31 March 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Kaylie Tyler

Relax and breathe = विश्राम्य श्वसिहि च

Sanskrit Translation of Name for Tattoo of Evan Kressly

Cayla [K-La] = केला

22 March 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Mantra for Tattoo of Gerard Esteban - Jerry

Let all be happy = सर्वेऽपि सुखिनः संतु

Let all be free from diseases = सर्वे संतु निरामयाः

Let all see good = सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यंतु

Let nobody suffer from pain = मा कश्चिद्दुःखमाप्नुयात्

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Natalie D'Angelo

Here = अत्र

Now = अधुना

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Sydney Connors

Inner Peace = आंतरिकशांति

21 March 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Kimberley Tonarelli

Unbreakable = अखंड्य

Jarett = जॅरेट

Kim = किम

Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Anita Sagar

Stay Far from timid
कातराद्दूरे भव

Only make moves when your heart's in it
तदैव चलनं कुरु यदा तव हृदयं तस्मिनस्ति

Live the phrase the sky's the limit
वचनमेतज्जीव गगनमेवास्ति मर्यादा

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Priya Dharshini

Friends by choice = मित्रे विकल्पेन

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Doyle, Lesley B CIV C/106

love = प्रेम

praise = प्रशंसा

gratitude = कृतज्ञता

19 March 2015

17 March 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Sarah James

I will fear no evil, for thou art with me = पापं न भेष्यामि यतः मया सहासि

13 March 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Names for Tattoo of Bradley Thomas

Nathan [nay-thawn] = नेथॉन

Robert [rob-ert] = रॉबर्ट

Patrick [pat-rick] = पॅट्रिक

09 March 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Hugo Ibarra

Hugo [He-yu-go] = हेयुगो

resilient love = स्थितिस्थापकप्रेम

06 March 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Maria Cruz Alvarez Hidalgo

Dāna = दान

Śīla = शील

Kṣānti = क्षांति

Vīrya = वीर्य

Dhyāna = ध्यान

Prajñā = प्रज्ञा

03 March 2015

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Sina Grabmann

Break the rules, stand apart [be special], ignore your head [thoughts], follow your heart
नियमान्खंडय विशेषत्वेन तिष्ठ तव विचारान्मा स्वीकुरु तव हृदयमनुगच्छ

Life is too short to worry - Life is too long to wait
बाधितुं जीवनमतिस्वल्पमस्ति प्रतीक्षितुं जीवनमतिदीर्घमस्ति

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music
ये नृत्यंतः दृष्टाः ते मूढाः इति मताः यैः संगीतं श्रृतं न च

Live every moment, laugh every day, love beyond words
प्रतिक्षणं जीव प्रतिदिनं हस शब्दातीतमनुरज

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself
जीवनं नास्ति स्वाधिगमः जीवनं स्वसृजनमस्ति

Believe in you = स्वात्मनि विश्वसिहि