31 March 2016

Sanskrit Translation of Phrases for Tattoo of Stephanny Claudio

One Life = एकजीवनम् = e-ka-jee-wa-nam

One Chance = एकावसरः = e-kaa-wa-sa-rah

No Regrets = नानुशोकाः = naa-nu-sho-kaah

21 March 2016

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Rohan Kumar

Dare to live = जीवितुमुत्सहस्व

Live today, learn forever, give up never
जीवाद्यं शिक्षस्व शाश्वतं त्यज मा कदापि

18 March 2016

Sanskrit Translation of Names for Tattoo of Andrew Biscoe

Zoe [Zo-ee] = झोई

Mylah [My-la] = मायला

Halle [Hall-ee] = हॉली

Cohen [Co-en] = कोएन

07 March 2016

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Shaun Blake - Margaret Blake

Love Light Life = प्रेम प्रकाशः जीवनम्

God Dwells Here = देवः अत्र वसति

05 March 2016

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Chiara Pagani - Dee Madd

so say we all = इति वदामः वयं सर्वे

together forever through time and space = शाश्वतमेकत्र कालादाकाशाच्च

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Alexia Vrds

Believe in yourself = स्वात्मनि विश्वसिहि

04 March 2016