13 October 2013

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Karan Bhathija

If you stop struggling, then you stop life
यदि प्रयासाद्विरमसि तर्हि जीवनं विरमसि

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Roland Hodde

Demon To Some = केभ्यः राक्षसः

Angel To Others = अन्येभ्यः देवदूतः

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Ashan Bogollagama

It is better to travel well than to arrive = आगमनात्सुयात्रास्ति श्रेयसी

10 October 2013

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentences for Tattoo of Kerry Lundy

Every breath is magical = प्रत्येकश्वासः ऐंद्रजालिकः अस्ति

Every Heart Beat is Holy = हृदयस्य प्रत्येकस्पंदनं पवित्रमस्ति

Om ShantiH = ॐ शांतिः

Calm the mind, Be Present = मनः शाम्य, उपतिष्ठस्व

Sanskrit Translation of English Name for Tattoo of Laurine GRIL

Canaillou [ka-na-yoo] = कॅनॅयू

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Cailee Layton

In the city = नगरे

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Santhip Krishnan Kanholy

All and none = सर्वं न कोऽपि च

Sanskrit Translation of English Sentence for Tattoo of Alecu Remus

Nothing lasts forever = न किमपि शाश्वतमस्ति

02 October 2013

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrases for Tattoo of Simone Smit

Love - The song of the universe = प्रेम - गीतं विश्वस्य

Joy - Infinity of Existence = हर्षः - अस्तित्वस्यानंतता

Sanskrit Translation of English Phrase for Tattoo of Keturah Stewart

Shiva Shanti Sisterhood = शिव शांति भगिनीभाव

Sanskrit Translation of English Words for Tattoo of Kit Smithe

love = प्रेम

honor = सन्मान

strength = बल