11 November 2005

Sanskrit Quote Category: Good Sanskrit Quotes

द्राक्षा म्लानमुखी जाता शर्करा चाश्मतां गता

सुभाषितरसं दृष्ट्वा सुधा भीता दिवं गता

English Translation of Sanskrit quote:

Looking at the flavor of subhashitas (good Sanskrit quotes), grape turned pale, sugar turned into crystals and amrita [elixir of life] ran away to heaven.

Commentary on Sanskrit quote:

This is how the writers of Sanskrit literature have described the sweetness of good Sanskrit quotes. To emphasize on this, the author has given three striking (though imaginary) examples of the sweetest things we come across. Grapes used to think they are the sweetest thing, but on encountering sweeter flavor of Sanskrit quotes, they turned black with shame. The sugar was so spell bound with the flavor of Sanskrit quotes that it stood stand still with astonishment & turned cold into crystals. The nectar was so scared of the flavor of Sanskrit quotes that it ran away to heaven. Such is the sweetness of Sanskrit quotes & such is the importance of wisdom contained therein. They act as a path setting example of how a good quote can stimulate a depressed man into activity, of how they lift the morale of an unhappy lost soul & convert him into a happier person. They teach us to look at the world around us from a broader perspective & at a new angle. Happy Living!


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