26 July 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Daniel Pensenti

Self-love = स्वात्मप्रेम

Forgiveness = क्षमा

Truth = सत्य

25 July 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Rachel Groombridge

One need not try to adjust when one is born to be prominent
समीकर्तुं नार्हति यदा महत्त्वाय जायते

19 July 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Prachi Ganpathiramanam - Gunthey

versatile = चपलबुद्धि

creative = सृजनशीला

ambitious = महत्त्वाकांक्षिणी

Sanskrit Translation of Words for Tattoo of Paulina Butrous

happy = आनंदिनी

happiness = आनंद

Sanskrit Translation of Phrases for Tattoo of Shalini Jeswani

Amisha = अमिषा

Meghna = मेघना

Sunil = सुनील

Older sister = अग्रजा

Younger sister = अनुजा

strength from within = बलमंतरतः

stronger than you know = बलवत्तरा यावज्जानासि

12 July 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Name for Tattoo of Cimpoeru Andrada

DAVID ALEXANDRU [DA-VID A-LE-XAN-DRU] = डॅव्हिड एलेक्सँड्रु

07 July 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Phrase for Tattoo of Maressa Surrett

kṣamā satyam damah shamah abhayam = क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः अभयम्

01 July 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Celine Ikeler‏ - Karma Baker

When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew
यदा त्वामपश्यमनुरक्ताभवं चास्मये यतोऽजानाश्च

Arek [air-ek] = ऐरेक 

Dylan [dill-an] = डिलॅन 

Ruby [roo-bee] = रूबी

Clea [kl-ee-ya] = क्लीया

Ramona [ra moe na] = रॅमोना

29 June 2015

Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Joshua Bonin

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking
because her trust is not on the branch but on her own wings
वृक्षे सीदन्पक्षी शाखाखंडनान्न बिभेति
यतः सः शाखायां न स्वपक्षायोस्तु विश्वसिति

Sanskrit Translation of Name for Tattoo of Michael Lobby

Laura Ann Lobby [low-raa an lob bee] = लोरा एन लॉबी

24 June 2015

Tibetan Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Marcin Skwarek

You are the universe, expressing itself as a human for a little while
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Sanskrit Translation of Sentence for Tattoo of Joe Marie Bulatao

We all have been insane once = सर्वे वयमेकदा मूर्खाः भूताः