट

Zara Sibelle Wright [Zar-ra Si-bell Wright] = झॅरा सिबेल राईट

Soul Mate = आत्ममित्रे

31 August 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Words for Tattoo of Jolene Winter - Sound Pet Eastside Corp

Narayana = नारायण

Ahimsa = अहिंसा

Terry [ter-ree] = टेरी

Jolene [joe-leen] = जोलीन

19 August 2014

Translation of English Phrases for Tattoo of Shaurya Dhananjay Satyarthi‏

in Sanskrit:

वेध समाजमनाचे- व्रत समाजसेवेचे
अभिज्ञानं समाजमनसः व्रतं समाजसेवायाः

कर्तव्य जाणीवतेचे- वेध सामाजिकसेवेचे
कर्तव्यं प्रबोधनस्य अभिज्ञानं सामाजिकसेवायाः

in Marathi:

If undelivered, please return to following address
न दिले गेल्यास कृपया पुढील पत्त्यावर परत पाठवावे

Addressee = घेणार्‍याचा पत्ता

Left without Instruction = सूचने शिवाय सोडून दिले

Unclaimed = हक्क सांगितला नाही

Not Known = माहित नाही

Truth is Eternal
in Sanskrit: सत्यं शाश्वतमस्ति

in Marathi: सत्य शाश्वत आहे


VAISHA = वैशा

To Establish Meritocracy = गुणाधिष्ठितशासनव्यवस्थां स्थापितुम्

Consultants = मंत्रिणः

Economy = अर्थशास्त्र

Society = समाज

Power of Union = एकताबल

Arth - Niti, Prabandh, Shastra dharm
अर्थ - निति [should be neeti - नीति], प्रबंध, शास्त्र धर्म


सहयोगी व्यावसायिक सल्लागार

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Brandon Eklund

Know Thyself = स्वात्मानं जानीहि

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Emilee Meindl

Breathe out = बहिः श्वसिहि

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Jason Davis

never = न कदापि

15 August 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Word for Tattoo of Ya - Hui Chu Cindy

calm = शांता

tolerate = सहस्व

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Marko Bolnar

NEVER BROKEN = न कदापि भग्नः

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Krystel Perfecta - Hermawan

Krystel [crystal] = क्रिस्टल

Perfecta [Perfect-ta] = पर्फेक्टा

Bloom where you are planted = विकस यत्र वप्तासि

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Ann Rachel‏ - Chriscylda George

I am strong = बलवत्यस्मि

Sanskrit Translation of English Words for Tattoo of Kristen Mosdell‏

Kristen [khris-ten] = ख्रिस्टेन

unity = एकता

David [Day-vid] = डेव्हिड

Sanskrit Translation of English Initials for Tattoo of Lisa Nunes‏

B L K [bee el kay] = बी एल के

10 August 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Word for Tattoo of Michele Soeryadjaya

breathe = श्वसिहि

Sanskrit Translation of English Names for Tattoo of Stephanie Laloyaux

Ashley [ash-lee] = एशली

Eden as [E-Dunn] = इडन

Jonathan [Joe-nath-thun] = जोनॅथन

Translations for Ron Askotzky - Wow Imports

01. faith in Hindi = श्रद्धा 

02. Sakoya [Suh-ko-yaa] in Hindi = सकोया 

03. Khushi in Hindi = खुशी

04. I love you in Sanskrit = त्वामनुरजामि

05. Jaxon [Jackson] = जॅक्सन

06. Ahlea [ahhh-lee-uh] = आलीअ 

07. Ranita in Hindi [Rah-ni-tah] = रानीटा

* 08. Poppy: ポピー

09. Lindsey [lind-zee] in Hindi = लिंडझी

10. Nola in Hindi [no-luh] = नोल

*11. Kylee in Korean = 키리

*12. Kayln [kay–lin] in Korean = 케이린

13. Amrita in Hindi = अमृता

14. Anushka in Sanskrit = अनुष्का

15. Bengali name typed as it is = আলী

16. Andrea [An-dree-uh] = अँड्रीअ

17. Derek [derik] in Hindi = डेरिक

*18. Bess in Korean = 베스

19. Julia [JOO-lee-uh] in Hindi = जूलीअ

20. Avina (ah-vee-nuh) in Gujarati = આવીના

21. Lucy (loo-see) in Hindi = लूसी

22. Jahnavi in Hindi = जाह्नवी

23. Ellora in Hindi = एलोरा

24. Sydney [sid-nee] in Hindi = सिडनी

25. Sonia [so-nee-ya] in Hindi = सोनीया

26. Angie [ann –jee] in Marathi = अँजी

27. Devika in Sanskrit‏ = देविका

28. Karla in Hindi [as per request] = कारला

29. Elliiemay (ehlee-may) in Hindi = एलीमे

30. Mitzymoo (mitz-ee-moo) in Hindi = मिट्झीमू

31. Laylah (lay –luh) in Sanskrit = लेल

32. Giovanina [Jee-oh–vah-nee-nuh] in Hindi = जीओव्हॅनिना

33. Tara = तारा

*34. Nicola in Khmer = នីកូឡា

35. Gyan in Hindi = ज्ञान

36. Gurjeet in Sanskrit = गुरजीत

37.* Makiley in Japanese = マキレイ

38. Gail [gay-l] in Sanskrit = गेल

39.* Kayla [kay-luh] = કેલા

40.* Sabrina [suh-bree-nuh] = સબ્રીના

41. Prema = प्रेम

42. Monica in Hindi = मोनिका

43. Tonya in Hindi = टोन्या

09 August 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Caleb Loo

half of a whole:

Addressed to a male: संपूर्णास्यार्धः

Addressed to a female: संपूर्णस्यार्धा

05 August 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Verse for Tattoo of Crystal Kemp - Asavari

paired souls = आत्मयुग्म

Anthony [en-tho-nee] = एंथोनी

Entangled = संलग्नीकृतौ

SoulMates = आत्ममित्रे

Subhadra = सुभद्रा

Asavari = आसावरी

Prashanti = प्रशांति

सर्वेऽपि सुखिनः सन्तु

सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।

सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु

मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत्॥


sar-we-pi su-khi-nah san-tu = Let all be happy
sar-we san-tu ni-raa-ma-yaah = Let all be free from disease
sar-we bhad-raa-Ni pash-yan-tu = Let all see the good
maa kash-chid-dukha-bhaag-bha-wet = Let nobody part take of suffering

03 August 2014

02 August 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Rebecca Bradbury

Live you life = तव जीवनं जीव

Be the change you wish to see in the world
तत्परिवर्तनं भव यज्जगति द्रष्टुमिच्छसि

Embrace every moment = प्रत्येकक्षणमालिंग

Sanskrit Translation of English Name for Tattoo of Victor Flores Jr

Vivyanna [Vih-vee-yah-na] = व्हिव्हीयाना

31 July 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Alicia Singh

Never Alone = नैकाकिनी कदापि

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Reinita Travis

Michelle Lynn (mi-shell linn) = मिशेल लिन

Dane (sounds like pain with a D) = डेन

Fredrick (freh-drik) = फ्रेड्रिक

Taylor (ta-ler) = टॅलर

प्रतिदिनं सदैव च
pra-ti-di-nam sa-dai-wa cha

LOVE = प्रेम = pre-ma

LOYALTY = निष्ठा = nish-tha

DEVOTION = भक्ति = bhak-ti

Mikayla (mi-kay-la) = मिकेला

MacKenzie (ma-ken-zee) = मॅकेंझी

Ivy (i-vee) = आयव्ही

Akasia (a-ka-see-ah) = एकॅसीआ

Reinita (ray-nee-tah) = रेनीटा

19 July 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Francesca Gemelli

Do not forget to love yourself first = प्रथमं स्वात्मानमनुरंक्तुं मा विस्मर

05 July 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Emile Klomp

Learn to realize what you have, before time makes you realize what you had
ज्ञातुं शिक्षस्व यदस्ति तव पश्चात्कालः त्वां ज्ञापयति यदासीत्तव

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Rachel Moline

I see you Mara = त्वां पश्यामि मार

04 July 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Dawn Capron

Where ever you go = यत्र कुत्रापि गच्छसि

there you are = तत्रासि

30 June 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Words for Tattoo of Charlotte Lanoux

self confidence = आत्मविश्वास = aat-ma-wish-waa-sa

Patience = सहनशीलता = sa-ha-na-shee-la-taa

stability = स्थिरता = sthi-ra-taa

26 June 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Jennifer Boyes - Anne Hancock

svadhyaya = स्वाध्याय

ananda = आनंद

santosha = संतोष

santosha and ananda = संतोषानंदश्च

15 June 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Word for Tattoo of Owen Finnegan‏

Persevere = प्रयतस्व

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Tara Kinnane

Strength and kindness = बलं दया च

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Joanne Sears

Together forever = शाश्वतमेकत्र

Never to part = न कदापि वियुक्तौ

Maybe in distance = कदाचिद्दूरतया

But never in heart = न तु कदापि हृदये

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Darshni Perumall

Good qualities in one's self are not seen if mind is not stable
स्वात्मगुणाः न दृश्यंते यदि मनः अस्थिरमस्ति

The sun and moon are not mirrored in cloudy waters
सूर्यचंद्रौ प्रतिबिंबितौ न भवतः अभ्राच्छादितजले

12 June 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrases for Tattoo of Seok Wei Ong

One of many lifetimes = जीवनकालानामेकः

Be contented = संतुष्य

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Michele Robb‏

I forgive you = त्वां क्षमे

Trust your intuition = अंतःप्रेरणायां विश्वसिहि

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Lorena Schoenfeld

I am light, love, and gratitude = प्रकाशः प्रेम कृतज्ञता चास्मि

11 June 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Iker Sebastian Cordero de Pavia - Gisela

Never leave your family = तव कुटुंबं मा कदापि त्यज

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Elpie Barry

Weaving a story from an unknown beginning to an unknown end is life
अज्ञातारंभादज्ञातांतपर्यंतं कथावायः जीवनमस्तीति
aj-naa-taa-ram-bhaa-taj-naa-taan-ta-par-yan-tam ka-thaa-waa-yah jee-wa-na-mas-tee-ti

01 June 2014

Sanskrit Translation for Jamie McIvor

मनो बुद्ध्यहंकारचित्तानि नाहं न च श्रोत्रजिह्वे न च घ्राणनेत्रे।
न च व्योमभूमिर्न तेजॊ न वायु: चिदानन्दरूप: शिवोऽहं शिवॊऽहम्॥

न च प्राणसंज्ञो न वै पञ्चवायुर्न वा सप्तधातुर्न वा पञ्चकोश:।
न वाक्पाणिपादौ न चोपस्थपायू चिदानन्दरूप: शिवोऽहं शिवॊऽहम्॥

न मे द्वेषरागौ न मे लोभमोहौ मदो नैव मे नैव मात्सर्यभाव:।
न धर्मो न चार्थो न कामो न मोक्ष: चिदानन्दरूप: शिवोऽहं शिवॊऽहम्॥

न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दु:खं न मन्त्रो न तीर्थं न वेदा: न यज्ञः।
अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता चिदानन्दरूप: शिवोऽहं शिवॊऽहम्॥

न मृत्युर्न शङ्का न मे जातिभेद: पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्म।
न बन्धुर्न मित्रं गुरुर्नैव शिष्य: चिदानन्दरूप: शिवोऽहं शिवॊऽहम्॥

अहं निर्विकल्पॊ निराकाररूपॊ विभुत्वाच्च सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम्।
न चासंगतं नैव मुक्तिर्न मेय: चिदानन्दरूप: शिवोऽहं शिवॊऽहम्॥

When the power of love
overrides the love of power,
the world will know peace
यदा प्रेम्णः शक्तिः
शक्तेः प्रेमातिक्रमति
जगच्छांतिं ज्ञास्यति

Keep calm and carry on
शाम्य प्रवर्तस्व च

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Elena Matveeva - Partap

Mind is everything = मनः सर्वमस्ति

What you think you become = यथा चिंतयसि भवसि

27 May 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Jessie De La Rosa‏

Chris [Kris] loves Jessie [jess-see] = क्रिसकुमारः जेसीबालामनुरजति

21 May 2014

18 May 2014

Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Vaughan Edgley


You must learn to endure fleeting things - they come and go
अनित्यवस्तूनि प्रति सहनशीलतां शिक्षितुमर्हसि तान्यागच्छंति गच्छंति च


lover = ??? ?????? ?? ????

15 May 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Robert Rizzutti - Rocky

Love Everything = सर्वमनुरज

Fear Nothing = न कस्मादपि बिभेहि

Sanskrit Translation of English Names for Tattoo of Simon Moon

Simon [s-eye-mun] = सायमन

Jaimini [jay-min-i] = जेमिनि

Eva [ee-va] = ईव्हा

Ruben [roo-ben] = रूबेन

Moon = मून

06 May 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Florent Loiacono - DECO ZEN ET FENG SHUI

ekam advitiyam eva = एकम् अद्वितीयम् एव

om tat sat ekam advitiyam eva = ॐ तत् सत् एकम् अद्वितीयम् एव

08 April 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Nadja Niederer - S​otelo

Have faith in what will be = भविष्यकाले श्रद्धत्स्व

Never give up, be honest and believe in yourself
मा कदापि त्यज सरला भवात्मनि विश्वसिहि च

03 April 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Kyle Wyngaard

Aspire to inspire = प्रेरितुं स्पृहयामि

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Johan Labeau

Unbreakable Lotus = अखंड्यपद्म
Free your spirit from mental slavery
मानसिकदास्यात्तवात्मानं मोचय

Free you heart from pains
पीडाभ्यः तव हृदयं मोचय

Break your chains, rise up
शृंखलास्तव खंडयोत्तिष्ठ

01 April 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Gautam Srivastava

There is death in stagnation = गतिहीनतायामस्ति मृत्युः

There is life in movement = जीवनमस्ति चलने

31 March 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Names for Tattoo of Shyanika Diasz‏

Jaden [Jay-den] = जेडेन

Liam [lee-am] = लीएम

Christiaan [kris-tee-yaan] = क्रिस्टीयान

Danielle [dan-nee-L] = डॅनीएल

Aryaana [Ari+yaana] = एरियाना

Zoe [zo-ee] = झोई

27 March 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Yulia Korneeva

William [will-yum] forever in my heart and mind
विलयम मम हृदये मनसि च सदा

26 March 2014

17 March 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Matthew Vire - Glynis Pierce

Light is your lineage = प्रकाशस्तव वंशोऽस्ति

Love is your legacy = प्रेमास्त्युत्तरदानं तव

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Justin Thurman

peace of mind = मानसिकशांति

14 March 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Mélissa Henry NP

Always listen to your heart because where the reason stops,
the heart never cease to believe and to fight
Don't target only the impossible, surpass it

सदैव तव हृदयं श्रुणु यतः यत्र कारणं विरमति
हृदयं विश्वसितुं योद्धुं च न कदापि विरमति
न केवलमशक्यं ध्येयं कुरु तदभिभव च

11 March 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrases for Tattoo of Kim Trinkus - Gilmore

Tara = तारा

Green Tara = हरिततारा

Love and Compassion = प्रेम करुणा च

lotus = पद्म

Compassion = करुणा

10 March 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Serenity Prayer for Tattoo of Andrea Rutsky

God, grant me the serenity = देहि मे प्रसादं देव

Be still and know that I am God = स्थिरा भव देवोऽस्मीति जानिहि च

Serenity = प्रसाद

Courage = धैर्य

Wisdom = विवेक

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.
देव, देहि मे प्रसादं स्वीकर्तुं वस्तूनि यानि परिवर्तितुं न शक्नोमि

धैर्यं परिवर्तितुं वस्तूनि यानि शक्नोमि

विवेकं ज्ञातुं भेदं च

Hindi Translation of English Names for Tattoo of Megan Maxwell - Big Head Fitness

Kenleigh [ken-lee] = केनली

Kristin (kris-ten) = क्रिस्टेन

02 March 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Janette Bhattacharya - Batacharya

Independence = स्वातंत्र्य

Midwife = सूतिका

To my Dearest Mom and Dad I miss you and love you forever
मम प्रियतमां मातरं मम प्रियतमं पितरं च प्रति युवयोः उत्कंठाम्यनुरजामि शाश्वतं च

Rest in Eternal Peace and Nirvana Carol [kay-roll] and Amal Bhattacharya
अनंतशांत्यां निर्वाणे विरमतं च केरोल अमल च भट्टाचार्य

Sanskrit Translation of English Name for Tattoo of Yagmur Atalik‏

ATA KAAN = आता कान

Sanskrit Translation of English Words for Tattoo of Verena Bratsch - Ma​yr

life = जीवन

Zoe [soy] = सोय

Sanskrit Translation of English Name for Tattoo of Keshendran Pather‏

Devina [DHE-VEE-NA] = धेव्हीना

24 February 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Kailan Reyes‏

Small Joe [Jo] = लघुः जो

Joseph [Jo- sef] = जोसेफ

Sanskrit Translation of English Names for Tattoo of Claire Le Strat - Tartsel

Henriette [N-ri-et] = एन्रिएट

Maurice [mo-rees] = मोरीस

Translation of English Names for Tattoo of Anita Mogyorosi - Daniel Post


Ella [ela] = एला

Patience = सहनशीलता


L = एल

M = एम

D = डी

Daniel [Da-ni-jel] = डॅनिजेल

Luca [Lu-ka] = लुका

Maximilian [Ma-si-mi-li-jan] = मॅसिमिलिजॅन

11 February 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of John Morgan - It's All About The Grooves

Be kind whenever possible = यदा शक्यं दयालुर्भव

It is always possible = तच्छक्यं सदैव

09 February 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Names for Tattoo of Theeban Segarun

Goshvan Hans [ko-sha-van ha-en-se] = कोशॅव्हॅन हॅएनसे

Meera [Mi-ra] = मिरा

22 January 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Jelle Rouwet - Albert Rouwet

I made him just and right = तमकरवं न्यायी धर्म्यश्च

Sufficient to have stood, though free to fall = स्थातुं शक्तः पतितुं यद्यपि मुक्तः

Sanskrit Translation of English Words for Tattoo of Jasmine Bridget

love = प्रेम

faith = श्रद्धा

freedom = स्वातंत्र्य

17 January 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Inga Lapina

I am the owner of my thoughts, the ruler of my character,
the creator and founder of my well-being, environment, destiny
मम विचाराणां स्वामिनी मम चारित्र्यस्य शासिता
मम स्वास्थ्यस्य परिसरस्य नियतेः निर्माता संस्थापिका चास्मि

Sanskrit Translation of English Word for Tattoo of Patrick Conner

Liberation = मुक्ति

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Shannon Jaworski

Pain is inevitable = पीडास्त्यपरिहार्या

suffering is optional = दुःखं वैकल्पिकमस्ति

Sanskrit Translation of English Word for Tattoo of Tara Cote

hope = आशा

07 January 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Names for Tattoo of ELEONORA ZAPPANICO - COSIMO FIGURELLA

ELEONORA = एलेनोरा

LUDOVICO = लुडोव्हिको

COSIMO = कोस्मिको

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Nila Songco

You left my body, but not my soul April 20, 2011 - June 10, 2011
मम शरीरं त्यक्तं त्वया ममात्मा तु न एप्रिल २० २०११ - जून १० २०११

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Crystal Ortner‏

Love and Light = प्रेम प्रकाशश्च

04 January 2014

Sanskrit Translation of English Mantra for Tattoo of Sara St. Peter

ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे मम आयुः पुण्य ज्ञान पुष्टिमे कुरु स्वाहा

God is closer than breath, nearer than hand or foot
श्वासाद्देवः समीपतरः, हस्तात्पादाद्वा समीपतरः

Sanskrit Translation of English Names for Tattoo of Laura Stanley

John [jahn] = जान

Lucas [loo-kuhss] = लूकस

Elissa [uh-LIS-sa] = अलिसा

Marie [Muh-ree] = मरी

01 January 2014