21 April 2006

Poem Translation into Sanskrit for Book Publisher

Of the shadow screen of life, this I've said:

जीवनछायाछादनस्य चेदमुक्तं मया।

There's truth in the old tales, but lies as well;

विद्यते सत्यं पुराणकथासु चानृतं तथा।

Now living voices sing songs of the dead

जीवंशब्दा: गायंति गीतानि मृतस्याधुना॥

Here in the smoke, the music, the shadow play

धूम्रे संगीते छायाक्रीडायामथ।

That you have seen tonight, there's something hidden:

रात्रौ यमद्य दृष्टं किमप्यभ्यंतरे गूढं।

It lives in you now, and is destined to stay:

तदद्य वसति युष्मासु तिष्ठतीति च नियति:॥

Found in a girl's murder an age ago,

बालिकाहत्यायै ज्ञातं पुरा।

That matter of choice, of will, and of strength:

विकल्पस्येच्छाया: शक्त्याश्च हेतवे।

Powers that any woman can come to know

यं बलस्थानं जानाति नारी॥

The story lights up from behind what's within:

कथाभ्यन्तरे चकास्ति पार्श्वे तथा।

You're a prisoner just like she was:

त्वमपि बद्धा यथा सा।

A heroine trapped in soft, youthful skin

नायिका बद्धा कोमला॥

If you seek the true Sita, look to me:

सीतामन्विष्यसि खलु पश्य मां।

For though only a ghost, once burned and harmed,

यद्यपि प्रेतिकस्तस्या: पुरा दग्धायाश्च हताया:।

I've given you her truth: for I am she

तस्यास्तत्सत्यं दत्तं मयेत्यहं सा॥

15 April 2006

Hindi Translation for Children's Educational Program

01.Big Fun = बहुत मजा

= bahut majaa

02.The bus is big. = बस बडी है

= bus badee hai

03.Dad is not. = पिताजी नही है

= pitaajee nahee hai

04.Dad is big. = पिताजी बडे है

= pitaajee bade hai

05.Jet is not. = जेट नही है

= jet nahee hai

06.Jet is big. = जेट बडा है

= jet badaa hai

07.The pup is not. = पिल्ला नही है

= pillaa nahee hai

08.Zig is big. = झिग बडा है

= zig badaa hai

09.The bug is not = कीडा नही है

= keedaa nahee hai

10.The bug is big = कीडा बडा है

= keedaa badaa hai

11.No, the bug is not. = नही, कीडा नही है

= nahee, keedaa nahee hai

12.Big is big fun = बडा होनेमे बहुत मजा है

= badaa honeme bahut majaa hai

04 April 2006

Sanskrit Quote Category: Virtues

गुणा: गुणज्ञेषु गुणीभवन्ति

ते निर्गुणं प्राप्य भवन्ति दोषा:

सुस्वादुतोया: प्रवहंति नद्य:

समुद्रमासाद्य भवन्त्यपेय:

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

With virtuous persons, virtues remain virtues. On reaching a non-virtuous person, they become faults. (Just like) a river flowing with sweet water, becomes salty on reaching ocean.

03 April 2006

Hindi Translation for Contact Card

(No. are same in hindi. They are now universally accepted.)

Stephen N. Finger

स्टीफ़न एन् फ़िंगर



400 Main Street M/S 101-08

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East Hartford, CT 06108

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Fax: 1+860-565-8234

फ़ॅक्स: 1+860-565-8234