24 October 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Nina Dergunova

Name 1.Nina pronunciation [ n-i-n-a ] = निना

Name 2.Darya pronunciation [ Da-r`ya] = दर्या

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Ivan Fernandez

1.Light = प्रकाश

2.Courage = धैर्य

3.Life = जीवन

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Ramani Dorai Raj

Name 1._Raajeev = राजीव

Name 2. Rishi = ऋषि

Name 3.Ramani = रामाणि

Hindi Tattoos Words Translation for KellY Nijp

1. Kelly [pronunciation] ke-lly = केली

2. Gustavo [pronunciation]Gu-sta-vo = गुस्टॅव्हो

3.loves = प्यार करती है

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Rishil Patel

Mital [Mi-Tal] = मितल

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Izabella Sargsyan

Love, believe, achieve = अनुरज, विश्वसिहि, प्राप्नुहि

Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for Pankaj Chandwani - Sonu

First word: Maya = माया

Second word: Moti = मोती

Third word: Power = ताकत

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Jennifer Leigh Anderson

1.breathe = श्वसिहि

2.gratitude = कृतज्ञता

3.evolve [increase/develop] = क्रमस्व

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Scott Evans Wheadon

live without regrets = जीव पश्चात्तापेन विना

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Prakas M Nathan

1.Lavanya Lav-anya = लावण्या

2.Prakas Pra-kash = प्रकाश

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Pierre - Raphaël CORVEZ

Come and See = आगच्छ पश्य च

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Sheetal Mistry

Sheetal = शीतल

Hindi Tattoos Names Translation for LEANDRA NAICKER

Name 1.LEANDRA [pronunciation] LEE-AN-DRA = लीएँड्रा

Name 2.KUBENDREN [pronunciation]_KU-BEN-DREN = कुबेंड्रेन

Sanskrit Tattoos Phrase Translation for Kimmy Mak van Kooten

one love = एकप्रेम

23 October 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for David Gutherz

1.Aimee [pronunciation] AY-mee = एमी

Name 2.Penelope [pronunciation] peh-NEH-lo-pee = पेनेलोपी

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Tim Mueller

Laura [Law - ra] = लॉरा

Tim [Tim] = टिम

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Lauren Strate

Do all things with love = सर्वं प्रेम्णा कुरु

Cooper [pronunciation]coo-per = कूपर

Sheldon [pronunciation]shel-dun = शेल्डन

Love = प्रेम

Do all things with love- I will follow you into the dark
सर्वं प्रेम्णा कुरु - अंधःकारे त्वामनुगमिष्यामि

[ I ] Love you forever
शाश्वतं त्वामनुरजामि

Sheldon [SHEL-DIN] = शेल्डिन

Hindi Tattoos Phrase Translation for Megan Hines

Patience and Fortitude = सहनशीलता और मन की शक्ती

Sanskrit Tattoos Word Translation for Elizabeth Miranda

maitrī = मैत्री

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Alison Filewicz

It is written = लिखितमेतद्‌

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Chantelle Bonnie

mother = माता

sister = भगिनी

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Danny McKinlay

Joanne [pronunciation] Jo-anne = जोएन

Sanskrit Tattoos Name Translation for Ashley Ramprashad

Devika = देविका

Hindi Tattoos Name Translation for Dariana Car

Dariana [pronunciation] Dare-re-ah-na = डेरिआना

Sanskrit Tattoos Words Translation for Adinutza Michelle

1. Rowan (pronunciation = Ro-wan) = रोवॅन

2. Serendipity = भाग्यवशता

3. Brian (pronunciation = bra-ian) = ब्रायन

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for MIKSHA SINGH

MIKSHA = मिक्षा

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Lee Fernandes

God take my will and my life
ईश्वर ममेच्छां मम जीवनं चादत्स्व

22 October 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentence Translation for Alexandra Laing - Sandy

love conquers all = प्रेम सर्वान्‌ जयति

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Obrejan, Marius, VF-RO

1.LUCA____ [pronunciation] LU-CA = लुका

2.DOMINIC____ [pronunciation]DO-MI-NIC = डॉमिनिक

Sanskrit Tattoos Names Translation for Iulian Nenciu

1.Simona [Si-Mo-Na] = सिमोना

2.Constantin [Con-Stan-Tin] = कॉन्स्टँटिन

3.1988 = १९८८