30 June 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Jackson Mallont

Arrogance diminishes wisdom = प्रज्ञामौद्धत्यं न्यूनीकरोति

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Shailesh Kumar

I love brahma = ब्रह्मानुरजामि

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Daniel Ryles

Julia Theresa ju-lia the-rei-sa = जुलिआ थेरैसा

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Lauren Neenan

thankful for Day = दिनाय कृतज्ञा

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Laura Maximiliane Klas

word no 1. : Gerda pronunciation: Ger - da = गेर्डा

word no 2: Oma pronunciation: om - ma = ओमा

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Dave Nicholls

Word No. 1 - William - wil-i-yam = विलियम

Word No. 2 - Sian - sh-aan = शान

Word No. 3 - Troubled = पीडित

Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Stuart Campbell

word 1= stu - art = स्टुआर्ट

word 2= camp - bell = कँपबेल

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Jason Richard

Janna = Jan - nah = जॅना

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Jenna Owens

PROTECT MY HEART = मम हृदयं रक्ष

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Nichole Biddle Gunderson

Surya = सूर्य

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Malu Echeverria dos Santos

Mahima = महिमा

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Wilston Tsie Chun Sioe

1 SHAYLAN shay-lan = शेलॅन

2 SHIZEN shi-zen = शिझेन

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Kathryn Maguire - Lynn

Kathryn = kath + rin = कॅथरिन

Lynn = Lin = लिन

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Nicole Sansone

Ni (as in "nickel") + key= nikki = निकी

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Matthew Rawsthorne

God's gift = ईश्वरस्योपहारः

29 June 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Aja Viafora

Change is the law of the universe
परिवर्तनमस्ति विश्वन्यायः

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Annie Bjork

grace[elegance] = चारुता

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Gabor Herman

Miss you mother = त्वयि उत्कंठामि मातः

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Megan Elizabeth Piette

1. Grandpa = मातामह

2. Grandma = मातामही

3. Angels = देवदूताः

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Nickolas Minard

seize the day = दिनं गृहाण

Sanskrit Tattoos Date Translation for Daan Bakker

27 01 1997 = २७ ०१ १९९७

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for LINA TRIF

LINA = LI-NA = लिना

Marathi Tattoos Words Translation for Lena Hansen

Faith = श्रद्धा

Will = इच्छा

Love = प्रेम

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Elisa Colombo

GIO-VAN-NI = जिओव्हॅनि

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Anthony Romano

Strength In Family = बलं कुटुंबे

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Frédéric Mortier

eternal love = अनंतप्रेम

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Ryan Arbuthnot

Word 1: Discovery = आविष्कार

Word 2: Ryan: Rye-an = रायेन

Word 3: Cleverness = चातुर्य

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Tiago Monteiro

Diana : dee ana = डीएना

Mel = मेल

Tiago : tee-ago = टीएगो

Endless Love = अनंतप्रेम

passion = तीव्रासक्ति

live life fully = जीवनं पूर्णतया जीव

TRUTH = सत्य


Family and real friendship is everything
कुटुंबं सत्यमैत्री च सर्वमस्ति

My guardian angle, my protector, protect my family , night and day
मम रक्षकदेवदूत, मम रक्षक, अहर्निशं मम कुटुंबं रक्ष

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Tuba Yarlug

live and learn = जीव शिक्षस्व च

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Dana Romney

Love Yourself = आत्मानमनुरज

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Howard Dyal

wife = पत्नी

eternal love = अनंतप्रेम

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Sophie Santos

Sophie = sou fi = सौफि

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Esme Natalie Lawson

Stephen = stee - vin = स्टीव्हिन

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Ridhi Khosla

Ridhi = रिधी

Akshay = अक्षय

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrases Translation for Jeffrey Lovejoy

Lovejoy [Luv-joy] = लव्हजॉय

Daniel [dan-yel] = डॅनयेल

Shannon [shan-nun] = शॅनन

mind body and spirit = मनः शरीरमात्मा च

Breathe Deep = गाढं श्वसिहि

28 June 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Angela Bellotte

courage = धैर्य

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Ashton Young

1. Ashton = ash ton = एशटन

2. Tyler = Tyler = Tie Ler = टायलर

3. Justin = jus ton = जस्टन

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Caroline Finch Speno

My Falling Leaf = पतत्पत्रं मम

My soul mate = आत्ममित्रं मम

Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Pipi Julies

Megeal= Me-gal = मेगल

Deniella= Den-yella = डेनयेला

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Rhys Kinowski

saint = साधु

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Simrandeep Johal

everything happens for good = सर्वं भद्राय भवति

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Raluca Schuller

one = एक

love = प्रेम

blood = रक्त

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Sam Calvim

The Three Brothers = त्रयः भ्रातरः

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Karthiveer Shetty

Word 1 -Pramod -PRA MOD = प्रमोद

Word 2-Hansa-Ha-nsa = हंसा

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Rob Brezzel

Alessi UH-LESS-E = अलेसी

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Mel H. Ielscher

> Word 1: MEL = मेल

> Word 2: Fulfillment = पूर्णता

> Word 3: Melanie Me-la-nee = मेलनी

Hindi Tattoos Phrase Translation for D. Vishnu Prashant

Shree Bhojanalay = श्री भोजनालय

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Phuong T. Dao

follow your bliss = तव परमानंदमनुगच्छ

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Jason Dunne

Family = कुटुंब

Hindi Tattoos Phrase Translation for Michael Webber

Happy birthday Vinod
जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभेच्छाएं विनोद

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Mark Wisdom

Mark Wisdom (wiz dum) = मार्क विझडम

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Annah Colautti

Live = जीव

Love = अनुरज

Laugh = हस

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Krisna Pramudita

krisna pramudita = कृष्ण प्रमुदित

Sanskrit Tattoos Initials Translation for Markk HDZ

Phoenix (fee-nicks) = फीनिक्स

M (the letter) = एम

Anthony (an-tho-nee) = अँथोनी

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Keston David Deon

kerron: care- ron = केरॉन

damian: day-me-an = डेमिएन

mark: m-arc = मार्क

Hindi Tattoos Phrase Translation for Phylicia Dublin

Phylicia- Fa-lee-cee-uh = फॅलीसीआ

Love Always = प्यार सदा के लिए

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Adam Bolton

indra's net = इंद्रजाल

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Melissa Armstrong

husband my love = पतिः मम प्रेम

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Daniel Maharaj

Maharaj = महाराज

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Ronica Armstrong

Ronica [Ron-ic-a] = रॉनिका

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Matthew Ian Bamsey

1 Matthew = Math - Yoo = मॅथ्यू

2 Ian = Eee - an = ईएन

3 Bamsey = Bam - zee = बॅमझी

English To Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Elisabeth Ferrari

Lilly Mae [lill-lee may] = लिली मे

Rosetta [rose-et-ta] = रोसेटा

One Love = एकप्रेम

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Josef Cole

Wisdom through suffering = दुःखात्प्रज्ञा

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Victor Kumar

> 1. Universe = विश्व

> 2. Dahn (du-Hun) = डहन

> 3. Kamla ( kum-la) = कमला

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Annie Bargery

Annie - An-nie = एनी

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Saran Dhalliwal

saran = sa-ran = सरन

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Asia Santana

Ananandamayi = आनंदमयी

26 June 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Gordon Harrold

Logan[LO (as in hel-lo)-GAN (as in be-gan)] = लोगॅन

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Hill, Keith {Quaker}

protected from above = रक्षितः ऊर्ध्वतः

Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Vikki Marshall

1, Lian (lee-an) = लीएन

2, Sister = बहन

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Lisa A. Donegan

Lee-sa Jan-prem Kaur = लीसा जनप्रेम कौर

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for GETHI Andrew

Roshan = रोशन

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Tyler Juneau

I am his = तस्यास्मि

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Duncan Sanders

"four noble truths" = चत्वारि आर्यसत्यानि

Marathi Tattoos Words Translation for Sahastrarashmee

1)fluently (as in skill at speaking a language) = अस्खलितपणे

2)barely (as in " reaching the station barely on time") = थोडक्यात

3)exactly (as in " as is , exactly, in the same manner") = जसेच्या तसे

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Nathaly Torruella

Nathaly[Na-ta-lie] = नटालाय

Love = प्रेम

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Kylie Magro

family comes first = कुटुंबं प्रथमं याति

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Jasmine Harris

1. Jasmine=jaz-men = जॅझमेन

2.Janea=ja-nae = जॅनी

3.Harris=hair-is = हेरिस

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Alexandra Everson

"Sinner" = पापिनी

"Saint" = साध्वी

"Beautiful" = सुंदरी

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Bianca d'Costa

Attitude determines altitude = वृत्तिः उच्चत्वं निश्चिनोति

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Suzanne Albertson

grace = कृपा

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Lidia Costa Ribeiro

Word no 1. Débora= Deh- bow-ra = डेबॉरा

Word no 2. Parvati = पार्वती

Word no 3. Durga = दुर्गा

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Emma Billcliffe

you and me = त्वमहं च

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Maureen - Mauky Maux

Vrishchika = वृश्चिक

Jyeshtha = ज्येष्ठ

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Katie Ann Moore

new beginning = नवारंभ

25 June 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Mary Antonette Quindara

1. Mary = me-ri = मेरि

2. Antonette = an-tu-net = अँटनेट

3. Quindara = kin-da-ra = किंडारा

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Sam West

Heather[H-e-ther] = हिदर

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Anonymous

Tony[toh-nee] Loves Me = टोनीकुमारः मामनुरजति

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Jinny

Serendipity = अलभ्यलाभ

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Dorine Fusaro

1. Truth (Satya) = सत्य

2. Strength = बल

3. Peace (Shanti) = शांति

Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Yashica Joyner

Yashica = yah -she -cah = याशिका

Success = कामयाबी

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Rikke Jørgensen

1: Never again = न कदापि पुनः

2: Anna (a-na) = एना

Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Christine Ferguson

Friends = दोस्त

family = परिवार

strength = ताकत

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Ashley McNaught

Destiny beautiful thing = नियतिः सुंदरवस्तु

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Lindsay Astraitis

Live Laugh Love = जीव हस अनुरज

Sanskrit Tattoos Initials Translation for Margot Feelders

DMA = डी एम ए

Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Mooose Rivera

Word No. 1 = Mooose (Moo - s) = मूस

Word No. 2 = Brian (bri - an) = ब्रिएन

Word No. 2 = Rivera (Reh - vair - uh) = रेव्हैरा

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Pino Bruno

> DAVID pronunziation: david = डॅव्हिड

> EMMA pronunziation: emma = एमा

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Camille Blanche

My Angel = मम देवदूतः

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Tracy Danielle

Tracy (tray - see) = ट्रेसी

Danielle(dan-yell) = डॅनयेल

Always = सदैव

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Sam Mock

1. Gareth(ga-reth) = गॅरेथ

2. precious sons = बहुमूल्यपुत्राः

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Gemma Frasa

Word No 1: Suzanne: Soo-zan = सूझॅन

Word No 2: Dorothy: Dor-ath-ee = डोरॅथी

Word No 3: Frasa: Fray-zah = फ्रेझा

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Wicster Murloc

Sebastian = Se - ba - stian = सेबॅस्टिअन

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for APRIL GOFF

more than life = जीवनादधिकम्‌

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Catherine Déry

Cat = मार्जार

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Priya Francome - Wood

Priya (Pree-ya) = प्रीया

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Elodie Lamon

Ayana = ai - ana = ऐएना

Marilyn = mari - line = मरिलाइन

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Ranjan Arora

Ran jan = रंजन

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Will C.

live for today = जीवाद्यतनदिनाय

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Louise Davidson - Jezebel

Louise loo - eeze = लूईस

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Ajay Sharma

Ajay Meenu = अजय मीनु

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Frank By

Owain = Oh wain = ओवैन

Sanskrit Tattoos Date Translation for George Tsatalios

Nicholas = NI-ko-las = निकोलॅस

1935 = १९३५

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Irene Ka Yu Yeung

hope for tomorrow = श्वस्तनदिनायाशा

Sanskrit Tattoos Initials Translation for Anna Werkt

Ernst = एर्न्स्ट

E =

W = डब्ल्यू

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Jacob Sotheran - Darley

Word 1:- Jacob = Ja- cub = जॅकब

Word 2:- Sotheran = So-there-ran = सोदेरॅन

Word3:- Darley = Dar-lee = डार्ली

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Steven Haggan

Steve = Ste- ve = स्टेव्हे

Laura = Lor - ra = लॉरा

Jack = Ja - ck = जॅक

Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Marko Walker

Walk-er = वॉकर

Mar-k = मार्क

Pride = अभिमान

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Michelle Flunger


Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Umair Saeed

Umair Saeed[Omayr Sa-eed] = ओमेर सईद

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Katia Strogonova

1. Achievement = निष्पत्ति

2. Supremacy = श्रेष्ठता

3. Trust = विश्वास

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Paul Carrick

Paul Carrick Paul car-rick = पौल कारिक

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Lorena Botello



Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Stephen Kyle

ste-ven = स्टेव्हेन

24 June 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Siera Goodnight

know thyself = स्वात्मानं जानीहि

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Christi N.

Nirodha = निरोध

Marathi Tattoos Sentence Translation for Gandhar Nigudkar

I am Gandhar = मी गंधार आहे

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Zoa Lane Parry

Zoa Zo-Ah = झोआ

Lane L-ain = लैन

Parry pear-e = पेरी

Hindi Tattoos Phrase Translation for Amy J. Stanley

All creatures = सब प्राणी

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Mixu Holme

Oscar = o - scar = ऑस्कर

Dina = di - na = दिना

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Glen M. Sanders

For as long as space endures[as long as the world exists]

And for as long as living beings remain
यावद्विद्यंते भूतमात्राणि च

Until then may I too abide
तावत्प्रतिज्ञां पालयामि

To dispel the misery of the world

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Janice Thompson

> 1) Wayne Way – n = वेन

> 2) Dance = नृत्य

> 3) Passion = तीव्रासक्ति

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Katherine L. McBurnie

Word number 1. GLENN = Gl - en = ग्लेन

Word number 2. Katherine = Ka - th -rin = कॅथरिन

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Carolyn Glime

Believe in God = विश्वसिहीश्वरे

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Katie Scott

Seven = सप्त

Katie (Kay-Tee) = केटी

Believe = विश्वसिहि

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Juno Ortiz

Wanda = wan - da = वँडा

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Janine Cassell

love is precious = प्रेम बहुमूल्यमस्ति

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Shrina A Patel

Word 1: Beauty = सौंदर्य

Word 2: Passion = तीव्रासक्ति

Word 3: Lasya = लास्य

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Paul Riedl - Grey Metal Legions

one of light = प्रकाशमय

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Marissa Newby

1 Poet = कवि

2 Adrien(aye-dree-in) = अयेड्रीइन

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Justin Kosmina

brothers in arms = भ्रातरः शाश्वतमेकत्र

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Steph Jordi

Lisa (li-za) = लिझा

Théo (té-o) = टेओ

Stéphanie (sté-fa-ni) = स्टेफॅनी

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Madd Eady

I Will = करिष्यामि

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Andrea de la Torre

MARGARITA [MAR-GA-RI-TA] = मार्गरिटा

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Paul Yoga


Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Jessica L. Orban

Survivor = अतिजीविनी

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Sian Gordon

Discipline = अनुशासन

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Cecilie Altier

Cecilie (se-si-li-e) = सेसिलिए

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Loo Phei Chuen Hayley

Nothing Is Forever = न किंचिदपि शाश्वतमस्ति

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Paul Hörmandinger

vik-toria = व्हिक्टोरिआ

le-na = लेना

sa-muel = सॅमुएल

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Tim Garcia

Bodhisattva = बोधिसत्त्व

Karma = कर्म

Compassion = करुणा

23 June 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Maria Vaspasiano

TRUTH = सत्य


Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Oddvor Simonsen

Live = जीव

Hope = आशा

Love = प्रेम

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Tracie Bajoie

Still I Rise = अद्याप्युत्तिष्ठामि

Hindi Tattoos Sentence Translation for Jesse Haugen

God is Love = ईश्वर प्यार है

Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Rachel Leigh Perry

Rachel = rey chuh l = रेचल

Leigh = lee = ली

Perry = per ee = पेरी

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Demi Singh

Demi : them- me = देमि

Singh : sing = सिंग

Sanskrit Quote : Category :: Wandering mind

परिभ्रमसि किं व्यर्थं क्वचन चित्त विश्राम्यतां

स्वयं भवति यद्यथा तत्तथा नान्यथा।

अतीतमपि न स्मरन्नपि च भाव्यसङ्कल्पय-

न्नतर्कितगमनाननुभवस्व भोगानिह॥

English Translation of the quote:

Why do you wander, 'O' mind, rest somewhere. The natural course of thing to happen cannot be altered. It is bound to happen. Therefore enjoy the pleasures, whose arrival and departure cannot be ascertained, without remembering the past and without expecting the future.

English commentary on Sanskrit quote:

I really don't know why i am so impressed by Bharthrihari's quotes!! -I wonder sometimes. But answers are not far to seek. Perhaps i am impressed by two great minds thinking alike. I am amazed by how close is Bharthrihari to the Buddha when he says this.
The greatest finding of the Buddha according to me is the explanation of the structure and functioning of the mind beyond any shred of doubt. The negativity we acquire from our childhood days without our knowledge lead us astray. The mind fools us by shuttling back and forth in time. We either suffer in our mind regretting about what happened in the past or craving for some pleasant thing to happen in future. This determines how we behave in the present according to the predetermined mindset. This creates a vicious circle and we act blindly, but unknowingly.
While the Buddha speaks in philosophical terms, Bharthrihari speaks common parlance. What the Buddha realized through Insight-meditation, Bharthrihari seems to have realized through the experience of suffering in life.
In the guise of addressing the mind, Bharthrihari seems to address himself. The mind is weary wandering constantly with lightning speed. The body suffers untold miseries because of this. So he suggests that the mind should stop wandering and rest somewhere. Since unknowing of the mind's deeds we act with predetermined mindset. Everything seems predetermined because of this. There is no use struggling to mend what is to come. So it is the safe bet to accept gracefully what comes in our life without opposing. So Bharthrihari seems to suggest that we should neither worry about our past nor crave for the future. For a lay person past has changed, and the future is yet to come. So it is futile to resist the present. So why not welcome the present, in whatever way it presents itself before us?

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Lisa Caton

Word no. 1 Lisa = lee - sa = लीसा

word no. 2 Rachael = Ray - chal = रेचॅल

word no. 3 Caton = kay - ton = केटन

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Gia Solna

Prabhat = प्रभात

Rupa = रूपा

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Lauren Elede

Grandma = पितामही

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Bellios, Nicholas

William Bellios Will-yuh m bell-E-os = विलयम बेलिओस

0 =

1 =

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Simone van Linn

Luck = भाग्य

Endless Love = अनंतप्रेम

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Tiffany Fitzgerald

Nana = Nan - a = नॅना

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Cara Versfeld

passion = तीव्रासक्ति

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Denae A. Kessel

1 - Denae : "D-Nay" = डीने

2- independent = स्वतंत्रा

3- passionate = अत्युत्कटा

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jay Jane Torr

1-Shine = प्रभा

2- 4 =

3- Strength = बल

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Mika Jared - Lisa Pleins

- sister = भगिनी

- together = एकत्र

-forever = शाश्वत

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Todd Trahan

Miss You Father = त्वयि उत्कंठामि पितः

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Alicia La Paglia

A-li-sha = एलिशा

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Seema Patel

EEMAN = ईमन

NAMAN = नमन

HARDEEP = हरदीप

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Ruth Driscoll - Dunn

serenity = प्रसाद

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Marilyn K. Errett

Paritosh = परितोष

Hindi Tattoos Sentence Translation for Wendy Walsh - Pardey

I am loved = मुझ से प्यार हुआ है

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Gastón Garcia

Gastón = Gas - tón = गॅस्टन

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Nat Dean

No Fear = भयं न

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Caela Prachel

word no.1 lotus = पद्म

word no.2 kai -kah-i = काइ

word no.3 micaela -mec-i-a-la = मेकिएला

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Kelly Caplette

Just Be = केवलं भव

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Sumeetha Singh

Sumeetha = सुमीथा

shankari = शंकरि

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Hirani Chambers

1 Hirani = Hee - Rah - nee = हीरानी

2 Hira = Hee - Ra = हीरा

3 Hera = Hare - Ra = हेरा

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Kaci Stottsberry

Always Believe = सदैव विश्वसिहि

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Lang Jane Fang

breathe truth = सत्यं श्वसिहि

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Marcos Nicola Lorenzi

Love yourself = आत्मानमनुरज

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Brittany Garrett

Britt-Nee = ब्रिटनी

Now = अधुना

But = तु

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Nereshnee Reddy

Nereshnee = Nee - resh - nee = नीरेशनी

Reddy = Red - dee = रेडी

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Cara Penkethman

Cara = kar - ra = कारा

Luke = Lou - k = लौक

Karma = कर्म

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Tria Prettyman

Love Conquers All = प्रेम सर्वान्‌ जयति

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Carol Savona

FOREVER = शाश्वत

Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for SIOBHAN CONNORS

1. Siobhan (pronounced shuh-VAHN) = शुव्हान

2. Shakti = शक्ति

3. Svātantrya = स्वातंत्र्य

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for David Goodman

Only the gentle are ever really strong
केवलं सज्जनाः वस्तुतः शाश्वतं बलवंतः

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Abby Collins

Love Forever = शाश्वतं प्रेम

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Kiara Parker

1. MOTHER = माता

2 FATHER = पिता

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Daniela Scotto D'Abusco

HOPE = आशा

Hindi Tattoos Phrase Translation for Adam Panetta

Beloved Father = प्यारे पिताजी

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Vishal Singh

Maniraj (Man-e-raj) = मनिराज

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for John M. McCauley

Peaceful Warrior = शांतिपूर्णः योद्धा

Combat = युद्ध

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Leazer, Jesse D

I am grateful = कृतज्ञोऽस्मि

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Andrew White

Olivia - O-Liv-e-rr = ऑलिव्हेर

Sophia – So-fee-rrr = सोफीर

22 June 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Sara Mahon

Family is everything = कुटुंबं सर्वमस्ति

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Rebecca Koenig

Happiness = आनंद

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Carla Oliveira

Iris EYE-riss = आयरिस

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for John Gibbe

John = Yon = यॉन

Natalie = Nat - a - li = नॅटालि

Kian = Ki - e - n = किएन

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for La Rubia Chula

Word 1= Pride = अभिमान

Word 2= Always = सदैव

Word 3= Proud = मानिनी

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Melissa Long

Definition Of Beautiful = सुंदर्याः व्याख्या

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Jen Zirkle

Jennifer Dawn = Gin-i-fur Don = जिनिफर डॉन

Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Nguyen Ngoc Toan

Nguyen Lam Phong ngu-yen - lam - phong = न्गुयेन लॅम फाँग

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Cristina Hernandez Castro

1. If you want something, stop looking for it.
यदि किंचिदिच्छसि, तस्यान्वेषणाद्विरम

2. When you speak, try that your words are better than silence.
यदा वदसि,

तव शब्दाः मौनात्भद्रतराः संतु इति प्रयतस्व

3. If a bodhisattva holds on to the idea that a self, a person, a living being, or a life span exists, that person is not an authentic bodhisattva.
(The text is from the Diamond sutra, chapter 3)
न स सुभूते बोधिसत्त्वो वक्तव्यो यस्य सत्त्वसंज्ञा

प्रवर्तेत, जीवसंज्ञा वा पुद्गलसंज्ञा वा प्रवर्तेत

4. You have to be the change you want to see in the word
तत्परिवर्तनं त्वय्येवास्तु यज्जगति द्रष्टुमिच्छसि

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Nicole Boyd

live life fully = जीवनं पूर्णतया जीव

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Koko

Jeremy - Jé ré mi = जेरेमि

Rimène - RI MAI NE = रिमैने

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Cyndy Toh

Cyndy= sin- dee = सिंडी

Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Jesse Wakeling

Family = परिवार

Brotherhood = भाईचारा

Honour = संमान

Marathi Tattoos Words Translation for Ami Shah

1 - Neonatal = नवजात शिशूंचे

2 - Intensive = अतिदक्षता

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Grant Gilson

grant gilson = ग्रँट गिल्सन

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Christina Lewin

Word #1: David = Day vid = डेव्हिड

Word #2: Juliete = jewel e et = जेवेलिएट

Word #3: Aaron = air ren = ऐरेन

Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for Karrie Towsley

Grace = कृपा

Courage = हिम्मत

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Helen - Burt Family

Ritam = ऋतम्‌

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Sandra Nagtegaal

mother = माता

brother = भ्राता

theodoor = थेओडोर

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Julia Hoddick

courage = धैर्य

love = प्रेम

peace = शांति

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jhonny Aranguren

Word no. 1: LIFE = जीवन

Word no. 2: LOVE = प्रेम

Name: Johnny = Yo-ni = योनि

Hindi Tattoos Word Translation for Avanthi De Zoysa

hindi = ताकत

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Daniela Sourander

Daniela Dani-ela = डॅनिएला

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Jagjit Virdi

live your life = तव जीवनं जीव

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Arlesa Hubbard

Arlesa -- pronunciation [are-lee-sa(suh)] = आरलीसा

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Mariya Haney

right thought = सम्यक्‌ विचार

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Monica Leah

Self Respect = आत्मगौरव

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Inderjeet Singh

Education brings Salvation = शिक्षणं मुक्तिमानयति

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Vanessa Ternoir

TYA = ti - ya = टिया

SOAM = so - am = सोएम

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Jared Coleman

Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens
ज्ञानं वदति, प्रज्ञा श्रुणोति तु

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Escandalo Productions

1. Patience = सहनशीलता

2. Perseverance = प्रयत्न

Sanskrit Quote : Category :: Association of learned men

यदा किञ्चिज्ज्ञोऽहं द्विप इव मदान्ध: समभवम्

तदा सर्वज्ञोऽस्मीत्यभवदवलिप्तं मम मन:।

यदा किञ्चित्किञ्चिद्बुधजनसकाशादवगतं

तदा मूर्खोऽस्मीति ज्वर इव मदो मे व्यपगत:॥

English translation of Sanskrit quote :

When I had little knowledge, I had become blind by pride like an elephant (during rut). Then my mind was proud , thinking that I am an omniscient. As and when I realized bit by bit in the association of wise men, my pride waned like a fever, as I came to know that I was a fool, actually.

English commentary on Sanskrit quote:

This couplet by Bhirthrihari the celebrated author of 'Shatakatrayi', in fact summarizes what is said in Sanskrit "अल्पविद्य: महागर्वी" [little knowledge, great pride.]

We all have it in us, in varying degrees: Vanity of knowledge. For those who have a little bit of outspokenness in them, there is realization sooner or later. This is narration of realization on the part of the author, which is not different from our own stories of realization.
Possession of a bit of knowledge makes a man proud of his knowledge, by nature. This short term "elation" makes him blind to the reality about himself. He sees a large than life portrait of himself. This is likened to the behavior of an elephant in rut, when it disobeys its own leader and wanders off.

Of course, this is a short ride of the ego and lasts till his realization. The association of the learned men which comes like a boon to everyone, is enough to pin his inflated balloon of ego. A little bit of realization is enough for him to know what is amiss. Once there is realization, it does not take long of us to know the fact about us. The more we gain knowledge wise, it should make us realize our own shortcomings and make us humble and meek. Standing at the periphery of the vast ocean of Knowledge man's vanity vanishes. That is what is said in another couplet " विद्या ददाति विनयम्।"-Education is what should humble us. If it doesn't, it is not worth the exalted name "Education"

21 June 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Kate Weig

family = कुटुंब

love = प्रेम

trust = विश्वास

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Soph Manning

Sophie = So - Fee = सोफी

Alice = Al - Iss = एलिस

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Chandra Kea

Chandra = चंद्रा

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Brit Thorne

1. Desire = इच्छा

2. Pleasure = सुख

3. Lust = वासना

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Eva Wong

Isa Evalysha I-sa A-va-li-sha = इसा एव्हलिशा

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Kjetil H.

1. Tea (pronounced; ti -a) = टिआ

2. Ane (pronounced; an-ê) = एनी

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Anders Frederiksen

Faith = श्रद्धा

Will = इच्छा

Hope = आशा

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Ajay Bhudia

1. Krish = क्रिश

2. Krishna = कृष्ण

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Andrew Stock

MUM = MOTHER = माता

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Sundari Ashok Srinivasan

She is dancing = सा नृत्यंती अस्ति

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Ayse Sahinbas

keep your faith = तव श्रद्धां रक्ष

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Quantrelle King

Shanti Nilaya = शांतिनिलय

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jason Griffin

> 1 rama - राम

> 2 bravery = धैर्य

> 3 peace = शांति

Marathi Tattoos Name Translation for Victoria Nguyen

Victoria = Vi - que - to - ri - A = व्हिक्यूटोरिआ

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for Agnete Mikkelson

Same same but different = समाना भिन्ना तु

Same same only different = समाना केवलं भिन्ना

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Sharmi Singh

Sharmistha = शर्मिष्ठा

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Stéphanie Beauchef

- Hope = आशा

- Happiness = आनंद

- bug = मत्कुण

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Kristine Meyer

just be yourself = स्वाभाविका भव

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Lauren Coggins - Robinson

Live your Life = तव जीवनं जीव

Sanskrit Quote for Pratik Adhikari

अतिदानाद्बलिर्बद्धो ह्यतिमानात् सुयोधन:।

विनष्टो रावणो लौल्यादति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत्।

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

(The demon king) Bali was vanquished due to his excessive charitable nature.
King Duryodhana was humbled for his excessive pride.
(Demon Emperor) Ravana was destroyed due to excessive womanising.
Hence one should shun excessiveness in all things.