Joshua [josh-shu-aa] = जोशुआ
Aaron ["R"+ on] = आरॉन
Sem [Sam] = सॅम
Will = विल
Sanskrit Quotes for inspiration and motivation. Sanskrit translation is done by a human Sanskrit Translator and can be used as an online Sanskrit Dictionary. It is offered free of cost for up to 3 English words including numbers and initials for the first time only. For Translation Requests, please send an email to drkpp[at]hotmail[dot]com Donors get high resolution image of the translation done in calligraphic fonts which you can print and take to the tattoo artist.
02 September 2020
Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Nirupan Yogalingam
Rise = उत्तिष्ठ
Roar = गर्ज
Revolt = अभिद्रुह्य
Roar = गर्ज
Revolt = अभिद्रुह्य
29 August 2020
Sanskrit Translation of Word for Tattoo of David Serra
Magician = ऐंद्रजालिका
an alluring sorceress = आकर्षकमायिनी
24 August 2020
Sanskrit Translation of Names for Tattoo of Marjorie Bird
Lorenzo [Low-rhen-zow] = लोरेंझो
Mia [Mee-ah] = मीआ
Maria [Ma-ree-ah] = मॅरीआ
Mia [Mee-ah] = मीआ
Maria [Ma-ree-ah] = मॅरीआ
17 August 2020
07 August 2020
26 July 2020
Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Arno van den Burg
Arno [R-NO] = आर्नो
Mom and dad, I'll love and miss you forever = मातः पितश्च शाश्वतं त्वयि स्निह्याम्युत्कंठामि च
Music in the soul can be heard by the universe = संगीतमात्मनि विश्वेण श्रोतुं शक्यते
Music is the soundtrack of your life = संगीतं तव जीवनस्य शब्दमार्गः
Music is an outburst of the soul = संगीतमात्मनः उद्भेदः
Mom and dad, I'll love and miss you forever = मातः पितश्च शाश्वतं त्वयि स्निह्याम्युत्कंठामि च
Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy
सर्वविवेकतत्वज्ञानात्संगीतमुच्चतरः आविष्कारः
Music in the soul can be heard by the universe = संगीतमात्मनि विश्वेण श्रोतुं शक्यते
Music is the soundtrack of your life = संगीतं तव जीवनस्य शब्दमार्गः
Music is an outburst of the soul = संगीतमात्मनः उद्भेदः
10 July 2020
Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Julie Franco
karma = कर्म
ahimsa = अहिंसा
Christopher [Kris-tuh-fur] = क्रिस्टफर
ahimsa = अहिंसा
Christopher [Kris-tuh-fur] = क्रिस्टफर
06 July 2020
Sanskrit Translation of Names for Tattoo of Brad Adkins
Cullen (KUL)-(LEHN) = कलेन
Liliana (LI)-(LEE)-(AH)-(NUH) = लिलीआना
Liliana (LI)-(LEE)-(AH)-(NUH) = लिलीआना
21 June 2020
Sanskrit Quote Category: Uncertainty of Life
न कश्चिदपि जानाति किं कस्य श्वो भविष्यति।
अतः श्वः करणीयानि कुर्यादद्यैव बुद्धिमान्॥
English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:
Nobody knows what will happen to anybody tomorrow.
Therefore, a wise person should do today that should be done tomorrow.
13 June 2020
Sanskrit Quote Category: Importance of Worship
Sanskrit Quote:
शतं विहाय भोक्तव्यं सहस्त्रं स्नानमाचरेत्।
लक्षं विहाय दातव्यं कोटि त्यक्त्वा हरिं भजेत्।।
English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:
Leaving hundred things, one should eat. Leaving thousand things, one shouls bathe.
Leaving million things, one should donate. Leaving billion things, one should worship God.
10 June 2020
Sanskrit Quote Category: Benevolence
Sanskrit Quote:
छायामन्यस्य कुर्वंति तिष्ठंति स्वयमातपे।
फलान्यपि परार्थाय वृक्षाः सत्पुरुषा इव॥
English Translation of Sanskrit quote:
[They] themselves stand in the sunlight [but] give shadow to others.
[Their] fruits are also for others. The tress are like good men.
08 June 2020
Sanskrit Quote Category: Principles of life
Sanskrit Quote:
अष्टादशपुराणेषु व्यासस्य वचनद्वयम्।
परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय परपीडनम्॥
English Translation of Sanskrit quote:
In eighteen Puranas, two sayings of Vyasa [are].
Benefiting others leads to virtuousness, harming others leads to sin.
07 June 2020
Sanskrit Quote Category: Benefitting others
Sanskrit Quote:
परोपकाराय फलंति वृक्षाः
परोपकाराय वहंति नद्यः।
परोपकाराय दुहंति गावः
परोपकारार्थमिदं शरीरम्॥
English Translation of Sanskrit quote:
Trees bear fruits for the benefit of others.
Rivers flow for the benefit of others.
Cows give milk for the benefit of others.
This body is [also] for the benefit of others.
15 May 2020
13 May 2020
10 May 2020
Ten sentences about Germany in Sanskrit
मध्ययुरोपखंडे स्थितः जर्मनीनामा देशः।
विविधाः वांशिकजनाः जर्मनीमध्ये वसंति।
एषः लोकतंत्रेण नियंत्रितः देशः।
एतस्मिन्देशे निवासिनः जनाः अतीव उद्यमशीलाः।
पृथ्वीतले विकसितः देशः इति गण्यते।
जनाः उच्चतमं जीवनमानमनुभवंति।
अत्र समशीतोष्णं वायुमानं विद्यते।
एतद्देशे षोडशाः प्रदेशाः विद्यंते।
उद्यमशीलतया जर्मनीदेशस्य आर्थिकस्थितिः तृतीयस्थाने विद्यते।
विज्ञानविषये तथा तंत्रज्ञानविषये जर्मनीदेशः प्रथमे क्रमांके स्थितः।
19 March 2020
14 March 2020
Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Bharath Gopinadhan
Light comes after darkness = तमसः पश्चात्प्रकाशः आगच्छति
10 March 2020
Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Rebecca White
I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious
न मे विशेषप्रज्ञा विद्यते अहं केवलं तीव्रतया कुतूहलिनी
passionately curious = तीव्रतया कुतूहलिनी
न मे विशेषप्रज्ञा विद्यते अहं केवलं तीव्रतया कुतूहलिनी
passionately curious = तीव्रतया कुतूहलिनी
01 March 2020
Sanskrit Translation of Sentences for Tattoo of Trevor Singh
Strong = बली
Infinite = अनंत
Two Souls, One Heart = द्वावात्मानौ एकहृदयम्
Never Alone = न कदापि एकाकी
Stay Alive = जीव
Begin Again = पुनरारभस्व
From Darkness To Light = तमसः प्रकाशं प्रति
Go Forth With Love = प्रेम्णा प्रवर्तस्व
Love Fiercely = तीव्रमनुरज
The hardest part isn’t finding what we need to be, it’s being content with who we are
स्वस्थितिसमाधानप्राप्तिः ध्येयप्राप्तेः कष्टतरा
Infinite = अनंत
Two Souls, One Heart = द्वावात्मानौ एकहृदयम्
Never Alone = न कदापि एकाकी
Stay Alive = जीव
Begin Again = पुनरारभस्व
From Darkness To Light = तमसः प्रकाशं प्रति
Go Forth With Love = प्रेम्णा प्रवर्तस्व
Love Fiercely = तीव्रमनुरज
The hardest part isn’t finding what we need to be, it’s being content with who we are
स्वस्थितिसमाधानप्राप्तिः ध्येयप्राप्तेः कष्टतरा
Sanskrit Translation of Names for Tattoo of Thorsten Makowski
Nicole Ni (like "nibble") co (like "cooperate") l (like "lot") = निकोल
Fabienne [Fa bi en] = फॅबिएन
Thorsten [tor-sten] = टॉर्स्टेन
Fabienne [Fa bi en] = फॅबिएन
Thorsten [tor-sten] = टॉर्स्टेन
16 February 2020
15 February 2020
Meaning of अधिरोढुम् in Sanskrit
The root verb is रुह् 1st conjugation ParasmaiPada meaning is 'to grow'. When the prefix अधि is added to it, the meaning becomes 'to ascend/ to rise'. अधिरोढुम् is its tumant form of indeclinable meaning 'for ascending/ rising' [over something].
08 February 2020
Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Silvia Radke Biersak
hairy muscular man = लोमशदृढांगपुरुष
03 February 2020
03 January 2020
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