20 March 2009

Sanskrit Tattoos Sentences Translation for James Spry

when the rich wage war it's the poor that die
यदा धनिकाः युध्यंते, दरिद्राः म्रियंते

the only thing that's worse than one is none
शून्यमेव निकृष्टतरमेकापेक्षायाः

let's put a smile on that face
तस्मिन्मुखे स्मितं स्थापयाम

Maybe we've outgrown all the things that we once loved
[we are too old to enjoy and love the things that we used to]
वयमतीव वृद्धाः अनुभवितुमनुरक्तुं च वस्तूनि

यथा पूर्वं कृतमस्माभिः

If you wana make the world a better place take a look at youself and make that change
यदि जगत्भद्रतरस्थानं कर्तुमिच्छसि,

स्वात्मानं पश्य तत्पतिवर्तनं कुरु च